Volume 15 Issue 3
May  2022
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ZHAO Hong-bin, SU An, YIN Xiang-bao, MENG Cheng-ju, JIANG Si-ting, GAO Ying-ju. The modulation effect of graphene defects on the light absorption properties of photonic crystals[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(3): 418-425. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0203
Citation: ZHAO Hong-bin, SU An, YIN Xiang-bao, MENG Cheng-ju, JIANG Si-ting, GAO Ying-ju. The modulation effect of graphene defects on the light absorption properties of photonic crystals[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(3): 418-425. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0203

The modulation effect of graphene defects on the light absorption properties of photonic crystals

Funds:  Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51161003), High-level Talents Scientific Research Start-up Project in 2018 of Hechi University (No. XJ2018GKQ017), Scientific Research Project in 2020 of Hechi University (No. 2020XJZC001).
More Information
  • Corresponding author: suan3283395@163.com
  • Received Date: 22 Nov 2021
  • Rev Recd Date: 14 Dec 2021
  • Accepted Date: 01 Mar 2022
  • Available Online: 01 Mar 2022
  • Publish Date: 20 May 2022
  • The structure model (${\rm{ACG}}^{K_1}$CB)NCGKC(${\rm{BCG}}^{K_2}$CA)M of photonic crystal with graphene defect is constructed and the modulation effect of graphene defects on the light absorption characteristics of photonic crystals is studied by transfer matrix method and computer simulation. When graphene defect are introduced into the photonic crystal, the optical absorptivity of the photonic crystal are enhanced and an obvious narrow-band absorption peak appears. With the increase of period number M or K2, the optical absorptivity increases. When M=6, the absorptivity is 96.55%, when K2=4, the absorptivity is 43.30%. The absorption peak moves towards the short wave with the increase of M while towards the long wave with the increase of K2. With the increase of the period number K, the light absorption of photonic crystal increases to the maximum value first and then decreases, and the absorption peak moves towards the short wave. As dA, the thickness of A medium layer (monatomic silicon) increases, the optical absorptivity of photonic crystal is enhanced. When dA=178.25 nm, the absorptivity is 48.54%, and the absorption peak moves to the long wave direction; With the increase of the thickness dB of B (carbon tetrachloride) and dC of C (gallium arsenide) dielectric layer, the optical absorptivity of photonic crystals decreases. When dB=178.25 nm, the absorptivity is 33.12%, when dC=155.25 nm, the absorptivity is 25.89%, and the absorption peak moves to long wave direction. With the increase of incident angle θ, the optical absorptivity of photonic crystal first increases to the maximum and then decreases, and the absorption peak moves in the short wave direction. The result shows that graphene defects have a good modulation effect on the light absorption characteristics of photonic crystals, which provides a theoretical reference for the research and selection of novel optical absorbers, filters and total reflectors.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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