摘要: 基于自行研制的双向反射分布函数(BRDF)测量装置,采用绝对测量方法在20~800 ℃的温度范围内测量了粗糙黄铜表面在近红外波段下的光谱偏振双向反射分布函数,分析了温度对BRDF的影响。结果表明,温度对黄铜表面的BRDF有明显的影响,随着温度的升高,BRDF整体呈现出稳定-增大-减小的变化趋势。对不同温度下材料表面的场扫描电镜、粗糙度和X射线衍射测试表明,温度对样品表面BRDF产生影响的主要原因是表面形貌和化学成分的改变。Abstract: The spectral polarized BRDF of a brass surface in the near-infrared region was measured using the absolute measurement method with a home-made device. The temperature range was 20~800 ℃, and the influence of temperature on the BRDF was analyzed. The results indicate that temperature has an obvious influence on the BRDF of brass. With an increase in temperature, the BRDF was almost constant at first, then increased before finally decreasing. Scanning electron microscope testing, roughness measurement and X-ray diffraction analysis of the brass surface at different temperatures were performed. The test results indicate that the influence of temperature on BRDF can be attributed to variation in surface morphology and chemical composition.
Key words:
- spectral BRDF /
- brass /
- near-infrared /
- temperature
表 1 不同温度下的升温时间和测量时间
Table 1. Heating time and measuring time at different temperatures
目标温度/℃ 升温时间/min 测量时间/min 100 2.7 15.2 200 3.0 15.2 300 3.1 15.2 400 3.4 15.2 500 3.7 15.2 600 4.1 15.2 700 4.6 15.2 800 5.1 15.2 表 2 不同温度下样品表面的粗糙度
Table 2. Roughness values of the sample surface at different temperatures
温度/℃ Ra/μm Rz/μm Rq/μm 20 0.155 1.223 0.202 200 0.159 1.254 0.207 300 0.158 1.249 0.210 350 0.161 1.243 0.208 400 0.185 1.303 0.240 500 0.187 1.479 0.247 600 0.223 1.593 0.288 700 0.258 1.769 0.333 800 0.356 2.294 0.445 -
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