Citation: | QI Hao-di, FU Xiu-hua, PAN Yong-gang, SHI Peng, WANG Ben, LIN Zhao-wen, DONG Suo-tao, ZHAO Bao-liang, LI Shuang. Development of multi-channel negative filter film in bioluminescence system[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO-2024-0144 |
With the rapid development of bioluminescence technology, the demand for high-precision signal transmission has increased significantly. The spectral characteristic of the filter film, as the core component of the system, directly affects the accuracy of signal transmission. In this study, Nb2O5 and SiO2 were selected as high and low refractive index materials, respectively. A multi-channel negative filter was optimized using the Gaussian apodization function and Optilayer software. The filter film was deposited on a D263T substrate using an inductively coupled magnetron sputtering technique. The effect of thickness control errors on spectral shift and passband transmittance was addressed through inverse film sensitivity analysis. The effect of process parameters on film roughness was investigated, and it was found that adjusting the ICP power could effectively improve film roughness. When the developed multi-channel negative filter was tested at a 45° angle of incidence, the reflectance half-bandwidths of the center wavelengths of 576 nm, 639 nm, and 690 nm were 5 nm, 6 nm and 7 nm, respectively, with an average reflectance of about 98%. The average transmittance in the transmission ranges of 545−562 nm, 597−624 nm, 655−675 nm, and 708−755 nm was 92%. The multi-channel negative filter successfully passed both the environmental resistance test and the spectral stability test, thus meeting the application requirements of the multi-channel negative filter in the bioluminescence system.
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