Design of athermalized infrared optical system with high-speed switching and compact dual-FOV
摘要: 采用透射二次成像光学系统结构形式,实现了远射比为1,F数为1.67,变倍比为4.6的红外双视场光学系统设计。采用光学元件切换变倍方式,配合电磁阀切换机构实现了60 ms的变倍速率;采用光学被动补偿方式,通过适当的光学和结构材料匹配,实现了-40~+50℃无热化设计。设计结果表明:光学系统在不同温度下各视场调制传递函数在特征频率为20 lp/mm时接近衍射极限,空间排布紧凑,视场切换速度快,该双视场红外光学系统满足应用需求。Abstract: In this paper, a refractive optical system with secondary image is adopted to realize 1.67 F number and 4.6 zoom ratio, and the ratio between the total length and focal length is 1, and the zooming lens group is driven by solenoid pilot actuated valve switching structure to complete zooming in 60 ms. In addition, an optical passive compensation method is used to realize an athermalized design in the range of -40~+50℃ by choosing proper optical and structural materials. The design results show that the optical system's modulation transfer function in each field is close to the diffraction limit at different temperatures under the characteristic frequency of 20 lp/mm and the system size is compact with fast FOV switching. Finally, it is proved that this dual-FOV infrared optical system can meet the requirements for application.
Key words:
- optical design /
- infrared optical system /
- dual-FOV /
- athermalization /
- solenoid drive
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