摘要: 超快激光技术是目前激光乃至物理学和信息科学领域最活跃的研究前沿之一,在工业加工、生物医学和激光雷达等领域具有广泛应用。二维材料具有独特的物理结构及优异的光电特性,作为可饱和吸收体应用于超快激光器时,具备工作波段宽、调制深度可控和恢复时间快等优势。其中,过渡金属硫化物因具有带隙连续可调等特点,已成为二维材料研究领域的重点。本文从过渡金属硫化物的特性出发,介绍了可饱和吸收器件的制作方法,综述了基于新型过渡金属硫化物的超快激光器的研究进展,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。Abstract: Ultrafast laser technology is one of the most active research frontiers in lasers, physics and information science. It is widely applied in industrial processing, biomedicine, lidar and other fields. Because of their unique physical structure and excellent photoelectric properties, two-dimensional materials have a wide operating band, controllable modulation depth and short recovery time when they are employed as saturable absorbers in ultrafast lasers. Among them, transition metal dichalcogenides have become a focus of research because their band-gap is continuously adjustable. In this paper, we introduce the characteristics of transition metal dichalcogenides and the fabrication methods of saturable absorber devices. The research progress of ultrafast lasers based on emerging transition metal dichalcogenides is reviewed, and the development trend is highlighted.
图 1 典型TMD图像。(a)光学图像;(b)扫描电镜图像;(c)原子力显微镜图像;(d、e)低倍、高倍透射电镜图像[40]
Figure 1. Typical images of TMD. (a) Optical image. (b) SEM image. (c) AFM image. (d, e) Low- and high-magnification TEM images
表 1 基于新型TMD可饱和吸收体的超快固体激光器
Table 1. Ultrafast solid-state lasers with emerging TMD saturable absorbers
TMD 饱和能量 调制深度 调制方式 增益介质 中心波长 重复频率 脉冲宽度 单脉冲能量/平均功率 参考
文献ReS2 22.6 μJ/cm2 9.7% 调Q Er:YSGG 2.8 μm 126 kHz 324 ns 104 mW [69] 58.2 μJ/cm2 21.5 μJ/cm2 2.7 μJ/cm2 3%
2.9%调Q/锁模 Pr:YLF、
Tm:YAP调Q:0.64 μm、1.064 μm、1.991 μm,锁模:
1.06 μm调Q:520 kHz、644 kHz、67.7 kHz,锁模:
50.7 MHz调Q:160 ns、139 ns、415 ns,锁模:323 fs 调Q:0.625 W、1.34 W、8.72 W,锁模:350 mW 11.89 GW/cm2 48% 调Q Nd:YAG 0.95 μm/
1.06 μm165 kHz 834 ns 81 mW [70] 23.5 μJ/cm2 10.2% 调Q Ho,Pr:LiLuF4 2.95 μm 91.5 kHz 676 ns 1.13 μJ [44] 15.6 μJ/cm2 15% 调Q Nd:YAG 1.3 μm 214 kHz 403 ns 0.42 μJ [71] PtSe2 17.1 μJ/cm2 12.6% 锁模 Nd:LuVO4 1066 nm 61.3 MHz 15.8 ps 180 mW [72] 3.2 μJ/cm2 6.6% 调Q Tm:YAP 1 987 nm 58 kHz 244 ns 24.3 μJ [73] 0.47 GW/cm2 1.9% 调Q锁模 Nd:YAG 1064 nm 8.8 GHz 27 ps 127 mW [74] ReSe2 — — 调Q Tm:YLF/Tm:Y2O3 1 900 nm/
2050 nm54 kHz/
106 kHz527.9 ns/
727 ns862 mW/
1.04 W[75] 12.8 GW/cm2 2.9% 调Q Nd:Y3Al5O12 1.06 μm 274 MHz 1.08 μs 2.5 μJ [76] 14.5 μJ/cm2 7.5% 调Q Er:YAP 2.73 μm/
2.8 μm244.6 kHz 202.8 ns 526 mW [77] 12.8 GW/cm2 2.9% 锁模 固体波导 1064 nm 6.5 GHz 29 ps 250 mW [78] 6.37 MW/cm2 1.89% 调Q Nd:YVO4 1064.4 nm 84.16 kHz 682 ns 125 mW [79] 4.3 μJ/cm2 7.3% 调Q Tm:YAP 2 μm 89.4 kHz 925.8 ns 17.6 μJ [46] MoTe2 0.14 mJ/cm2 22% 调Q Ho,Pr:LiLuF4 2.95 μm 76.46 kHz 670 ns 0.95 μJ [80] 1.71 MW/cm2 — 调Q Yb:LaCa4O(BO3)3 1.03~1.04 μm 357 kHz 103 ns 6.6 μJ [81] 18 MW/cm2 4% 调Q Tm:CaYAlO4 1 929 nm 70.9 kHz 0.69 μs 10.58 μJ [82] 6.87 mJ/cm2 1.3% 调Q Er:YAG 1645 nm 41.59 kHz 1.048 μs 27.4 μJ [83] 2.26 μJ/cm2 6.0% 调Q Tm:YAP 2 μm 144 kHz 380 ns 8.4 μJ [84] 1.71 MW/cm2 0.9% 调Q Yb:YCOB 1.03 μm 704 kHz 52 ns 2.25 μJ [85] 1.71 MW/cm2 0.9% 调Q Yb:KLu(WO4)2 1030.6 nm 2.18 MHz 36 ns 1.3 μJ [86] WTe2 5.1 μJ/cm2 7.2% 调Q Tm:YAP 1 938 nm 78 kHz 368 ns 4.8 μJ [87] 1.97 mJ/cm2 20.9% 调Q Ho,Pr:LiLuF4 2 954.7 nm 92 kHz 366 ns 1.4 μJ [88] TiS2 3.37 mJ/cm2 8% 调Q Er:YAG 1645 nm 38 kHz 1.2 μs 37.4 μJ [89] 表 2 基于新型TMD可饱和吸收体的超快光纤激光器
Table 2. Ultrafast fiber lasers with emerging TMD saturable absorbers
TMD 饱和能量 调制深度 调制方式 光纤掺杂 中心波长 重复频率 脉冲宽度 单脉冲能量/平均功率 参考
文献ReS2 27 μJ/cm2 1% 锁模 Er 1564 nm 3.43 MHz 1.25 ps — [91] 74 MW /cm2 0.12% 调Q/锁模 Er 1558.6 nm 12.6~19 kHz/
5.48 MHz23~5.49 μs/1.6 ps 22~62.8 μJ [92] — — 锁模 Er 1.5 μm 1.896 MHz — 12 mW [93] 8.4 MW/cm2 44% 调Q Yb 1047 nm 134 kHz 1.56 μs 13.02 nJ [94] 27.5 μJ/cm2 6.9% 锁模 Er 1573.6 nm/
1591.1 nm/
1592.6 nm13.39 MHz — — [95] PtSe2 0.346 GW/cm2 26% 锁模 Yb 1064.47 nm 4.08 MHz 470 ps 2.31 nJ [96] 9.48 MW/cm2 6.9% 锁模 Er 1550 nm 8.24 MHz 861 fs 78.52 nJ [45] 0.34~1.23 GW/cm2 1.11%~4.9% 调Q/锁模 Er 1560 nm 锁模:23.3 MHz 锁模:1.02 ps 调Q:143.2 nJ
锁模:0.53 nJ[97] ReSe2 — — 调Q Yb 1.06 μm 17.89~39.86 kHz 2.27 μs 30.4 nJ [98] — 3.9% 锁模 Er 1560 nm 14.97 MHz 862 fs 0.5 mW [99] — 7% 调Q Er 1566 nm 16.64 kHz 4.98 μs 36 nJ [100] MoTe2 3.46 MW/cm2 48.85% 锁模 Er 1559 nm 1.8 MHz 2.46 ps 0.11 mW [101] 0.969 MW/cm2 26.97% 锁模 Er 1561 nm 96.323 MHz 111.9 fs 23.4 mW [102] 26.45 MW/cm2 17.47% 调Q Er 1559 nm 148~228 kHz 677 ns 109 nJ [103] 8.3 MW /cm2 5.7% 锁模 Tm 1 930 nm 14.353 MHz 952 fs 2.56 nJ [47] 9.6 MW/cm2@
1.5 μm、12.3 MW/cm2@2 μm25.5%@1.5 μm、22.1%@
2 μm锁模 Er/Tm 1.5 μm/2 μm 25.601 MHz/
15.37 MHz229 fs/1.3 ps 2.14 nJ/13.8 nJ [104] WTe2 7.6 MW/cm2 31% 锁模 Tm 1915.5 nm 18.72 MHz 1.25 ps 39.9 mW [48] — 2.18% 调Q Yb 1044 nm 19~79 kHz 1 μs 28.3 nJ [105] 0.515 MW/cm2 31.06% 调Q Er 1531 nm 144.7~240 kHz 583 ns 58.625 nJ [106] TiS2 — 8.3% 锁模/调Q Er 1563.3 nm/
1560.2 nm22.7 MHz/
33.387 kHz1.25 ps/4.01 μs 25.3 pJ/9.5 nJ [107] 772.2 GW /cm2 — 锁模 Er 1550 nm 5.7 MHz 618 fs 0.28~1.2 mW [49] -
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