摘要: 高功率连续波掺镱光纤激光器因具有电光效率高、光束质量好、热管理方便等优点,在工业加工、军事国防、科学研究等领域得到广泛应用,但是高功率条件下的非线性效应和热效应限制了其输出功率的进一步提升。基于此,本文重点分析了受激拉曼散射非线性效应和热致模式不稳定现象的形成机理和抑制方法,为高功率光纤激光系统的设计与集成提供了参考,并详细介绍了2015年以来为克服两种因素的影响所取得的最新研究成果,最后展望了高功率连续波掺镱光纤激光器的发展趋势。Abstract: High power continuous-wave ytterbium-doped fiber lasers have unique advantages such as high electro-optical efficiency, excellent beam quality and good thermal management. For these reasons, these fiber lasers are widely used in industrial processing, national defense and military, and scientific research. However, their non-linear and thermal effects at high-power conditions limit the further improvement of their output power. In this paper, the formation mechanism and corresponding suppression methods of stimulated raman scattering and thermally induced mode instability are analyzed. We hope that these analyses can provide some reference for the design and integration of high-power fiber laser systems. The research results for overcoming these limited factors introduced since 2015 are then discussed in detail. This paper is concluded by predicting the development prospects of high-power continuous-wave ytterbium-doped fiber lasers.
图 12 全光纤激光器和输出特性测试系统示意图[60]
Figure 12. Schematic diagram of the all-fiber-integrated fiber laser and the measuring system
表 1 高功率连续波掺镱光纤激光器研究进展
Table 1. Recent advances in high power continuous-wave ytterbium-doped fiber lasers
Type of fiber laser Year Institution Power Active fiber parameter Pumping method Monolithic fiber laser oscillator 2016 Fujikura, Japan 2 kW Aeff=400μm2, NA=0.07 915 nm bi-pump 2016 NUDT, China 2 kW Dcore=21μm, NA=0.066 915 nm and 976 nm co-pump 2016 NUDT, China 2.5 kW Dcore=20μm, NA=0.065 976 nm bi-pump 2017 NUDT, China 1.969 kW Dcore=25μm, NA=0.09 976 nm bi-pump 2017 NUDT, China 3.05 kW Dcore=20μm, NA=0.065 976 nm bi-pump 2017 Fujikura, Japan 3 kW Aeff=400μm2, NA=0.07 915 nm bi-pump 2018 NUDT, China 3.96 kW Dcore=25μm, NA=0.065 915 nm bi-pump 2018 Fujikura, Japan 5 kW Aeff=600μm2 976 nm bi-pump 2018 Jena, Germany 5 kW Dcore=20μm, NA=0.06 976 nm bi-pump 2018 NUDT, China 5.2 kW Dcore=25μm, NA=0.065 915 nm bi-pump MOPA monolithic fiber laser 2015 NUDT, China 2.14 kW Dcore=30μm, NA=0.06 1018 nm co-pump 2015 NUDT, China 3.15 kW Dcore=30μm 915 nm co-pump 2016 HUST, China 3 kW Dcore=25μm, NA=0.06 976 nm bi-pump 2016 XIOPM, China 3.5 kW Dcore=30μm, NA < 0.062 976 nm co-pump 2016 Jena, Germany 4.3 kW Dcore=22μm, NA < 0.04 976 nm counter-pump 2016 CAEP, China 5.07 kW Dcore=30μm, NA=0.066 976 nm bi-pump 2017 XIOPM, China 4.62 kW Dcore=30μm, NA=0.06 976 nm co-pump 2017 Tsinghua, China 3.12 kW Dcore=25μm, NA=0.06 976 nm bi-pump 2017 TJU, Chia 8.05 kW Dcore=50μm, NA=0.06 976 nm co-pump 2018 Tsinghua, China 6.02 kW Dcore=25μm, NA=0.06 976 nm bi-pump 2018 CAEP, China 11.23 kW Dcore=30μm, NA=0.064 976 nm bi-pump 2019 NUDT, China 4.2 kW Dcore=30μm 976 nm co-pump 2019 SIOM, China 10.14 kW Dcore=30μm, NA=0.06 976 nm bi-pump -
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