High resolution visible earth observation on the Geostationary Earth Orbit(GEO) has a series of unique advantages over that in the other orbits. However, long range and highresolution visible observation requests a large primary mirror more than 20 m in the diameter. The traditional Space Telescope(ST) with such a large primany mirror can not be launched to GEO, for its total mass is more than 1 000 t. An unsupported membrane ST and a large diameter diffraction ST can significantly reduce mirror surface density and lower down the total mass of the ST, which offers an excellent technologic approach to earth observation. Moreover, both the launching by module and the assembly in an orbit provide the technological means to tranport these kinds of observation systems from ground to GEO. Fourier telescope based on the theory of transform imaging changes the acquirement for highresolution from increasing the receiving diameter into ncreasing the illumination interval, and from detecting the object image directly into receiving the echo energy and reconstructing Fourier components. It breaks through the fatal bottleneck of the long range and hign resolution observation. Recently, a near perfect lens has been developed to provide the possibility for breakthrough of diffraction limit, so that a new science field will be set up for superresolution observation. The perfect lens makes of negative refractive index materials(lefthanded materials) and the negative refractive index materials come from both of the photonic crystals and the photonic devices based on Surface Plasmon Polariton(SPP).