In traditional multi-line laser 3D reconstruction technology, due to the inevitable noise affecting the multi-line laser lines, the extracted laser center coordinates often contain specific errors. These errors can lead to the inability to obtain high-precision 3D data when using matching points found based on epipolar constraints for 3D reconstruction directly. To address this issue, we propose a method based on geometric estimation to achieve 3D reconstruction of multi-line lasers. First, by calibrating the quadratic surface equations of the multi-line laser, combined with the binocular epipolar constraint method, the initial matching points of the multi-line laser can be calculated. After finding the correct initial matching points, a geometric distance minimization estimation model can be established using the distance constraint from points to epipolar lines. This geometric distance refers to the distance from the laser center points in the left and right images to their corresponding epipolar lines. New matching points that better conform to the epipolar constraints can be recalculated through this geometric distance minimization optimization estimation. Finally, these new matching points can be used to complete the 3D reconstruction of the multi-line laser. Compared to the traditional method based on epipolar constraints, the algorithm proposed in this paper performs better in matching and accuracy. The accuracy of the final 3D reconstruction can reach about 0.02 mm. This method can significantly improve the overall accuracy of binocular multi-line laser reconstruction, thereby obtaining more accurate and reliable 3D data.
In order to solve problems involved in high-precision surface map testing of coaxial high-order aspherical surfaces, this paper proposes a null compensation testing method based on CGH. Based on this method, the separation of the diffraction order in the coaxial aspherical compensation design can be effectively realized, and the null compensation design of the mirror to be measured can also be realized. Combined with engineering examples, this paper realizes a null compensation testing design for a coaxial high-order aspherical mirror with a 260 mm aperture. The CGH design results show that the theoretical design testing residual can reach 0 nm RMS value based on the design method described in this paper. The practical testing of the coaxial high-order aspherical mirror was also completed. To further analyze the testing results, error analysis was carried out on the error source in the testing process, to verify the reliability and accuracy of the method.
This paper proposes a novel modified uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (MUTC-PD) featuring an electric field regulation layer: a p-type doped thin layer inserted behind the PD’s n-doped cliff layer. This electric field regulation layer enhances the PD’s performance by not only reducing and smoothing the electric field intensity in the collector layer, allowing photo-generated electrons to transit at peak drift velocity, but also improving the electric field intensity in the depleted absorber layer and optimizing the photo-generated carriers’ saturated transit performance. Additionally, the proposed design improves the PD’s parasitic capacitance effect by incorporating a long collector layer designed to reduce the PD’s junction capacitance. The electron’s peak drift velocity compensates for the lost transit time. Thus optimizing the 3 dB bandwidth of the PD’s photo response. The final performance optimization obtains a MUTC-PD with a 3 dB bandwidth of 68 GHz at a responsivity of 0.502 A/W, making it suitable for 100 Gbit/s optical receivers.
Precise timing plays a vital roel in national economic development, scientific and technological progress, national defense and military security. The optical frequency standard based on two-photon transition is expected to become a practical miniaturized optical frequency standard due to its significant advantages such as high stability, good reproducibility and easy miniaturization. In this paper, the basic principle of two-photon transition is briefly described, and the research status and progress of rubidium atomic optical frequency standards based on two-photon transition at home and abroad are introduced. Finally, it is concluded that the future development trends of rubidium atomic optical frequency standards based on two-photon transition is system miniaturization, performance improvement, integrated application and engineering.
In this paper, we present optical transportation in metamaterial waveguide arrays (MMWAs) that exhibit Bloch-like oscillations (BLOs). The metamaterial waveguide array is created by laterally combining the metal and dielectric layers in Fibonacci sequence. By mapping the field distribution of a Gaussian wave packet in the corresponding waveguide arrays, the mechanical evolution is visualized directly in a classical wave environment. On the basis of this approach, three types of oscillation modes are obtained at different incident positions in the ninth generation Fibonacci structure, where no thickness gradient or refractive index gradient is introduced in any layer. Furthermore, the spreading period of the BLOs increases with a redshift of the incident wavelength for both ninth and tenth generation Fibonacci MMWAs, providing a valuable way to manipulate the emergence of BLOs.
在图像处理领域,合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像的分析因其广泛的应用而具有重要的作用。然而,这些图像往往受到相干斑点噪声的影响,严重降低了图像质量。传统的去噪技术通常依赖于滤波器设计,存在效率低下和适应性有限的问题。为应对这些挑战,本研究提出了一种基于增强残差网络架构的SAR图像去噪算法,旨在提高SAR图像在复杂电磁环境中的实用性。该算法集成了残差网络模块,直接利用噪声输入图像生成去噪输出,从而显著降低了计算复杂性以及模型训练的难度。此外,算法引入了自适应激活函数Meta-ACON,通过动态调整神经元的激活模式,增强了网络的特征提取能力。该去噪方法的有效性通过使用来自RSOD数据集的真实SAR图像进行实证验证,在EPI, SSIM, ENL保持优秀性能的同时,PSNR有了显著提升,相比于传统算法及深度学习算法,PSNR提高两倍性能以上。结果表明,该算法在减轻斑点噪声的同时,能够很好地保留图像中的重要特征。
For space-borne gravitational wave detection missions based on heterodyne interferometry principle, tilt-to-length (TTL) coupling noise is an important optical noise source, exerting significant influence on the accuracy of the measurement system. This paper presents a method for analyzing TTL coupling noise under the joint influence of multiple factors...
A new type of 785nm semiconductor laser device has been proposed. The thin cladding and mode expansion layer structure incorporated into the epitaxy on the p-side significantly impacts the regulation of grating etching depth. Thinning of the P-side waveguide layer makes the light field bias to the N-side cladding layer. By coordinating the confinement effect of the cladding layer, the light confinement factor on the p-side is regulated. Moreover, to improve the output performance of the device, a new epitaxial structure has been optimized.
高精度惯性传感器在航天、导航和精密测量等领域具有广泛的应用前景,对其噪声进行高精度评估具有重要意义。本文提出了一种基于Ray Tracing技术的残气噪声仿真方法。首先,基于真实的惯性传感器模型,模拟在轨条件下残余气体在惯性传感器电极笼中的运动,获得残气加速度噪声的统计特性;其次,探究了不同压强和温度对残余气体噪声的影响;最后,分析了敏感轴的残余气体噪声对非敏感轴的间隙大小的依赖关系。仿真结果表明:利用Ray Tracing技术能够模拟追踪残余气体与敏感结构相互作用过程,实现残气加速度噪声在10<sup>-15</sup>量级的高精度仿真。温度和压强对残气加速度噪声水平具有显著影响,且电极笼与测试质量的间隙减小将导致惯性传感器残气噪声功率谱增大。
为满足空间引力波探测皮米级测距精度的需求,本文提出了一种星间光学测距噪声链路指标优化方法。该方法通过对设计参数指标进行优化,在确保星间测距精度的同时提高航天器设计方案的技术可行性。首先,明确优化问题的设计参数及目标函数,结合Sobol敏感性分析有效识别出关键参数。随后,采用非支配排序遗传算法(NSGAII)对优化问题进行求解,从帕累托解集中筛选出符合需求的最优方案。在此基础上,确定各参数的设计指标并初步构建指标树。通过仿真实验验证了方法的可行性,结果表明:遵循本文方法优化噪声链路指标,能够在满足8 pm/√Hz光学测距噪声要求的同时,获得技术可行性最高的设计方案。本研究为后续航天器设计阶段指标体系的构建提供了有效的参考框架与思路,具有良好的适用性,为未来的引力波探测任务奠定了基础。
为了精确评估空间引力波探测任务中检验质量所受到的磁场波动、磁场梯度波动噪声,本文提出了多阶段偏差修正模型MSBCM对检验质量处磁场进行精确重建。在集成学习方法的基础上,本文构建了标准全连接神经网络模块和残差全连接神经网络模块作为多阶段偏差修正模型的弱预测模型,每个弱预测模型都将对前序模型的预测偏差进行修正,最终构成强预测模型,实现对检验质量处磁场的精确重建。在对LISA Pathfinder、eLISA和太极二号空间引力波探测航天器的检验质量处磁场重建实验中,MSBCM方法相比其他方法在敏感轴方向的平均相对误差最小。模拟在轨实验中,MSBCM方法重建检验质量1敏感轴方向的磁场波动和磁场梯度波动加速度噪声的均方根误差分别为1.68×10-17 (m/s2/Hz1/2)和4.00×10-17 (m/s2/Hz1/2)。此外,MSBCM在重建检验质量2敏感轴方向的磁场波动和磁场梯度加速度噪声的均方根误差仅次于距离加权法,分别为1.72×10-16 (m/s2/Hz1/2) 和2.93×10-16 (m/s2/Hz1/2),充分验证了本文提出方法在评估在轨空间引力波探测检验质量处磁场的优势。
作为低低跟踪重力卫星GRACE任务的后续任务,激光干涉重力卫星任务GRACE Follow On双星之一的加速度计载荷在运行一个月后出现了异常,造成了关键科学测量数据的缺失,同时在GRACE服役期最后阶段也出现了类似情况。由此,加速度计数据恢复技术研究对GRACE尤其是GRACE Follow On任务探测目标的实现极为重要。本文提出了一种基于机器学习中的回声状态网络模型来实现加速度计数据恢复与重建的全新方法。基于回声状态网络模型,构建双星之间加速度计数据的映射关系,并通过贝叶斯优化提高网络性能,可实现对缺失加速度计数据的高精度高效率的重建。通过实测数据的实验比对,在重力场探测信号频段,模型预测结果在沿轨道方向和径向两个高灵敏轴可达到(甚至部分频段优于)10^(-8)m∙s-2/√Hz量级水平,在轨道法向低灵敏轴到达10^(-8)m∙s-2/√Hz~10^(-7)m∙s-2/√Hz水平,这一重建精度达到甚至部分优于GRACE官方数据移植精度,可初步应用于重力场反演,实现低低跟踪任务加速度计高精度数据产品恢复。
深度频率调制干涉技术(DFM)是实现空间引力波探测激光干涉测量系统简化的有效方案。当前DFM干涉技术普遍使用kHz级调制,导致激光功率噪声耦合进入系统,增加本底噪声,从而难以满足高精度空间测量的要求。本文提出将DFM调制频率提升至MHz量级以减少激光功率噪声影响,通过深入分析DFM技术原理,采用贝塞尔函数展开、正交解调和推广J1...J4方法设计了DFM干涉相位信号提取方法。基于MHz级信号处理需求,完成了相位测量系统的软硬件构建,并对系统在多种工况下的性能进行测试与评估。测试结果表明:相位测量系统的具有良好的线性度和准确度,且在不同工况下,2 mHz ~ 1 Hz频段内的相位噪声均优于 2π µrad/√Hz,能够满足空间引力波探测的相位测量需求。
检验质量刚度与位移耦合噪声作为残余加速度噪声的重要组成部分,极大影响空间引力波探测性能,需要辨识刚度以验证、优化控制效果,满足噪声抑制需求。针对非同轴检验质量布局,本文提出了一种基于双敏感轴分解的刚度辨识方法。首先,构建检验质量与航天器间的相对动力学模型,并将模型参数沿双敏感轴分解从而剥离航天器加速度扰动和主要的角加速度扰动对在轨辨识的影响。其次,结合星内激光干涉仪、惯性传感器和相关控制环路,设计在轨辨识方案并提出采用递归最小二乘辨识刚度的方法。最后,开展数值仿真实验以验证方法性能。实验结果表明:本文提出的刚度辨识方法可有效辨识检验质量敏感轴刚度,在给定仿真条件下平均绝对误差小于5×10<sup>-9</sup> s<sup>-2</sup>,均方根误差小于1.5×10<sup>-8</sup> s<sup>-2</sup>,最大稳态误差小于2×10<sup>-9</sup> s<sup>-2</sup>,可应用于后续引力波科学探测任务中。
目的:为了实现精密制造中关键部件残余应力的高精度检测,建立了电光调制椭偏应力传感系统。对工程中常见的304不锈钢材料在单轴拉伸应力条件下的椭偏信号响应进行了研究。方法:首先,基于反射椭偏的基本原理,建立了不同光轴方向上椭偏信号与单轴拉伸金属试样寻常折射率和异常折射率的关系。其次,针对不锈钢材料,优化了椭偏应力传感的工作点。通过对比消光点和非零线性工作点的椭偏信号,证明了非零线性条件适用于应力信号的传感。最后,针对不同光轴方向下,应力引起的椭偏信号进行了测量。结果:实验结果表明:针对304不锈钢,系统的最低应力检测限为7.84 kPa,系统的应力检测精度优于7.84 kPa。结论:该系统可用于精密制造中,金属工件高精度应力检测的要求。
Restoration of phase aberrations are crucial for addressing atmospheric turbulence involved light propagation.Traditional Zernike polynomial methods face high computational complexity and poor capture of high-frequency components, so we propose a Principal Component Analysis-based representation method. This paper analyzes factors affecting restoration accuracy, focusing on the size of sample space and sampling interval of D/r0 ,with r0 being the atmospheric coherence length and D being the pupil diameter, Results show PCA outperforms Zernike methods, especially in strong turbulence, and larger sampling intervals improve accuracy with less data.These findings pave a way to use PCs of phase aberrations with less orders than traditional ZPs to achieve data dimensionality reduction, and offer a reference to accelerate and stabilize the model based and deep learning based adaptive optics correction.
摘 要:太赫兹分子指纹谱是一种非常有潜力的无标记检测方法,在实际应用往往需要对微量甚至痕量样品检测。然而太赫兹波的波长远远大于待测分子的尺寸,导致波与痕量物质之间的相互作用较为微弱,需要额外结构来增强样品对电磁波的吸收。本文在金属基底上构造了倒置的非对称介质光栅结构,该结构利用导模共振(Guided-mode resonance,GMR)和连续域束缚态(Bound state In Continuum,BIC)显著提升了薄膜样品的太赫兹吸收谱。同时仅需测量反射吸收信号就可以得到薄膜增强吸收谱,而且样品涂覆于倒置的介质光栅平坦的背面,易于制备。当该结构用于0.2 μm的α-乳糖薄膜厚度为时,吸收谱幅度增强达到236倍。该结构为太赫兹波段痕量分析物的检测提供了一种新的方法。 关键词:太赫兹;指纹谱;吸收增强;超光栅;金属基底
This study presents a sensitivity-enhanced tilt sensor based on femtosecond fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs). The sensor design follows static mechanics principles, where strain increases when displaced from the neutral axis. The novel use of femtosecond FBGs further enhances the sensor’s sensitivity and reliability compared to conventional FBGs. Finite element analysis (FEA) identified the optimal distance of 4.4 mm for maximum strain. A prototype sensor was manufactured and tested within a tilt range of -30° to 30°. Experimental results show an improved sensitivity of 129.95 pm/° and linearity of 0.9997. The sensor demonstrated repeatability (error < 0.94%), creep resistance (error < 0.30%), and temperature stability (error < 0.90%). Deployed in an underground pipeline project, it successfully monitored tilt highlighting its potential for structural health monitoring (SHM).
Conventional soliton mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser is realized by MAX phases material (MAX-PM) of Nb4AlC3 as saturable absorber. First, Nb4AlC3 nanosheets are prepared by liquid phase exfoliation method, and a piece of taper-fiber is adopted to fabricate Nb4AlC3-SA. The saturation intensity and modulation depth of the Nb4AlC3-SA are 2.02 MW/cm2 and 1.88 %. Based on the Nb4AlC3-SA, conventional soliton (CS) mode-locked EDF laser is achieved. The central wavelength, pulse duration, and pulse repetition rate are 1565.65 nm, 615.37 fs, and 24.63 MHz. The performance are competitive and particularly superior in terms of pulse duration. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of Nb4AlC3 material is used as modulator for ultrafast pulse generation. The work fully confirms that Nb4AlC3 possesses marvellous nonlinear saturable absorption property, as well broadens new avenues and opportunities for further research of air-stable ultrafast photonic devices.
Multiple functional metasurfaces with high information capacity have attracted considerable attention from researchers. This study proposes a 2-bit tunable decoupled coded metasurface designed for the terahertz band, which utilizes the tunable properties of Dirac semimetals (DSM) to create a novel multilayer structure. By incorporating both geometric and propagating phases into the metasurface design, we can effectively control the electromagnetic wave. When the Fermi energy level of the DSM is set at 6 meV, the electromagnetic wave is manipulated by the DSM patch to operate at a frequency of 1.3 THz. Conversely, at a Fermi energy level of 80 meV, the electromagnetic wave is similarly controlled to function at a frequency of 1.4 THz. Both modes enable independent control of beam splitting under left-rotating circularly polarized (LCP) and right-rotating circularly polarized (RCP) wave excitation, resulting in the generation of vortex beams with distinct orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes. The findings of this study hold significant potential for enhancing information capacity and polarization multiplexing techniques in wireless communications.
The sensitivity of phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflecting (Φ-OTDR) system is limited by the intrinsic system noise such as the phase noise of the laser, the spontaneous emission noise of the erbium-doped fiber amplifier, and the shot noise and thermal noise of the photodetector, as well as the random noise in the environment. Therefore, the noise reduction algorithms based on the optical time-domain reflecting data is investigated to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the system without degrading the frequency response range. And the Savitzky-Golay smoothing algorithm is proposed by selecting a slidable window with fixed-length to process OTDR data for the SNR improvement, while maintaining the system sampling frequency, and then, the experimental system is built to demonstrate the results. The experimental results show that by using the Savitzky-Golay smoothing algorithm, the SNR of the system is improved by 5.41dB relative to that by difference method with the original data, and the SNR is improved by 3.39dB and 5.05dB respectively, compared to the commonly used cumulative averaging method and sliding averaging method. It is demonstrated that the Savitzky-Golay smoothing algorithm can improve the sensitivity and accuracy of the Φ-OTDR system, which helps to accurately sense weak vibration events and reduce false alarm rate.
Third-order Raman fiber amplifier is used in long-haul unrepeatered optical transmission due to its higher gain and lower noise figure. Third-order Raman fiber amplifier is an advanced technology in Raman amplification, and currently there is very limited research on it in China. The relationship between the pump configuration and performance of the amplifier is not clear yet. Therefore, this paper analyzes the influence of second-order pump seed light on third-order Raman fiber amplifiers through experiments. Firstly, the feasibility of not using second-order pump seed light is qualitatively analyzed. Then it is experimentally verified that in the absence of second-order pump seed light, the third-order Raman fiber amplifier can still achieve signal light gain, but its efficiency will decrease. A 47-channel 200 km wavelength division multiplexing transmission system is constructed, the experimental results show that the third-order Raman fiber amplifier can amplify the signal light without second-order pump seed light, but the introduce of the second-order pump seed light can significantly improve its performance. A second-order pump seed light with only 25 mW can achieve a minimum signal power gain of 3.7 dB, an average gain of 6 dB, and an average signal-to-noise ratio gain of 1.6 dB. Eliminating second-order pump seed light can reduce costs, but introducing a second-order pump seed light brings significant performance improvements to third-order Raman amplifiers.
Scanning interference field exposure (SBIL) is an effective way to fabricate monomeric large-area high-precision gratings. Using dual-frequency laser interferometer feedback table position to splicing interference fringes accurately, the measurement error will inevitably introduce grating engraving error and reduce the diffraction wavefront quality of grating. The intrinsic error caused by the structure of laser interferometer is analyzed, and the evaluation method of the intrinsic error index of laser interferometer in complex environment is proposed. The theoretical models of dead path error and measuring optical path variation error combined with actual working conditions and empirical formulas are established. By constructing translation and rotation operators, the coupling relationship between rotation and displacement of any point of the table is deduced, and the measurement errors under different table attitude roll angles are simulated. The displacement error experiment and grating scanning exposure experiment are carried out. The experimental results show that the displacement error is consistent with the theoretical calculation results. The diffraction wavefront of the 200 mm×200 mm grating is 0.278λ@632.8nm. The analytical method in this paper connects the transmission link between the grating diffraction wavefront and the measurement error, and lays a theoretical and experimental foundation for the fabrication of meter-size nano-precision holographic gratings.
In order to study the polarization characteristics of typical airport ground materials, this paper provides a theoretical model. This model is required for the development of polarization imaging instruments. Based on the P-G model, it first analyzes serious shadow masking effects. These effects occur when light is incident at a large angle. It then optimizes the shadow masking function using the spherical trigonometry formula. This optimization equates the specular reflection point to a three-dimensional sphere. Due to the unique dispersion characteristics of different targets, a new bidirectional polarization distribution function (BPDF) model is introduced. This model replaces the traditional BRDF parameter affected by wavelength and body scattering. The new BPDF model integrates diffuse reflection and body scattering. In the experimental stage, the accuracy of line polarization degree is calibrated. The line polarization degree of typical airport ground material is fitted with model parameters. This fitting is based on the dynamic TS algorithm through multi-angle BRDF experiments. The fitting model's six parameters are used to obtain the root mean square roughness parameter. This process verifies the validity of the modified BPDF model. In the simulation stage, the root mean square error (RMSE) is used as the accuracy index. The modified BPDF model, control model, and experimental results are compared. This comparison analyzes the effects of detection angle, azimuth angle, and incidence angle on polarization characteristics. The accuracies of four experimental targets improved by 4.39%, 4.00%, 4.17%, and 5.26%. This is compared with the control model. The root mean square error is less than 0.05 for large detection angles. This allows the modified model to study polarization characteristics of rough materials like airport ground targets. Finally, the effect of fitting parameters on polarization characteristics is simulated. Results show that line polarization is positively related to the refractive index. It is inversely related to surface roughness. The accuracy of the modified BPDF model is thus proved. This provides ideas for studying polarization characteristics of airport ground targets.
To identify orbital angular momentum (OAM) with imbalanced label, a derived model based on global cost SMOTE and deep extreme learning machine (DELM) has been proposed. Different from typical machine learning methods, the proposed model can obtain the analytical expression of the mapping model. It will avoid the repeated parameter optimization process, thus building a suitable model for time-varying engineering applications. In the data generation stage, the inverse matrix of covariance is used to remove the dimension influence, and the differences of the same sample set are measured effectively. In the model selection stage, considering the transmission characteristics of light signal in atmosphere turbulence, the DELM is adopted to quantify the mapping relationship between light spots and labels. Then the FISTA algorithm helps to calculate the analytical expression of the model. Experiments are carried out on different intensity atmospheric turbulence data sets. The representative comparative methods include WELM and K-nearest neighbor. Experimental results show that the root mean square error(RMSE) of the proposed method achieve
This paper presents a topological load difference detection technique for the orbital angular momentum of vortex beams. Two vortex beams with different topological charges obtained the periodic intensity distribution. The orbital angular momentum of the vortex beam to be measured can be quickly and accurately calculated by reading the number of spots in one period. The traditional interference and diffraction methods need to receive the complete vortex beam. In contrast, the topological charge difference method only needs to receive a small amount of vortex beam to measure. This has great advantages in the measurement of high-order and large-scale vortex beams. It has potential applications in long-distance free-space optical communication of vortex beams.
To realize effective co-phasing adjustment in large-aperture sparse-aperture telescopes, a multichannel stripe tracking approach is employed, allowing simultaneous interferometric measurements of multiple optical paths and circumventing the need for pairwise measurements along the mirror boundaries in traditional interferometric methods. This approach enhances detection efficiency and reduces system complexity. Here, the principles of the multibeam interference process and construction of a co-phasing detection module based on direct optical fiber connections were analyzed using wavefront optics theory. Error analysis was conducted on the system surface obtained through multipath interference. Potential applications of the interferometric method were explored. Finally, the principles of the multipath interference process were experimentally revealed. Evidently, flat-field calibration and incoherent digital synthesis enhanced the fringe contrast to more than 0.4, with the dynamic range exceeding 10 times the working center wavelength (
In phase-shifting profilometry, the non-standard phase-shifting profilometry combined with the temporal phase unwrapping algorithm requires fewer fringe patterns, thereby achieving higher measurement efficiency. Given that fringe frequency has a significant effect on measurement accuracy, this paper analyzes phase errors in the temporal phase unwrapping of the non-standard phase-shifting profilometry and further evaluates its reliability. It is found that the reliability of phase unwrapping is closely related to the allocation of fringe frequencies. Consequently, an optimal fringe frequency allocation strategy is proposed. Based on this strategy, this paper conducts comparative experiments on different frequency combinations of non-standard phase-shifting profilometry, and the experimental results show that compared with the non-optimal frequency combinations of the 3
Due to the constraints of volume and weight in spacecraft, it is challenging to simultaneously obtain large aperture, high resolution and hyperspectral information in satellite remote sensing systems. This paper proposes a novel hyperspectral imaging system that utilizes a shared primary and secondary mirror design, along with a coaxial five-mirror optical path for multi-channel separation. By integrating Offner convex grating spectroscopy, the system enables hyperspectral detection from the visible to the long-wave infrared spectrum. Design results indicate that with a primary mirror diameter of
CMOS image sensor is one of the most widely used sensors, widely used in aerospace, medical imaging, industrial detection, military reconnaissance and other fields.The laser interference and damage of CMOS image sensor has also become a research hotspot in related fields at home and abroad. To investigate the impact of pulsed laser on back-illuminated CMOS image sensors, this paper selects the Sony IMX178 back-illuminated CMOS image sensor as the target material. Based on the heat conduction equation, the finite element simulation software COMSOL Multiphysics is used to compare and calculate the temperature distribution of the CMOS image sensor under the irradiation of single-pulse lasers with different parameters.The calculation results indicate that the point damage thresholds of the sensor under the effects of single-pulse lasers at 532 nm (1 ns),
In order to explore the effect of titanium dioxide (TiO2)/poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS) nanofilms on the Kretschmann-type surface plasmon resonance sensor, the spectral changes of the sensor after depositing TiO2/PSS nanofilms of different thicknesses were systematically studied. The reasons for the spectral changes were further explained and discussed theoretically. First, TiO2/PSS multilayer films were deposited in situ on the surface of the glass chip sputtered with a gold layer via electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly technology, and the corresponding reflection spectra of the sensor were recorded in real time. Then, the original reflectance spectrum data was processed to make the spectral curve clearer and more visible. Finally, the experimental results were simulated and analyzed using MATLAB software programming. The results show that as the number of TiO2/PSS bilayers increased, four different types of reflection peaks successively appeared in the sensor’s spectra in the 450−900 nm wavelength range. The four types of reflection peaks correspond to the surface plasmon resonance mode, the first-order mode, the second-order mode, and the third-order mode of the transverse magnetic mode of the sensor, respectively. This indicates that the Kretschmann-type sensor’s sensing mode and reflection spectrum type can be modulated by controlling the thickness of TiO2/PSS thin films.
Aiming at the problems in existing infrared and visible image fusion methods, such as the difficulty in fully extracting and preserving the source image details, contrast, and blurred texture details, this paper proposes an infrared and visible image fusion method guided by cross-domain interactive attention and contrastive learning. First, a dual-branch skip connection detail enhancement network was designed to separately extract and enhance detail information from infrared and visible images, using skip connections to prevent information loss and generate enhanced detail images. Next, a fusion network combining a dual-branch encoder and cross-domain interactive attention module was constructed to ensure sufficient feature interaction during fusion, and the decoder was used to reconstruct the final fused image. Then, a contrastive learning network was introduced, performing shallow and deep attribute and content contrastive learning from the contrastive learning block, optimizing feature representation, and further improving the performance of the fusion network. Finally, to constrain network training and retain the inherent features of the source images, a contrast-based loss function was designed to assist in preserving source image information during fusion. The proposed method is qualitatively and quantitatively compared with current state-of-the-art fusion methods. Experimental results show that the eight objective evaluation metrics of the proposed method significantly outperform the comparison methods on the TNO, MSRS, and RoadSence datasets. The fused images produced by the proposed method have rich detail textures, enhanced sharpness, and contrast, effectively improving target recognition and environmental perception in real-world applications such as road traffic and security surveillance.
In order to solve the problem of RF discharge impedance matching of high-power fast axial flow CO2 lasers, an impedance matching network with low reflectivity and high dynamic matching range was designed to realize the efficient utilization of RF excited fast axial flow CO2 lasers under different discharge structures. Based on the impedance matching theory of RF circuits, a multi-electrode equivalent circuit model was constructed, a method of introducing tunable high-voltage ceramic capacitors into the matching network was proposed, and a dynamic L-type matching network suitable for high-power RF excited fast axial flow CO2 lasers was designed. The simulated dynamic L-type matching network can inject 60 kW RF power into 16 discharge tubes and achieve a reflectivity of less than 1% in the range of total load impedance of 12.81 Ω~49.94 Ω. A single-tube RF discharge experimental device was built, and the reflectivity of the dynamic L-type matching network was measured as less than 1% at 4 kW injection power, which was consistent with the simulation results. It is proved that the dynamic L-type matching network with adjustable high-voltage ceramic capacitors can achieve impedance matching in the high dynamic range, which meets the design requirements of high-power RF excited fast axial flow CO2 laser matching circuits.
In this paper, a coal pyrolysis HCN gas concentration detection system based on thermogravimetry-tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TG-TDLAS) was successfully constructed, and the stability and sensitivity of the system were further improved by combining wavelength modulation technology. Taking advantage of the characteristics of HCN with high absorption intensity at wavelength
Microdefects in cavity mirrors utilized in cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) adversely affect measurement accuracy. This paper establishes a microdefect scattering model grounded in Bobbert and Vlieger's Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) theory to analyze the characteristics of scattered light from microdefects under varying wavelengths, incident angles, defect sizes, types, densities, and substrate coatings. Studying the cavity mirror microdefect scattering model shows that defects in the micrometer to submicron range (100 um to 0.1 um) affect the ring-down absorption accuracy. Aiming at detecting microdefects of this order, this paper’s authors constructed analytical models of microdefect scattering and dark field detection of microdefects in cavity mirrors. Establishing and analyzing the scattering light model of CRDS mirror microdefects is critical to realizing the high-precision detection of CRDS mirror microdefects and recovering CRDS measurement accuracy.
Rapid determination of rare earth elements (REEs) in liquid-phase samples is of great significance in the fields of ion-adsorption rare earth resource exploration and exploitation, quality control of extraction processes, recycling of rare earth resources, and nuclear industry wastewater monitoring. In order to reduce the detection limit of REEs in liquid samples by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), superhydrophobic array-assisted spark-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (SHA-SD-LIBS) was used in this study to determine the REEs in liquid-phase samples. Optimal experimental conditions were chosen to measure the REEs with the parameters of La II 394.91 nm, Er 402.051 nm, Ce II 418.66 nm, Nd II 424.738 nm, Gd II 443.063 nm, and Pr 492.46 nm as the characteristic spectral lines, and the calibration curves were established for the quantitative analysis of the solutions of six rare earth elements (La, Er, Ce, Nd, Gd and Pr) with different concentrations. The results show that the fit coefficients R² of the calibration curves were above 0.99. The corresponding detection limits were 0.007 μg/mL, 0.045 μg/mL, 0.011 μg/mL, 0.019 μg/mL, 0.041 μg/mL, and 0.008 μg/mL. The proposed method is a simple, low-cost, and highly efficient way to improve the quality of the liquid-phase sample. Compared with the conventional LIBS method, the proposed method can significantly reduce the detection limit of REEs in liquid phase samples with simple sample preparation and low cost. It can serve as a basis for new rapid and accurate methods of measuring rare earth element types and contents in liquid phase samples.
For segmented detectors, surface flatness is critical as it directly influences both energy resolution and image clarity. Additionally, the limited adjustment range of the segmented detectors necessitates precise benchmark construction. This paper proposes an architecture for detecting detector flatness based on optical fiber interconnection. By measuring the dispersion fringes for coplanar adjustment, the final adjustment residual is improved to better than 300 nm. This result validates the feasibility of the proposed technology and provides significant technical support for the development of next-generation large-aperture sky survey equipment.
To detect gravitational waves in space, the telescope and optical platform require high stability and reliability. However, the cantilevered design presents challenges, especially in the glass-metal hetero-bonding process. This study focuses on the analysis and experimental research of the bonding layer in the integrated structure. By optimizing the structural configuration and selecting suitable bonding processes, the reliability of the telescope system is enhanced. The research indicates that the use of J-133 adhesive achieves the best performance, with a bonding layer thickness of 0.30 mm and a metal substrate surface roughness of Ra 0.8. These findings significantly enhance the reliability of the optical system while minimizing potential risks.
As an advanced technology for observing atmospheric winds, the spaceborne Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne (DASH) interferometer also encounters challenges associated with phase distortion, particularly in limb sounding scenarios. This paper discusses interferogram modeling and phase distortion correction techniques for spaceborne DASH interferometers. The modeling of phase distortion interferograms with and without Doppler shift for limb observation was conducted, and the effectiveness of the analytical expression was verified through numerical simulation. The simulation results indicate that errors propagate layer by layer while using the onion-peeling inversion algorithm to handle phase-distorted interferograms. In contrast, the phase distortion correction algorithm can achieve effective correction. This phase correction method can be successfully applied to correct phase distortions in the interferograms of the spaceborne DASH interferometer, providing a feasible solution to enhance its measurement accuracy.
Owing to the low p-type doping efficiency of GaN-based ultraviolet (UV) vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) hole injection layers (HILs), effective hole injection in multi-quantum wells (MQW) is not achieved, significantly limiting the photoelectric performance of UV VCSELs. By improving hole injection efficiency, the hole concentration in the HIL is increased, and the hole barrier at the electron barrier layer (EBL)/HIL interface is decreased. This minimises the hindering effect of hole injection. In this study, we developed a slope-shaped HIL and an EBL structure in AlGaN-based UV VCSELs. A mathematical model of this structure was established using a commercial software, photonic integrated circuit simulator in three-dimension (PICS3D). We conducted simulations and theoretical analyses of the band structure and carrier concentration. Introducing polarisation doping through the Al composition gradient in the HIL enhanced the hole concentration, thereby improving the hole injection efficiency. Furthermore, modifying the EBL eliminated the abrupt potential barrier for holes at the HIL/EBL interface, smoothing the valence band. This improved the stimulated radiative recombination rate in the MQW, increasing the laser power. Therefore, the sloped p-type layer can enhance the optoelectronic performance of UV VCSELs.
This paper describes what is thought to be the first generation of a continuous wave deep ultraviolet laser at 275 nm by efficient frequency doubling of a blue-diode-pumped Pr:YLF laser at 550 nm. A TEM00 mode deep UV laser radiation at 275 nm with an output power of 351 mW was obtained through the use of novel methods of coating and LD collimating. The authors could not find any prior reports on a Pr:YLF laser operating at 275 nm and believe this paper is the first.
In order to simulate dynamic scenes with high accuracy and high reliability, a short-wave infrared (SWIR) and mid-wave infrared (MWIR) multiband catadioptric common-aperture optical system is designed. The system combines the advantages of reflection, refraction and common-aperture optical path, and is independently designed into the main optical system, short-wave optical system and mid-wave optical system. The initial structure of the optical system is obtained according to theoretical calculation, and the optical parameters are further detailed by optical design software. Finally, according to the principle of pupil matching, the sub-systems are combined. The image quality of the system is further optimized and the rationality of the system design is verified by the simulation of modulation transfer function (MTF) and distortion. The designed short-wave optical system has a field angle of ±0.107°, a focal length of 2500mm, an entry pupil size of 300mm, MTF reaches the diffraction limit, and the distortion is less than 0.3%. The field angle of the mid-wave optical system is ±0.65°, the focal length is 750mm, the entry pupil size is 300mm, the MTF is close to the diffraction limit, and the distortion is less than 1%. The system has good image quality, small size and strong practicability, and has great application potential in the field of photoelectric tracking and space detection.
Laser communication utilizes light waves as the transmission medium. It offers many advantages, including high data rates, expansive bandwidth, compactness, robust interference resistance, and superior confidentiality. It has the critical capability to enable high-speed transmission and secure operation of space information networks. Prominent research institutions have committed to studying a series of challenges that need to be solved in the process of networking laser communication technology, including point-to-multipoint simultaneous laser communication, all-optical switching and forwarding of multi-channel signals within nodes, node dynamic random access, and network topology design. Numerous demonstration and verification experiments have been conducted, with a subset of these research results finding practical applications. Based on the analysis and discussion of space laser communication networking technology, this paper summarizes the development of laser communication networking technology both domestically and internationally, focusing on the application of laser communication networking technology in the fields of satellite constellations, satellite relays, and aviation networks; furthermore, it presents a review of pertinent domestic research methodologies, experimental validations, and technical solutions; finally, it predicts the development trend of laser communication networking technology and applications.
The Terahertz wave possesses characteristics of high penetration, low energy, and fingerprint spectrum, etc., making it widely used in the detection field. Therefore, developing a Terahertz wave detection optical imaging system holds substantial significance and wide application prospects. Firstly, we refer to the structure of Tessar objective lens, which consists four lenses. The balance equations of aberration for the system were established through the application of the aberration theory of the paraxial optical system. Subsequently, we provide a solution function and method of the initial structure parameters of the system. Then, we combine it with optical design software to further correct the aberration of the system. Finally, we design a Terahertz wave detection optical imaging system with a large aperture. The optical system consists of four coaxial refractive lenses with a total focal length of 70 mm, an F-number of 1.4, and a full field of view angle of 8°. The value of modulation transfer function (MTF) in the range of full field of view angle is greater than 0.32 at the Nyquist frequency of 10 lp/mm, and the root mean square (RMS) radius of the diffused spot in each field of view is less than the airy disk radius. Finally, the paper analyzes and discusses the various tolerance types of the system. The results indicate that the Terahertz wave detection optical imaging system, designed in this paper, has a large aperture, a simple, compact form, a lightweight structure, excellent imaging performance and simple processing, which meets the design requirements, and it has important applications in the field of high-resolution detection and other fields within the Terahertz wave band.
This paper presents various aspects of atmospheric refraction to gain insight into the advances in this field. It divides the effects of atmospheric refraction into two categories: the visible-to-infrared bands used in research fields such as optical imaging, laser transmission, and optoelectronic tracking and the radio band used in radar measurements and satellite detection. The calculation formulas for these two bands are different in their practical treatment. This paper introduces the refractive index formulas according to the refractive index formula's development history and points out the limitations of each formula. The current best choice for the former formula is the one summarized by Rüeger scholars; for the latter, it is recommended to choose the radio refractive index formula in the Rec. ITU-R P.453-14. In addition, the relationship between the refractive index of the Earth's surface and altitude, reference data for the refractive index on a global scale, and statistical distributions for the calculation of the refractive index gradient are given in the recommendation. Finally, traditional calculation methods for obtaining atmospheric refraction and optical observation methods are presented. The former study is based on the modeling of atmospheric patterns or meteorological data, formulae for refractive indices in specific regions, or model fitting to satisfy accuracy in a single environment or on an average scale. The optical measurement method does not need an atmospheric model as a basis, nor does it rely on meteorological parameters. The measurement results of the data are real-time and more representative of the path. It can make up for some of shortcomings of the traditional methods, and is more in line with future development trend of the future.
In non-Hermitian systems, controlling the gain or loss of the system can enable the system state transition from PT-symmetry to broken PT-symmetry. This transition leads to a special point known as the exceptional point, where the system eigenvalues and eigenstates become simultaneously degenerate. When combined with metasurfaces, the exceptional point leads to various intriguing optical phenomena, such as asymmetric transmission, exceptional topological phase, and the non-Hermitian skinning effect. However, active metasurfaces introducing gains are difficult to realize experimentally. Therefore, designing passive metasurfaces using equivalent gains through loss becomes a powerful tool in non-Hermitian research. In this paper, we review the theoretical models, research progress, specific applications, and experimental design in the study of the exceptional point on passive non-Hermitian metasurfaces and look forward to the future direction of this field.
Liquid crystal optical phase array (LC OPA) is widely used in lidar, laser communication and laser weapons to scan and control laser beams. In order to optimize the design of LC OPA and high-precision laser beam control, we study the influence of working wavelength, number of pixels, pixel size, and effective grey levels on beam pointing accuracy. Firstly, according to the liquid crystal phase modulation principle , the effective scanning angle and diffraction efficiency of the period grating and the variable period grating methods are simulated and analyzed. Secondly, assuming the phase modulation to be equally divided by the driving voltage, the variation law of the pointing error with the working wavelength, the number of pixels, the pixel size, and the effective grey levels is simulated and analyzed. The multivariable universal formula is also derived. Thirdly, the pointing accuracy of the nonuniform phase modulation is simulated, analyzed, and compared with the results of the uniform phase modulation. Finally, the relationship between the effective grey levels and the pointing error is verified by experiments, and the validity of the empirical formula is preliminarily confirmed. The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the design of LC OPA.
The complex reflective properties of highly reflective surfaces bring overexposure and underexposure problems to surface structured light technology. In order to reconstruct the measured surface completely and accurately, a multiple exposure method is proposed in this paper. The proposed method can predict the exposure time according to the reflective intensity of the measured surface. Firstly, the camera response curve of the imaging system is obtained by projecting a series of uniform gray images at different exposure times, and the irradiance image that can reflect the reflection intensity of the measured surface is calculated. Then, the fuzzy C-means clustering method is used to adaptively segment different irradiance regions of the target and obtain the central irradiance of each region. The optimal exposure time is predicted for different reflection regions based on the camera response curve. Finally, the 3D reconstruction of the highly reflective surface is realized by combining the multiple exposure fusion algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed method can simultaneously reconstruct the strongly reflective area and the excessively dark area of the aluminum alloy surface, with a reconstruction error of less than 0.5 mm, the maximum deviation reduced by 74.78%, and the standard deviation reduced by 48.96%. The proposed method can correctly predict the exposure time according to regional reflection characteristics, effectively overcome the problems of phase loss and phase distortion caused by regional overexposure and regional darkness, and completely and accurately reconstruct different reflection regions of highly reflective surfaces.
In order to meet the needs of broad band, high diffraction efficiency, and polarization independence, a double-layer trapezoidal polarization-independent beam grating is proposed in this paper. Firstly, based on the strict coupled wave theory, a design model of polarization-independent combined beam grating based on a particle swarm optimization algorithm is established, and the efficiency characteristics are optimized by randomly generating characteristic wavelengths. Then, the effects of slot depth, width ratio, side angle, and other structural parameters on the diffraction efficiency and bandwidth of single-layer and double-layer trapezoidal grating are analyzed in detail. Finally, the electric field enhancement characteristics of the two structures are analyzed and discussed. The results show that the polarization independent beam combining grating with double-layer trapezoidal groove achieves a theoretical diffraction efficiency of more than 99% in the bandwidth range of 51 nm (
In this paper, a high-sensitivity temperature and pressure sensor is designed. It utilizes a diaphragm to transfer pressure to a double-hinged lever structure and adopts a fiber Bragg grating (FBG1) as the strain sensor to measure pressure. The introduction of the double-hinged lever effectively improves the sensor's pressure measurement sensitivity. The sensor's measuring range is 0−18 MPa and the sensitivity is 453.16 pm/MPa. At the same time, another fiber Bragg grating (FBG2) is pasted on the lever to eliminate the temperature influence in the pressure measurement process and realize the simultaneous measurement of temperature and pressure. The sensor's temperature sensitivity is 10.41 pm/°C in the 25−65 °C range. Due to their anti-electromagnetic interference characteristics, optical fiber sensors are commonly used to measure temperature and pressure in harsh environments.
In response to the current problem of difficulty in achieving extremely short total length and low sensitivity in medium wave infrared zoom systems under conditions of large zoom ratio and long focal length, we design a low-sensitivity medium wave infrared zoom optical system with a total length of only 337 mm and no need for folding optical paths, through the rational allocation of aspherical and diffractive surfaces, as well as adopting a low sensitivity design method for independent components. By reducing the aberration of each component, the system tolerance sensitivity is reduced. The system achieves a 30× zoom ratio and continuous zoom with a long focal length of 30-900 mm. The system has advantages such as a large zoom ratio, long focal length zoom, extremely short total length, low sensitivity, and good image quality within the entire focal length range. It has significant application advantages for military applications such as target recognition, tracking, and detection in narrow spaces.
The electrowetting triple-liquid lens has excellent zoom performance, but its structural complexity and design difficulty are relatively high. Therefore, we propose a method for optimizing the structural parameters of the electrowetting triple-liquid lens based on joint simulation. To design a triple-liquid lens, Comsol and Zemax software are used to establish triple-liquid lens simulation models under different structural parameters, and its focal lengths under different voltages are obtained. The effects of height and taper on zoom range and initial focal length are analyzed, and a set of structural parameters with the maximum zoom range and the longest initial focal length is determined. To verify the method’s reliability, we prepare the triple-liquid lens models with different heights and tapers, and conduct zoom experiments. The simulation and experimental results show that the initial focal length of the triple-liquid lens correlates positively with height and taper; the zoom range correlates positively with taper, but height is the main influencing factor. When the height is 12 mm and the taper is 20°, the lens has the most extensive zoom range and the longest initial focal length. When the taper is less than 15°, the simulation and experimental results are highly consistent.
Aiming at the problems of low accuracy and easy to fall into local optimal solutions of the existing lens distortion parameter estimation methods, a catadioptric omnidirectional camera lens distortion parameter method based on the improved Aquila Optimization (AO) algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the optimization ability of the AO algorithm is enhanced by integrating chaotic mapping, adaptive adjustment strategy, and population optimization strategy, which solves the problems of slow convergence speed and proneness to falling into local optimal solutions. Secondly, the distribution range of distortion parameters is derived and determined by the corresponding distortion edges of straight lines in the space and the single parameter division model. Then, the optimization objective function containing the distortion parameters is constructed. Finally, the improved AO algorithm is used to find the best distortion parameters for the optimization objective function. After analyzing the correction results of standard gallery images and omnidirectional images, the method proposed in this paper estimates the main point error within 0.5 pixels and the radial aberration coefficient error within 2.5%. It can effectively estimate the lens aberration parameters and realize the omnidirectional image aberration correction. It improves the visual navigation system's image quality under the task of environment perception and is valuable in engineering applications.
With its high torque ratio and stable low-speed operation, the segmented arc permanent magnet synchronous motor (SAPMSM) provides high-performance drive technology support for large-aperture astronomical telescope observations. Improving the motor’s performance is challenging due to various internal and external interferences during its operation, such as parameter distortion, harmonics, etc. To this end, this paper proposes an integral sliding mode controller based on a new reaching law and a hybrid control strategy that combines an expanded state observer and a load observer, aiming to optimize the traditional sliding mode control and enhance the system’s anti-interference ability. The traditional reaching law has complicated parameters and cannot suppress chattering well. The new reaching law simplifies the parameters and effectively overcomes the system chattering. Second, an expanded state observer is used to estimate the feedback speed. Then, the q-axis current information and the estimated speed data are combined as the input of the load torque observer. This further improves the load observation performance and converts the load observation value into current for pre-processing. Feedback compensation is used to improve the motor’s anti-interference performance. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed dual observer method can effectively observe the motor's speed and load, significantly enhancing the motor’s ability to resist load disturbances. At the same time, the new sliding mode speed controller reduces the motor speed overshoot and suppresses the buffeting of the sliding mode to a certain extent, providing theoretical and experimental support for arc motors in high-precision observation applications of large-aperture astronomical telescopes.
In order to achieve low complexity balancing of nonlinear damage at the receiver of short-range fiber optic data communication systems, we propose an equalization structure named Decision Feedback Neural Network which introduce the Decision Feedback Structure into the Fully Connected Neural Network. The nonlinear distortion is introduced by using a photodetector with a linear working area that does not match the experimental system. The experimental system is built based on a 56 Gbit/s PAM4 with a C-band direct-modulated laser, and we compare the equalization performance of decision feedback neural network with other equalization schemes. Experimental results show that compared with the fully connected neural network, the improved scheme achieves a sensitivity improvement of 2 dB at 20 km transmission, and the equalization performance is close to the convolutional neural network with lower complexity. This paper has great significance for the rate and capacity upgrade of short-distance optical fiber communication system, and can be used as a reference for further scientific research and industrial application.
Fast steering mirror (FSM) typically operates in harsh environments, susceptible to vibrations, temperature fluctuations, and other factors, which can lead to malfunctions. Focusing on the most prevalent constant bias fault, this paper proposes an LMI-based fault observer design method, aiming to enhance the reliability of fault detection and strengthen the stability and anti-interference capabilities of the FSM. Firstly, the model identification method based on Hankel matrix is employed to identify the two-axis fast steering mirror model including the coupling effect. Then, the fault model of the fast steering mirror system is established, and the fault observer of the fast steering mirror is designed by using the LMI-based method. Finally, the proposed method is verified through simulations and experiments. The results indicate that when both axes of the fast steering mirror have constant bias faults in the actuators and sensors, the Riccati-based fault observer can only detect the fault in one axis, while the LMI-based fault observer can detect faults within 0.1 seconds after the fault of the X-axis occurs, and detect faults within 0.06 seconds after the fault of the
As an important component of the information database, infrared data has been extensive used in night vision, weapon guidance, long-range early warning systems and more. Shipborne infrared radiation characteristic measuring systems work in the marine environment, where the variation in temperature and humidity is vast. In view of the fact that variation in ambient temperature greatly affects the measuring system, this paper presents an internal and external united calibration method based on ambient temperature self-adaptive correction. It corrects temperature influence through self-adaptive interpolation, thus confirming the validity of the proposed measuring system for sensibility and responsive characteristics of external targets. Radiant calibration in different infrared wavebands has been implemented by the measuring system, serial temperatures have been set in each integrating time to calibrate and fit, and the method's effectiveness has been determined by error statistics. Meanwhile, the radiation characteristics of high-precision blackbody and aquatic targets are inversed. As a result, the minimum and the maximum errors obtained for blackbody measuring precision were 6.82% and 10.21%, respectively. The high confidence coefficient for measured radiant inversion value verifies the effectiveness and application prospects of the calibration method presented in this paper.
Beam arrays have great application value in free-space optical communication. In this paper, the light intensity evolution and the on-axis scintillation index of radial Gaussian vortex beam arrays propagating through atmospheric turbulence are analyzed using multi-phase screen simulation. The effect of initial beam parameters on the on-axis scintillation index of radial Gaussian vortex beam arrays is studied, and the on-axis scintillation index of radial Gaussian vortex beam arrays is compared with that of a single Gaussian vortex beam. The results indicate that in the weak fluctuation regime and when the rytov index is less than 0.5, the on-axis scintillation index of Gaussian vortex beams remains within a numerical range of less than 1, while the on-axis scintillation index of radial Gaussian vortex beam arrays is around 1. In the medium fluctuation regime, the on-axis scintillation index of the radial Gaussian vortex beam arrays is smaller than that of a single Gaussian vortex beam. The on-axis scintillation index of radial Gaussian vortex beam arrays decreases with the decrease of orbital angular momentum and the increase of radial array radius. The research results hold theoretical significance and application value for vortex optical communication in turbulent atmospheric environments.
In order to improve the communication quality of LEO-OGS laser links, commercial ground station telescopes equipped with large aperture primary mirrors must be able to withstand extreme outdoor temperature. A central support scheme using room-temperature vulcanizing silicone rubber was proposed for a high-precision primary mirror with an optical aperture of 500 mm. The mirror is made of microcrystal material, and both of the bushing and the supporting cylinder are made of titanium alloy. A 1-mm-thick adhesive layer is used, which can effectively reduce the thermal stress inside the assembly during temperature changes while unloading the gravity of the mirror blank. The thickness and height of the adhesive layer are determined by optimization. A specially designed fixture can accurately control the shape and thickness of the adhesive layer. The ventilation holes on the bushing promote its full solidification. Simulation analysis indicates that the surface shape accuracy of the primary mirror is 4.199 nm in RMS under 40 °C temperature variation, with 13.748 nm under vertical gravity and 4.187 nm under horizontal gravity, accompanied by the maximum mirror inclination and displacement of 4.722" and 3.597 μm, and the fundamental frequency of the assembly reaches 53.45 Hz. The measured surface shape accuracy of the primary mirror is RMS 0.017λ (λ=632.8 nm). The surface can maintain high precision after extensive heat cycling tests and vacuum coating. The central support structure can significantly improve the temperature adaptability of precise mirrors and has broad application prospects in large-scale ground optoelectronic equipment.
Granulation is a common internal disease of citrus fruits, and it is difficult to identify the fruits with this disease from their external features. In this study, an acoustic vibration experimental setup was constructed using a micro-laser Doppler vibrometer (micro-LDV) and a resonance speaker. This was used to collect vibration response signals of ‘Aiyuan 38’ jelly orange. The one-dimensional vibration response signals were converted into vibration multi-domain images, and a Resnet-Transformer network (ResT) was constructed to extract deeper features from the vibration multi-domain images for identifying granulation disease in jelly oranges. In this paper, the ResT, Resnet50, and Vision Transformer (ViT) models were trained using vibration multi-domain images, and their performances were compared. Then, partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and support vector machine (SVM) models were trained using vibration multi-domain image texture features or vibration spectrum features, and the performance was compared with the ResT model. The results show that the ResT model trained using vibration multi-domain images can achieve accurate identification of jelly orange granulation disease with detection accuracy of 98.61%, model F1 of 0.986, precision of 0.986, and recall of 0.986. The proposed method can accurately identify granulated jelly oranges with simplicity, fast speed, and low cost.
In order to enhance the control performance of piezo-positioning system, the influence of hysteresis characteristics and its compensation method are studied. Hammerstein model is used to represent the dynamic hysteresis nonlinear characteristics of piezo-positioning actuator. The static nonlinear part and dynamic linear part of the Hammerstein model are represented by models obtained through the Prandtl-Ishlinskii (P-I) model and Hankel matrix system identification method, respectively. This model demonstrates good generalization capability for typical input frequencies below 200 Hz. A sliding mode inverse compensation tracking control strategy based on P-I inverse model and integral augmentation is proposed. Experimental results show that compared with PID inverse compensation control and sliding mode control without inverse compensation, the sliding mode inverse compensation control has a more ideal step response and no overshoot, moreover, the settling time is only 6.2 ms. In the frequency domain, the system closed-loop tracking bandwidth reaches 119.9 Hz, and the disturbance rejection bandwidth reaches 86.2 Hz. The proposed control strategy can effectively compensate the hysteresis nonlinearity, and improve the tracking accuracy and anti-disturbance capability of piezo-positioning system.
There is nonradiative recombination in waveguide region owing to severe carrier leakage, which in turn reduces output power and wall-plug efficiency. In this paper, we designed a novel epitaxial structure, which suppresses carrier leakage by inserting n-Ga0.55In0.45P and p-GaAs0.6P0.4 between barriers and waveguide layers, respectively, to modulate the energy band structure and to increase the height of barrier. The results show that the leakage current density reduces by 87.71%, compared to traditional structure. The nonradiative recombination current density of novel structure reduces to 37.411 A/cm2, and the output power reaches 12.80 W with wall-plug efficiency of 78.24% at an injection current density 5 A/cm2 at room temperature. In addition, the temperature drift coefficient of center wavelength is 0.206 nm/°C at the temperature range from 5 °C to 65 °C, and the slope of fitted straight line of threshold current with temperature variation is 0.00113. The novel epitaxial structure provides a theoretical basis for achieving high-power laser diode.
Long-period fiber gratings have the advantages of small size, corrosion resistance, anti-electromagnetic interference, and high sensitivity, making them widely used in biomedicine, the power industry, and aerospace. This paper develops a long-period fiber grating sensor based on periodic microchannels. First, a series of linear structures were etched in the cladding of a single-mode fiber by femtosecond laser micromachining. Then, the laser-modified region was selectively eroded by selective chemical etching to obtain the periodic microchannel structure. Finally, the channels were filled with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to improve the spectral quality. The experimental results show that the sensor has good sensitivity in the measurement of various parameters such as temperature, stress, refractive index (RI), and bending. It has a temperature sensitivity of −55.19 pm/°C, a strain sensitivity of −3.19 pm/με, a maximum refractive index sensitivity of 540.28 nm/RIU, and a bending sensitivity of 2.65 dB/m−1. All of the measurement parameters show good linear responses. The sensor has strong application prospects in the field of precision measurement and sensing.
This paper presents various aspects of atmospheric refraction to gain insight into the advances in this field. It divides the effects of atmospheric refraction into two categories: the visible-to-infrared bands used in research fields such as optical imaging, laser transmission, and optoelectronic tracking and the radio band used in radar measurements and satellite detection. The calculation formulas for these two bands are different in their practical treatment. This paper introduces the refractive index formulas according to the refractive index formula's development history and points out the limitations of each formula. The current best choice for the former formula is the one summarized by Rüeger scholars; for the latter, it is recommended to choose the radio refractive index formula in the Rec. ITU-R P.453-14. In addition, the relationship between the refractive index of the Earth's surface and altitude, reference data for the refractive index on a global scale, and statistical distributions for the calculation of the refractive index gradient are given in the recommendation. Finally, traditional calculation methods for obtaining atmospheric refraction and optical observation methods are presented. The former study is based on the modeling of atmospheric patterns or meteorological data, formulae for refractive indices in specific regions, or model fitting to satisfy accuracy in a single environment or on an average scale. The optical measurement method does not need an atmospheric model as a basis, nor does it rely on meteorological parameters. The measurement results of the data are real-time and more representative of the path. It can make up for some of shortcomings of the traditional methods, and is more in line with future development trend of the future.
In non-Hermitian systems, controlling the gain or loss of the system can enable the system state transition from PT-symmetry to broken PT-symmetry. This transition leads to a special point known as the exceptional point, where the system eigenvalues and eigenstates become simultaneously degenerate. When combined with metasurfaces, the exceptional point leads to various intriguing optical phenomena, such as asymmetric transmission, exceptional topological phase, and the non-Hermitian skinning effect. However, active metasurfaces introducing gains are difficult to realize experimentally. Therefore, designing passive metasurfaces using equivalent gains through loss becomes a powerful tool in non-Hermitian research. In this paper, we review the theoretical models, research progress, specific applications, and experimental design in the study of the exceptional point on passive non-Hermitian metasurfaces and look forward to the future direction of this field.
The data simulation for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) can provide critical data support for the development, testing, and validation of space surveillance equipment and situational awareness algorithms (including detection, tracking, recognition, and characterization of space object), playing a significant role in building SSA capabilities. Taking the optical data simulation for space-based situational awareness as the research subject, the purpose and main research content of SSA data simulation are presented, and the typical research methods and processes of SSA optical imaging simulation are set forth. The current research status and progress in domestic and foreign related research are introduced, covering the imaging modeling and simulation achievements of different optical sensing systems such as binocular vision sensors, LiDAR, infrared sensors, visible light telescopes, and star trackers. The development trend of SSA data simulation research is analyzed, providing reference for future research ideas and approaches of SSA data simulation.
Fringe structured light technology is a non-contact measurement method, which has developed rapidly in recent years and provides a new solution for on-machine detection in mechanical processing. However, the accuracy of structured light for on-machine detection is compromised by the convoluted lighting in machining environments and metal parts’ high reflectivity, leading to inaccurate measurements. Applying high dynamic range (HDR) technology to structured light detection can reduce the effect of high reflectivity, achieving the measurement of metal parts in complex scenes. This paper introduces the measurement principle of structured light and summarizes the challenges of on-machine detection for HDR structured light. Subsequently, this paper provides a comprehensive review of HDR structured light technology. In the context of on-machine detection of mechanical processing, the HDR technology based on hardware equipment and the HDR technology based on stripe algorithm are discussed and analyzed, respectively. Following this, different technologies are summarized according to the requirements of on-machine detection. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods are presented, and the applicability of on-machine detection is compared. Finally, the potential applications are analyzed, and the technological prospects will be proposed in combination with the research hotspots of advanced manufacturing technology and precision measurement in recent years.
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a new method for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the constituents of a material using plasma spectra produced by the interaction of a strong pulsed laser with the material. In the process of pulsed laser-induced plasma, different laser parameters (energy, pulse width, wavelength), environmental conditions during the detection process and the properties of the material itself have different degrees of influence on the physical mechanism of laser-induced plasma, which in turn affects the results of LIBS quantitative analysis. We review the physical mechanisms of LIBS technology in the current state, including the basic principles of LIBS, the differences in laser parameters, and the physical mechanisms involved in the differences in environmental and material properties. It provides a basis for a deeper understanding of laser-matter interactions and for improving the detection capabilities of LIBS.
Narrow linewidth fiber lasers, based on the multi-longitudinal-mode oscillator seed source, have obvious advantages in engineering applications and space-limited loading platforms. Additionally, they are considered ideal sub-modules for high-power spectral combinations. The time domain of this type of seed is unstable due to the self-pulse effect, causing significant spectral broadening and stimulated Raman scattering effects during the amplification process, which limits their further improvement in output power and affects the purity of laser spectra. In this paper, we introduce four commonly used narrow linewidth seeds. The mechanism and suppression methods of the self-pulse effect in multi-longitudinal mode oscillator seeds are analyzed. Critical technologies essential for the optimization and relevant progress of the multi-longitudinal-mode oscillator seed source and amplifier stages are discussed in detail. A future development outlook is also presented. This paper serves as a useful reference for the design of narrow linewidth fiber lasers based on the multi-longitudinal-mode oscillator seed source.
Optical path absorption spectroscopy is an important branch of absorption spectroscopy. In recent years, there has been a proliferation of optical path absorption spectroscopy techniques based on different light source technologies, absorption cavity technologies, and detection methods. As the demands on detection sensitivity and absorption optical path length increased, optical path absorption spectroscopy techniques based on the principle of enhanced absorption emerged, including integrated cavity spectroscopy (ICOS), cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) and cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS). Enhanced absorption spectroscopy is advantageous for its high spectral resolution, high sensitivity, fast response time, and portability, but it presently lacks a unified concept and clear classification criteria. This paper compares the development history of absorption spectroscopy techniques and clarifies the concept of their multi-optical path. Based on whether resonant absorption occurs in the absorption cavity, the concept of absorption spectroscopy techniques based on resonance is proposed, and the current research status of resonant absorption spectroscopy techniques is analyzed and summarized, and the applications of this technique in various fields are outlined. Finally, the future development of key technologies in resonance absorption spectroscopy is envisioned.
Optical fiber tweezers are widely used in biochemical analysis, life sciences, and other fields due to their simple structure, flexible operation, and compact size. The hetero-core structure of the optical fiber probe possesses inherent advantages in near-field evanescent wave optical trapping force, core beam coupling transmission, and cross-synergistic application of microfluidic technology, which can realize the functions of cell and subcellular particle collection and transportation, and can significantly improve the three-dimensional particle trapping capability as well as dynamic manipulation level. In this paper, the structural characteristics and application technology research progress of optical fiber tweezers based on different core structures are reviewed. This paper sorts and compares key technologies, including probe preparation, laser source, and coupling mode, in hetero-core optical fiber tweezers systems. It also summarizes and provides a perspective on the role and development of hetero-core fibers with different structures in optical fiber tweezers.
Micro-LEDs offers the benefits of high brightness, high response frequency, and low power consumption, making them an attractive candidate for future display technologies and Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems. Nonetheless, their low External Quantum Efficiency (EQE) currently impedes their scaled mass production and further applications. In order to break through the bottleneck of low EQE, we conducted an analysis of Micro-LED external quantum efficiency’s contributing factors. The influencing factors for EQE are analyzed. It is concluded that the carrier loss and non-radiative recombination caused by sidewall defects are the main reasons for the decrease in EQE. In addition, we summarized the impact of sidewall defects on carrier transport and composites, and we also reviewed the commonly used sidewall treatment technology and repair methods, and pointed out that the existing sidewall treatment methods are helpful but insufficient for improving EQE, and the mechanism of carrier interaction with sidewall defects is not very clear. It is suggested to carry out a thorough and systematic study on the types and distribution of sidewall defects, the mechanism of carrier and sidewall defects, and the defect repair mode in the sidewall treatment process. Finally, future development trends are projected. This paper offers design ideas and theoretical foundations to enhance the external quantum efficiency and accelerate the process of commercialization and mass production of Micro-LEDs.
Polarization imaging, a novel photoelectric detection technology, can simultaneously acquire the contour information and polarization features of a scene. For specific application scenarios, polarization imaging has the excellent ability to distinguish different objects and highlight their outlines. Therefore, polarization imaging has been widely applied in the fields of object detection, underwater imaging, life science, environmental monitoring, 3D imaging, etc. Polarization splitting or the filtering device is the core element in a polarization imaging system. The traditional counterpart suffers from a bulky size, poor optical performance, and being sensitive to external disturbances, and can hardly meet the requirements of a highly integrated, highly functional, and highly stable polarization imaging system. A metasurface is a two-dimensional planar photonic device whose comprising units are arranged quasi-periodically at subwavelength intervals, and can finely regulate the amplitude and phase of the light field in different polarization directions. Polarization devices based on metasurface are featured with compactness, lightweight and multi-degree freedom, offering an original solution to ultracompact polarization imaging systems. Targeted at the field of polarization imaging, this paper illustrates the functional theory, developmental process and future tendency of related metasurfaces. We discuss the challenges and prospect on the future of imaging applications and systematic integrations with metasurfaces.
In order to clarify the cavity design methods of thin-disk multi-pass amplifiers, we summarize the different types of thin-disk multi-pass amplifiers and concludes that there are four fundamental design concepts: (1) 4
Miniature head-mounted single-photon fluorescence microscopy is a breakthrough approach for neuroscience research that has emerged in recent years. It can image the neural activity of freely moving vivo animals in real time, providing an unprecedented way to access neural signals and rapidly enhancing the understanding of how the brain works. Driven by the needs of brain science research, there have been many types of miniature head-mounted single-photon fluorescence microscopes, such as high-resolution imaging, wireless recording, 3D imaging, two-region imaging and two-color imaging. In order to have a more comprehensive understanding of this new optical neuroimaging technology, we classify its technologies according to the imaging field of view, introduce the characteristics of different types of micro-head-mounted single-photon fluorescence microscopes reported so far, and focus on the optical system scheme and optical performance parameters used. The advantages and disadvantages of different schemes are analyzed and compared and the future direction of development is described to provide reference for the practical application of brain science researchers.
Non-line-of-sight (NLoS) imaging is a promising technique developed in recent years, which can reconstruct hidden scenes by analyzing the information in the intermediate surface, and "see around the corner", and has strong application value in many fields. In this paper, we review the reconstruction algorithm for NLoS imaging tasks. Firstly, considering the crossover and non-independent phenomena existing in the NLoS imaging classification, we use the different features of physical imaging models and algorithm models to reclassify them. Secondly, according to the proposed classification criteria, we respectively review the traditional and deep learning-based NLoS imaging reconstruction algorithms, summarize the state-of-the-art algorithms, and derive the implement principle. We also compare the results of deep learning-based and traditional NLoS imaging reconstruction algorithms for reconstruction tasks. Finally, the current challenges and the future development of NLoS imaging are summarized. Different types of NLoS imaging reconstruction algorithms are comprehensively analyzed in this review, which provides important support for the further development of NLoS imaging reconstruction algorithms.
Laser-Induced Thermo-Elastic Spectroscopy (LITES) is a new developed gas detection technology based on the thermoelastic effect of Quartz Tuning Forks (QTF). The QTF has the advantages of low cost, small volume, high sensitivity and wide spectral response range, and the LITES is becoming a vital method for trace gas detection. In this paper, the basic principle of gas concentration measuring based on LITES is firstly analyzed. Secondly, from the perspective of various technical methods, this paper introduces the methods for improving the sensitivity of QTF detectors, and reviews the research progress of LITES system in recent years. The performance of these systems is evaluated by the signal amplitude, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), minimum detection limit, and Normalized Noise Equivalent Absorption (NNEA) coefficient. Finally, the practical application of LITES in the field of gas detection technology is briefly reviewed, and the methods for further improving its sensitivity are summarized and prospected.
Atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure are deemed important atmospheric parameters. Quickly and accurately understanding the temperature, humidity and pressure information of the atmosphere and their changing trends is of great significance to research on meteorology, climatology, and artificial weather research. Raman lidar can obtain various atmospheric environment-related parameters by separating Raman scattering signal inversion, which can achieve high accuracy detection of atmospheric parameter profile information. Raman lidar has unique advantages and potential in atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure detection. With an introduction to the principle and inverse analysis algorithm of Raman lidar for atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure detection, this paper also highlights the advantages and disadvantages along with related advances of spectral devices such as filters, etalons and gratings commonly used in Raman lidar. The detection techniques involved in Raman lidar are also included. Finally, typical applications of meteorological parameter measurements by Raman lidar are shown.
With the continuous development of optical imaging technology and the growing demand for remote sensing applications, cross-scale high-resolution optical technology has been widely used in the field of remote sensing. In order to obtain more detailed information on the target, domestic and foreign researchers have carried out relevant research in different technical directions. In this paper, through the technical classification of remote sensing imaging, we introduce a representative aerospace optical remote sensing high-resolution imaging system. It focuses on monomer structure, block expandable imaging, optical interference synthesis aperture imaging, diffraction main mirror imaging, optical synthetic aperture and other technologies. It provides a new idea for the development of high-resolution optical remote sensing loads on the ground.
With the rapid development of laser technology, the application of laser in the medical field has gained growing attention. Due to its advantages of non-contact, high precision, low damage, portability and operational flexibility, laser treatment significantly enriches the clinical treatment toolkit. Moreover, it has substituted traditional methods for certain diseases and improved the overall medical treatment capability. Currently, laser treatment has gained increasing market share and has a great potential for even more widespread applications. Here, we introduce the laser treatment technique and the requirements of medical laser systems, expound the current status of the applications of laser treatment in clinical departments in a comprehensive manner, and give suggestions regarding to the problems in the laser treatment field in China.
Periodic optical systems, such as photonic crystals and optical metamaterials, can localize high-density electromagnetic field energy at subwavelength scales and obtain extremely small mode volumes, so they have great application potential in the field of light manipulation. In recent years, a strong interaction between light and matter in periodic optical systems has been discovered, which is called Bound States in Continuum (BIC). Optics BICs are special electromagnetic eigenstates whose frequencies lie in the radiation continuum but are completely localized, and have shown interesting physics and rich application scenarios. This paper systematically reviews the classification and theory of BICs in periodic optical systems, and summarizes their basic physical properties and the latest application development. BICs in periodic optical systems are injecting new impetus into the fields of integrated optics, information optics, bio-optics, topological optics, and nonlinear optics.
Two-dimensional (2D) Bi2O2Se has attracted broad attention in the field of electronic and optoelectronic applications in the UV-Vis-NIR region due to its unique crystal structure, energy band, high carrier mobility, and excellent stability. In this paper, we review the recent research progress in the material synthesis and optical characterization of Bi2O2Se. Firstly, the synthetic method and growth mechanism of 2D Bi2O2Se are introduced, including Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), wet chemical process, Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) and Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), etc. Via steady-state spectrum study, the properties change of 2D Bi2O2Se with thickness change can be studied, such as the band gap. The defect type, temperature coefficient and thermal conductivity of 2D Bi2O2Se material can be further studied by focusing on the crystal vibration mode. Transient spectrum techniques can benefit the study of relaxation process and carriers transport properties in 2D Bi2O2Se materials. Finally, we summarize the existing challenges and application prospects for the promising Bi2O2Se field.
Panoramic endoscopic imaging technology can effectively reduce the observation blind area of internal organs. It has many advantages, such as shortening the operation time, reducing the risk of intraoperative bleeding, improving the prognosis and shortening the postoperative recovery time. It has important application value in minimally invasive surgery and preoperative examination. It is a research hotspot in recent years. This paper combs the panoramic endoscopic imaging technology from two aspects: principle and product applications. Firstly, various panoramic endoscopic imaging technologies based on two-dimensional and three-dimensional imaging are reviewed, their implementation methods are described, and their key indexes and performances are analyzed. Secondly, the capsule endoscope, panoramic enteroscope and other different types of products derived from panoramic endoscopic imaging technology are compared and analyzed, and the development trend and application prospect of panoramic endoscopic imaging technology are prospected.
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Supervisor: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sponsors: the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics, and Physics (CIOMP), CAS
Editor-in-Chief: Wang Jiaqi, Academician
ISSN 2097-1842
CN 22-1431/O4
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