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Wen Xin-xin, JIA Wei, ZHAI Guang-mei, DONG Hai-liang, ZHAO Chao, LI Tian-bao, XU Bing-she. Numerical simulations on the photoelectric performance of AlGaN-based ultraviolet VCSELs with a slope-shaped p-type layer[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0027
Citation: Wen Xin-xin, JIA Wei, ZHAI Guang-mei, DONG Hai-liang, ZHAO Chao, LI Tian-bao, XU Bing-she. Numerical simulations on the photoelectric performance of AlGaN-based ultraviolet VCSELs with a slope-shaped p-type layer[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0027

Numerical simulations on the photoelectric performance of AlGaN-based ultraviolet VCSELs with a slope-shaped p-type layer

Funds:  This work was supported by the Shanxi-Zheda Institute of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering (No. 2021SX-AT002 and No. 2022SX-TD018); the Key R & D Projects in Shanxi Province (No. 202302150101012); and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61604104, No. 21972103, No. 61904120).
More Information
  • Author Bio:

    WEN Xin-xin (1999—), M.Sc, Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology. Her research focuses on optoelectronic materials and devices. E-mail: wxx2583692024@163.com

    JIA Wei (1983—), Ph.D., Senior Experimentalist, Master's Supervisor, Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology. His main research focuses on semiconductor optoelectronic materials and devices. E-mail: jiawei@tyut.edu.cn

  • Corresponding author: jiawei@tyut.edu.cn
  • Received Date: 28 Aug 2024
  • Accepted Date: 14 Oct 2024
  • Available Online: 22 Oct 2024
  • Owing to the low p-type doping efficiency of GaN-based ultraviolet (UV) vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) hole injection layers (HILs), effective hole injection in multi-quantum wells (MQW) is not achieved, significantly limiting the photoelectric performance of UV VCSELs. By improving hole injection efficiency, the hole concentration in the HIL is increased, and the hole barrier at the electron barrier layer (EBL)/HIL interface is decreased. This minimises the hindering effect of hole injection. In this study, we developed a slope-shaped HIL and an EBL structure in AlGaN-based UV VCSELs. A mathematical model of this structure was established using a commercial software, photonic integrated circuit simulator in three-dimension (PICS3D). We conducted simulations and theoretical analyses of the band structure and carrier concentration. Introducing polarisation doping through the Al composition gradient in the HIL enhanced the hole concentration, thereby improving the hole injection efficiency. Furthermore, modifying the EBL eliminated the abrupt potential barrier for holes at the HIL/EBL interface, smoothing the valence band. This improved the stimulated radiative recombination rate in the MQW, increasing the laser power. Therefore, the sloped p-type layer can enhance the optoelectronic performance of UV VCSELs.


  • The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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