Recent progress of infrared upconversion device based on the integration of OLED
摘要: 综述了不同类型上转换器件的的研究进展, 包括性能优化、器件集成以及物理机制。其中基于OLED的红外上转换器件将红外探测器与OLED串联集成起来, 使近红外光首先被吸收, 进而光生电流驱动OLED产生可见光, 可完成近红外-可见光上转换功能。该项研究拓展了OLED在红外夜视方面的应用。Abstract: This paper presents recent research and development effort in realizing and perfecting the infrared upconversion device, and mainly focuses on the design optimization, device integration and internal semiconductor physics of different optical up-conversion device structures. The upconversion idea relies on the integration of a photodetector and an organic light-emitting device(OLED). The infrared is first absorbed by photodetector part, and then the photocurrent would drive the OLED to emit visible light, which functions as infrared-to-visible upconversion. This research enhanced the application of OLED in infrared imaging.
图 1 有机/无机结构近红外-可见光上转换器件结构图[17]
Figure 1. Schematic cross section of organic/inorganic infrared-to-visiable optical upconverter
图 2 有机/基于不同HTL层结构的上转换器件L-V关系[18]
Figure 2. L-V relationship of organic/inorganic optical upconverter with different HTL layers
图 3 (a)内置金属反射层的有机/无机近红外上转换器件横截面示意图;(b)OLED结构及界面金属层示意图[19]
Figure 3. (a)Schematic cross section of an inorganic-organic upconverter device. (b)Schematic configuration of the OLED layers of the integrated devices and the embedded mirror
图 4 HPT/OLED器件结构图及工作示意图[20]
Figure 4. Schematic cross section of HPT/OLED and Schematic of the operation of this upconverter
图 5 HPT/OLED器件工作机理图[21]
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of operation principle of HPT/OLED upconverter
图 6 基于QWIP/OLED上转换器件示意图[22]
Figure 6. Schematic cross section of QWIP/OLED upconverter
图 7 全有机OLED红外上转换器件结构[24]
Figure 7. Schematic cross section of organic upconverter
图 8 80 mW红外照射下(以及无光)情况下,光强-偏压以及电流-偏压关系[24]
Figure 8. EL intensity-bias voltage and current-bias voltage curves under 80 mW infrared illumination and dark
图 9 使用SnPc∶C60作为红外光敏吸收材料的红外上转换器件结构[25]
Figure 9. Schematic cross section of organic upconverter with SnPc∶C60 infrared absorbing layer
图 10 (a)PbSe量子点红外-绿光上转换器件结构示意图;(b) 无光情况下该上转换器件能带示意图;(c)红外照射情况下该上转换器件能带示意图[26]
Figure 10. (a)Schematic cross-section view of PbSe QD infrared-to-green light up-conversion device,and schematic energy band diagrams of PbSe QD up-conversion devices,(b)in the dark and (c)in the IR illumination
图 11 (a)复合结构无像素器件横截面示意图;(b)OLED能带示意图;(c)有机/无机界面能带[27]
Figure 11. (a)Schematic cross section of hybrid pixelless upconversion imaging device; (b)Schematic energy-level diagram of the OLED; (c)Energy-level alignment at the inorganic/organic interface
图 12 (a)镂空的成像字符“IR”;(b)上转换器件表面拍摄到的图像(上转换器件工作在10 V偏压下,红外光束入射);(c)成像字符的最小特征尺寸(132 μm);(d)转换器件图像上对应的最小尺寸(144 μm)[23]
Figure 12. (a)Picture of the shaped apertures showing the letters “IR”; (b)Picture of the operating device at 10 V with NIR illumination through the aperture; (c)Design of the shaped aperture showing the minimum feature size(132 μm); (d)Picture of the operating device overlaid with the shaped aperture design showing the minimum captured fearture size(144 μm)
图 13 红外相机的结构示意图,集成商用数码单反相机和上转换成像器件[28]
Figure 13. Schematic diagram of the infrared imaging camera with a commercial DSLR camera and an IR-OLED
图 14 (a)新型红外/可见光双功能相机实物图,将透明的上传换器件以及2组消色差双合透镜和商用数码单反相机组装起来;(b)室光下,相机拍下的可见光照片;(c)红外背景下,相机拍下的红外图片[28]
Figure 14. (a)Image of the multi-spectral imaging camera by incorporating an IR-OLED in a commercially available DSLR camera. This is done by inserting a transparent IR-OLED between two achromatic doublet lenses in the DSLR camera. (b)Images taken by the multi-spectral imaging camera under the room light(top) and in the dark with IR flash(bottom)
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