Citation: | LIN Yu-Hao, YAN Kai, TAN Jia, CAO Zhao-Liang, HAO Xiang. Witnessing quantum phase transition in a non-Hermitian trapped ion system via quantum Fisher information[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(6): 1467-1475. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0017 |
Quantum Fisher information is used to witness the quantum phase transition in a non-Hermitian trapped ion system with balanced gain and loss, from the viewpoint of quantum parameter estimation. We formulate a general non-unitary dynamic of any two-level non-Hermitian system in the form of state vector. The sudden change in the dynamics of quantum Fisher information occurs at an exceptional point characterizing quantum criticality. The dynamical behaviors of quantum Fisher information are classified into two different ways which depends on whether the system is located in symmetry unbroken or broken phase regimes. In the phase regime where parity and time reversal symmetry are unbroken, the oscillatory evolution of quantum Fisher information is presented, achieving better quantum measurement precision. In the broken phase regime, quantum Fisher information undergoes the monotonically decreasing behavior. The maximum value of quantum estimation precision is obtained at the exceptional point. It is found that the two distinct kinds of behaviors can be verified by quantum entropy and coherence. Utilizing quantum Fisher information to witness phase transition in the non-Hermitian system is emphasized. The results may have potential applications to non-Hermitian quantum information technology.
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