Citation: | XU JIan-bo, LIU KAI, DONG Xiao-wen, DUAN Xiao-feng, HUANG Yong-qing, WANG Qi, REN Xiao-min. Design of high-speed MUTC-PD with electric field regulation layer[J]. Chinese Optics. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0030 |
This paper proposes a novel modified uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (MUTC-PD) featuring an electric field regulation layer: a p-type doped thin layer inserted behind the PD’s n-doped cliff layer. This electric field regulation layer enhances the PD’s performance by not only reducing and smoothing the electric field intensity in the collector layer, allowing photo-generated electrons to transit at peak drift velocity, but also improving the electric field intensity in the depleted absorber layer and optimizing the photo-generated carriers’ saturated transit performance. Additionally, the proposed design improves the PD’s parasitic capacitance effect by incorporating a long collector layer designed to reduce the PD’s junction capacitance. The electron’s peak drift velocity compensates for the lost transit time. Thus optimizing the 3 dB bandwidth of the PD’s photo response. The final performance optimization obtains a MUTC-PD with a 3 dB bandwidth of 68 GHz at a responsivity of 0.502 A/W, making it suitable for 100 Gbit/s optical receivers.
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