Volume 11 Issue 3
Jun.  2018
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CHEN Ting-ai, CHEN Long-chao, LI Hui, YU Jia, GAO Yu-feng, ZHENG Wei. Structured illumination super-resolution microscopy technology: review and prospect[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(3): 307-328. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181103.0307
Citation: CHEN Ting-ai, CHEN Long-chao, LI Hui, YU Jia, GAO Yu-feng, ZHENG Wei. Structured illumination super-resolution microscopy technology: review and prospect[J]. Chinese Optics, 2018, 11(3): 307-328. doi: 10.3788/CO.20181103.0307

Structured illumination super-resolution microscopy technology: review and prospect


National Natural Science Foundation of China No.81701744

Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China No.2017M612763

Guangdong Province Guangdong-Hongkong Cooperation Project No.2014B050505013

Shenzhen City Basic Research Program No.YJ20150521144321005

Shenzhen City Basic Research Program No.JCYJ20150401145529037

Shenzhen City Basic Research Program No.JCYJ20160608214524052

SIAT Outstanding Youth Innovation Fund No.2016020

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    CHEN Ting-ai(1988—), obtained his master′s degree in optical engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2014. His main research interest focuses on structured illumination microscopic imaging technology

    ZHENG Wei(1980—), PhD researcher, graduated from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with a PhD in 2011. His current research interests are new optical microscopy imaging technology

  • Corresponding author: ZHENG Wei, E-mail:zhengwei@siat.ac.cn
  • Received Date: 13 Oct 2017
  • Rev Recd Date: 14 Nov 2017
  • Publish Date: 01 Jun 2018
  • Structured illumination microscopy(SIM) is capable of providing super-resolution imaging. It breaks the diffraction limit by moving the high-frequency information of objects into the detectable frequency band of the optical imaging system via frequency mixing. Due to its attractive advantages, such as low intensity illumination, independence of particular fluorescent dyes, and rapid wide-field imaging capability, SIM has become the most popular technique for super-resolution imaging of living cells. This paper first systematically summarizes advances in the development of SIM and introduces corresponding principles at the same time. Then, two novel techniques of SIM developed by our group, including the single-photon excited super-resolution microscopy based on spectral unmixing and the two-photon excited super-resolution microscopy combined with adaptive optics, are particularly introduced in detail. At last, the recent applications and future directions of SIM in biological imaging are briefly discussed.


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