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MENG Xing-xing, KANG Wen-yun, WANG Geng-qian, LI Lin, TIAN Ya-li, GUO Gu-qing, LIU Qiang, QIU Xuan-bing, LI Chuan-liang. Assessment of the toxicity of coal pyrolysis reaction in combination with TG-TDLAS[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0128
Citation: MENG Xing-xing, KANG Wen-yun, WANG Geng-qian, LI Lin, TIAN Ya-li, GUO Gu-qing, LIU Qiang, QIU Xuan-bing, LI Chuan-liang. Assessment of the toxicity of coal pyrolysis reaction in combination with TG-TDLAS[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0128

Assessment of the toxicity of coal pyrolysis reaction in combination with TG-TDLAS

cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0128
Funds:  National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2023YFF0718100); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62475182, No. 52076145 & No. 12304403); Special Funding for Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Talent Team (No. 202304051001034); Key R&D Program of Shanxi Province (No. 202302150101017); Science and Technology Activities Project for Overseas Students in Shanxi Province (No. 20230031); Shanxi Provincial Fund-raising Funding Project for Returning Overseas Students (2023-151); Basic Research Program of Shanxi Province (No. 202303021221147, No. 202203021222204 & No. 202303021212224); Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Cooperation and Exchange Project (No. 202304041101022); JAC Frontier Technology Collaborative Innovation Center Dream Fund Project (No. 2023-ZM01C002); Taiyuan University of Science and Technology Research Start-up Fund (No. 20222121 & No. 20232033); Shanxi Provincial Scientific Research Practice Innovation Project (No. 2023KY667)
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  • In this paper, a coal pyrolysis HCN gas concentration detection system based on thermogravimetry-tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TG-TDLAS) was successfully constructed, and the stability and sensitivity of the system were further improved by combining wavelength modulation technology. Taking advantage of the characteristics of HCN with high absorption intensity at wavelength 1531 nm and less interference by common gases in the atmosphere, the HCN concentration information was obtained by second harmonic signal processing. A high-precision flow controller is used to obtain HCN from 5×10-6 mol/mol to 20×10-6 mol/mol using a 99% standard nitrogen dilution ratio, and the measurement data is calibrated. The experimental results show that the linear correlation coefficient R2 of HCN reaches 0.9978. Then, the effects of different coal types, heating rate, and coal particle size on pyrolysis were discussed, as well as the relationship between the coal samples’ weight loss rate and the amount of HCN concentration released. The release characteristics of HCN and the nonisothermal pyrolysis kinetics in the volatile matter of three coal types with different coalification degrees were analyzed. A pyrolysis kinetic model was established by dividing the pyrolysis temperature stages, and the activation energy and frequency factors of varying coal types at different heating rates were calculated. The results show that the HCN emission is closely related to the degree of coalification and nitrogen content of coal types. The lower the degree of coalification, the higher the nitrogen content and the more HCN emitted. Under the fixed pyrolysis final temperature, an increase in the heating rate will increase the amount of HCN released. With the decrease in coal particle size, the time of HCN release from the pyrolysis reaction will be delayed, and the HCN concentration will decrease. There was a different correspondence between the release of HCN concentration and the coal samples’ weight loss rate in different pyrolysis stages. The more intense the pyrolysis reaction, the greater the proportion of HCN concentration released to the coal samples’ weight loss rate. This study provides an important experimental basis for further evaluation of the toxicity of HCN during coal pyrolysis reactions.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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