Volume 12 Issue 1
Feb.  2019
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Article Contents
TANG Rui, GAO Zi-ye, WU Zheng-mao, XIA Guang-qiong. Output characteristics of diode-pumped passively Q-switched Yb: CaYAlO4 pulsed laser based on a SESAM[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 167-178. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0167
Citation: TANG Rui, GAO Zi-ye, WU Zheng-mao, XIA Guang-qiong. Output characteristics of diode-pumped passively Q-switched Yb: CaYAlO4 pulsed laser based on a SESAM[J]. Chinese Optics, 2019, 12(1): 167-178. doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0167

Output characteristics of diode-pumped passively Q-switched Yb: CaYAlO4 pulsed laser based on a SESAM

doi: 10.3788/CO.20191201.0167

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61475127

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61575163

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61775184

More Information
  • Author Bio:

    TANG Rui(1992—), female, from Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, is a master′s student who is mainly engaged in research on all-solid-state pulsed lasers. E-mail:tangrui199207@126.com

    XIA Guangqiong(1970—), female, from Fushun, Sichuan, is a professor and doctoral tutor who is mainly engaged in laser nonlinear dynamics and its related applications. E-mail:gqxia@swu.edu.cn

  • Corresponding author: XIA Guang-qiong, E-mail:gqxia@swu.edu.cn
  • Received Date: 14 Mar 2018
  • Rev Recd Date: 09 Apr 2018
  • Publish Date: 01 Feb 2019
  • By utilizing a fiber-coupled laser diode emitting at a wavelength of around 976 nm as a pump source and a Yb:CaYAlO4 crystal with a Yb3+ ion doping concentration of 1.5at.% and a thickness of 2 mm as the gain medium, a scheme of laser diode-pumped Yb:CaYAlO4 for passively Q-switched pulsed lasers using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror(SESAM) is proposed. By reasonably designing the resonant cavity, a stable passively Q-switched pulsed output is achieved. Furthermore, the influence of the pump power on the pulse repetition rate, pulse width, single pulse energy and peak power are analyzed.


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