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YU Si-hao, GAI Shao-yan, DA Fei-peng. Improving RANSAC hypothesis evaluation metrics for point cloud registration: a novel metric approach[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0208
Citation: YU Si-hao, GAI Shao-yan, DA Fei-peng. Improving RANSAC hypothesis evaluation metrics for point cloud registration: a novel metric approach[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0208

Improving RANSAC hypothesis evaluation metrics for point cloud registration: a novel metric approach

cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0208
Funds:  Supported by the Special Project on Basic Research of Frontier Leading Technology of Jiangsu Province of China (No. BK20192004C)
More Information
  • Corresponding author: qxxymm@163.com
  • Received Date: 15 Nov 2024
  • Rev Recd Date: 09 Dec 2024
  • Accepted Date: 24 Dec 2024
  • Available Online: 26 Feb 2025
  • Accurate hypothesis evaluation metrics are crucial for point cloud registration, as they facilitate the identification of correct hypotheses during the evaluation process. However, existing metrics often short in this regard. Traditional metrics, such as inlier count, are highly sensitive to parameter changes and vary significantly across different application scenarios. Recent correspondence-based metrics perform inadequately under low-parameter settings, while point-cloud-based metrics are computationally expensive. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a novel metric that integrates confidence scores of correspondences, obtained through a Triangle Voting (TV) method, with correspondence-based metrics. The proposed metric assumes that a good hypothesis aligns correspondences with high-confidence scores very closely, thereby yielding higher score contributions. We further introduce two enhancement to improve the effectiveness of inlier-based metrics with confidence scores: (1) ignoring the distance of inliers with minor transformation errors, and (2) suppressing the erroneous high-score contributions caused by numerous low-confidence correspondences. Comparative experiments conducted on three datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed metric over all previously known correspondence-based metrics. The proposed metric achieves registration performance enhancements ranging from 1% to 16.95% and time savings ranging from 1.67% to 10.79% under default parameter settings. Moreover, it strikes a better balance among time consumption, robustness, and registration performance. Specifically, the improved inlier count metric exhibits highly robust and accurate performance. In conclusion, the proposed metric can accurately identify the more correct hypothesis during the hypothesis evaluation stage of RANSAC, thereby enabling precise point cloud registration.


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