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赵晨行 卢启鹏 宋源 龚学鹏 王依 徐彬豪

赵晨行, 卢启鹏, 宋源, 龚学鹏, 王依, 徐彬豪. 自由电子激光光束线反射镜无应力夹持设计与分析[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2020, 13(4): 787-794. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0131
引用本文: 赵晨行, 卢启鹏, 宋源, 龚学鹏, 王依, 徐彬豪. 自由电子激光光束线反射镜无应力夹持设计与分析[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2020, 13(4): 787-794. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0131
ZHAO Chen-hang, LU Qi-peng, SONG Yuan, GONG Xue-peng, WANG Yi, XU Bin-hao. Design and analysis of stress-free clamping of mirrors used in free-electron laser beamlines[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 787-794. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0131
Citation: ZHAO Chen-hang, LU Qi-peng, SONG Yuan, GONG Xue-peng, WANG Yi, XU Bin-hao. Design and analysis of stress-free clamping of mirrors used in free-electron laser beamlines[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 787-794. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0131


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No. 11079035);国家科技重大专项(No. 2012ZX02702001);国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0401003-04)









  • 中图分类号: TH744.1

Design and analysis of stress-free clamping of mirrors used in free-electron laser beamlines

Funds: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11079035); National Science and Technology Major Project (No. 2012ZX02702001); National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2018YFD0401003-04)
More Information
  • 摘要: 反射镜是自由电子激光光束线中的重要光学元件,反射镜自重引起的面形误差会严重影响光束线的成像质量。为减小自重引起的面形误差,基于Bessel点理论提出了重力补偿方案,并设计了无应力夹持装置,利用有限元软件对该装置进行仿真分析。以尺寸为440 mm×50 mm×50 mm的反射镜为例进行分析,传统支撑方式下反射镜下表面面形误差为1.647 μrad,采用本文提出的夹持方案后面形误差降至0.085 7 μrad,优于工程指标0.1 μrad。为防止反射镜在工作模式切换时发生窜动,可对反射镜添加不超过2 N的微小夹持力,此时反射镜的面形误差为0.093 9 μrad。此外,还对装置进行了动力学分析,结果显示:该设计方案可有效防止装置存在较低的固有频率,在使用过程中不会产生共振现象,满足光束线的使用需求。


  • 图 1  长条形镜尺寸和形变量标记示意图

    Figure 1.  Beam dimensions and top surface deflection notation

    图 2  梁的弯曲理论和平面应力理论计算得出的反射镜下表面形变量

    Figure 2.  Deformations in the bottom surface of mirror calculated by beam bending theory and plane stress theory

    图 3  反射镜四点支撑的三维模型

    Figure 3.  3D model of mirror supported by four points

    图 4  子午方向支撑间距为240~250 mm时反射镜底面在竖直方向上的形变量

    Figure 4.  Vertical deformation of bottom surface when the space of the support along meridian is 240~250 mm

    图 5  子午方向支撑间距为240~250 mm的斜率误差RMS曲线

    Figure 5.  Slope error RMS curve when the space of the support along meridian is 240 ~ 250 mm

    图 6  反射镜支撑点处沿弧矢方向的线段

    Figure 6.  Line segment along the sagittal direction at the support point of the mirror

    图 7  弧矢方向支撑间距为22~42 mm时反射镜支撑点处上表面在竖直方向上的形变量

    Figure 7.  Slope error RMS curve of mirror when the space of the support along sagittal is 22~42 mm

    图 8  四点支撑时反射镜下表面在竖直方向上的形变量云图

    Figure 8.  Vertical deformation nephogram in bottom surface of mirror with four-point supporting

    图 9  子午方向支撑间距为246 mm时反射镜下表面在竖直方向上的形变量

    Figure 9.  Vertical deformation of bottom surface of mirror when the space of the support along meridian is 246 mm

    图 10  反射镜下表面支撑点沿弧矢方向的形变量

    Figure 10.  Vertical deformation at support point in bottom surface of mirror along sagittal

    图 11  反射镜光斑区域支撑点处弧矢方向的形变量

    Figure 11.  Vertical deformation at support points of the footprint area in the mirror along sagittal

    图 12  反射镜无应力夹持装置示意图

    Figure 12.  Schematic diagram of stress-free clamping equipment

    图 13  反射镜无应力夹持装置三维模型

    Figure 13.  3D model of stress-free clamping equipment

    图 14  反射镜无应力夹持装置的形变云图

    Figure 14.  Deformation nephogram of stress-free clamping equipment

    图 15  夹持力大小为0~3 N时底面沿子午方向在竖直方向的形变量

    Figure 15.  Vertical deformation of bottom surface when clamping force is 0~3 N

    图 16  夹持力大小为0~3 N时的斜率误差RMS曲线

    Figure 16.  Slope error RMS curve when clamping force is 0~3 N

    图 17  前六阶固有频率对应的振型

    Figure 17.  Mode nephograms of the first six natural frequencies

    表  1  反射镜主要参数

    Table  1.   The main parameters of mirror

    Substrate materialSingle-crystalline Si
    Mirror dimension/mm440x50x50
    Footprint on mirror/mm380x10
    Useful area/mm400x30
    Incidence angle/(°)1.5
    Mirror radius∞/>30 km
    Slope error/μrad0.1
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    表  2  弧矢方向支撑间距为22, 28, 36和42 mm时支撑点处不同线段的面形误差RMS

    Table  2.   Deformation error RMS of different lines at support point when the space of the support along sagittal are 22, 28, 36, 42 mm (μrad)

    22 mm 28 mm 36 mm 42 mm
    A0.014 30.014 590.014 850.014 96
    B2.8932.8852.866 93.19
    C0.116 80.059 80.0320.016 7
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