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高婧婧 焦长君 黄屾 张真 毕勇

高婧婧, 焦长君, 黄屾, 张真, 毕勇. 2.7米标准球面检验镜支撑优化设计[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2020, 13(4): 805-813. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0225
引用本文: 高婧婧, 焦长君, 黄屾, 张真, 毕勇. 2.7米标准球面检验镜支撑优化设计[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2020, 13(4): 805-813. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0225
GAO Jing-jing, JIAO Chang-jun, HUANG Shen, ZHANG Zhen, BI Yong. Optimal design of a 2.7 m standard spherical inspection mirror support[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 805-813. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0225
Citation: GAO Jing-jing, JIAO Chang-jun, HUANG Shen, ZHANG Zhen, BI Yong. Optimal design of a 2.7 m standard spherical inspection mirror support[J]. Chinese Optics, 2020, 13(4): 805-813. doi: 10.37188/CO.2019-0225


基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目 (No.BK20181125)



  • 中图分类号: TG156

Optimal design of a 2.7 m standard spherical inspection mirror support

Funds: Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No.BK20181125)
More Information
  • 摘要: 球面检验镜口径不断增大导致其检验精度下降,针对该问题,本文优化设计了2.7米标准球面镜的重锤支撑参数,并对该标准球面镜的调整架以及支撑系统进行了结构设计。首先,利用有限元和遗传算法,对镜体进行了54点等力支撑环带优化,针对增加嵌套孔后镜体刚度变差的情况,对各环带底支撑力和侧支撑力分别进行了优化;然后,利用统计方法分析了支撑半径和支撑力误差对支撑变形的影响;最后,基于优化分析结果对标准检验镜的调整架和支撑系统进行了结构设计。分析结果表明,经过对标准球面镜54点支撑位置、各环带底支撑力和侧支撑力进行优化设计后,在球面镜支撑变形RMS(Root Mean Square)小于1/115λλ=632.8 nm),底支撑位置扰动为±2 mm,侧支撑位置扰动为±0.6 mm,以及支撑力扰动为±3 N的情况下,支撑变形小于1/70λ,满足标准球面镜的支撑要求。


  • 图 1  标准球面检验镜系统结构示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of standard spherical inspection mirror system

    图 2  双向支撑重锤结构示意图

    Figure 2.  Support diagram of heavy hammer with bidirectional support

    图 3  2.7米球面镜示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of 2.7-m spherical mirror

    图 4  54点支撑的点分布示意图

    Figure 4.  Point distribution diagram of 54-point support

    图 5  优化计算流程图

    Figure 5.  Optimization calculation flowchart

    图 6  未开嵌套孔情况下球面镜的优化变形图

    Figure 6.  Deformation map of optimized spherical mirror without nesting holes

    图 7  开嵌套孔球面镜支撑变形图

    Figure 7.  Deformation map of optimized spherical mirror with nesting holes

    图 8  开嵌套孔镜体轴向支撑力优化后变形图

    Figure 8.  Deformation map of axial support force after optimization of mirror body with nesting holes

    图 9  开嵌套孔镜体侧向支撑力优化后变形图

    Figure 9.  Deformation map of lateral support force after optimization of mirror body with nesting holes

    图 11  轴向支撑力存在扰动时支撑变形统计图

    Figure 11.  Support deformation diagram when there is disturbance in axial support force

    图 12  侧向支撑力存在扰动时的支撑变形统计图

    Figure 12.  Support deformation diagram when there is disturbance in lateral support force

    图 10  45°俯仰镜体支撑变形图

    Figure 10.  Support deformation diagram of mirror body with pitch angle of 45°

    图 13  支撑位置在XY平面内存在扰动时的支撑变形统计图

    Figure 13.  Support deformation map when there is disturbance of the support position in the XY plane

    图 14  支撑位置存在Z向扰动时的支撑变形统计图

    Figure 14.  Support deformation map when there is disturbance of support position along Z-direction

    图 15  支撑力、支撑位置在XY平面内存在扰动时的支撑变形统计图

    Figure 15.  Support deformation map when there are disturbance of forces and support positions in the XY plane

    图 16  支撑力、支撑位置Z方向内存在扰动时的支撑变形统计图

    Figure 16.  Support deformation map when there is disturbance of forces and support positions along Z-direction

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