Application of polarization detection technology under the background of sun flare on sea surface
摘要: 为了实时抑制太阳耀光对海面目标探测的影响,基于偏振光学理论,设计并构建了一套偏振自适应滤波探测系统。本文介绍了偏振探测系统的功能和组成、偏振探测及背景抑制原理,并给出了该系统的光学设计结果;利用自适应偏振滤波探测系统,通过搭载望远镜跟踪试验平台,针对海上典型目标,开展了相关的偏振验证实验。实验结果表明:海面太阳耀光存在比较明显的偏振特性,采用常规探测手段,探测器极易出现饱和,而利用偏振探测技术则能够有效抑制太阳耀光的影响,进而实现目标的有效探测。Abstract: In order to suppress the influence of sun flare on the detection of sea surface targets in real time, a set of polarization adaptive filtering detection system is designed and constructed based on the polarization optical theory. In this paper, the function and composition of the polarization detection system, the principle of polarization detection and background suppression are introduced, then the optical design results of the system are given. By using the adaptive polarization filter detection system and carrying the telescope tracking test platform, relevant polarization verification experiments are carried out for the typical target at sea. The experimental results show that due to there is a significant polarization characteristic of the sun flare on the sea surface, the detector can easily get saturated with the conventional detection method. However, the proposed polarization detection technique can effectively suppress the influence of the solar flare and detect the target.
Key words:
- polarization detection /
- solar glare /
- sea target /
- telescope /
- background suppression
表 1 数据分析结果
Table 1. Data analysis results
观测区域 目标灰度 背景灰度 对比度 非耀光区 1 174 1 760 0.667 耀光区(非偏) 1 635 4 136 0.395 耀光区(偏振) 807 1 428 0.565 -
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