Absorption enhancement of silicon via localized surface plasmons resonance in blue band
doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0056
摘要: 为增强硅的蓝光吸收,在硅表面设计银纳米颗粒阵列,基于局域表面等离激元共振效应对增强的硅蓝光吸收特性进行了分析研究。采用有限时域差分法计算银纳米颗粒阵列/硅复合结构中硅的蓝光吸收特性。结果表明:金属颗粒的消光能力与其几何参数有关,改变银纳米颗粒阵列的半径r、高度H与周期P可调控局域表面等离激元共振强度与共振频率,当银纳米颗粒阵列参数设定为:r = 18.5 nm、H = 45 nm、P = 49 nm时,在共振吸收波长为465 nm的情况下,硅的蓝光吸收率由59%增加至94%,光吸收增益为0.57,光生载流子数目增益为0.53,分析认为是局域表面等离激元共振增强硅在蓝光波段的光吸收导致上述增益现象。本文的研究结果对了解局域表面等离激元效应,改善硅的蓝光吸收特性,设计和制备高蓝光响应度硅基可见光光电探测器具有重要的参考价值。Abstract: To enhance the blue light absorption of silicon, an array of silver nanoparticles(Ag-NPs) was designed so that they create Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance(LSPR) near the surface of silicon(Si). The properties of the enhanced optical absorption of silicon in the blue band were then observed and researched. The blue-light absorption characteristic of silicon in the Ag-NPs/Silicon composite structure were calculated using the Finite-Difference-Time-Domain (FDTD) method. The results indicated that the metallic nanoparticles' extinction capability was related to its geometric parameters and the resonance intensity and peak wavelength can be tuned according to different geometric parameters of Ag-NPs including radius, height and period. At a resonance peak wavelength of 465 nm, the optical absorption of Si in the composite structure (Ag-NPs/Si) rises from 59% to 94% with an array of radius r = 18.5 nm, a height H = 45.0 nm and a period P = 49.0 nm. It concluded that the light absorption gain was 0.57 and photogenerated carriers had a gain factor of 0.53 due to the enhanced light absorption of Si via LSPR in blue band. The results provide a significant reference for the enhancement of the blue-light absorption properties in silicon based on the LSPR effect and the design of a silicon-photodetector with a visible wide spectral resoponse.
Key words:
- localized surface plasmon /
- silicon /
- blue light /
- absorptivity /
- FDTD method
图 3 Ag-NPs几何参数对硅的光学行为的影响。(a)半径r对硅在蓝光波段的吸收影响;(b)光吸收率与共振波长随半径r的变化;(c)半径r对硅在蓝光波段的吸收增益影响
Figure 3. Influence of geometric parameters of Ag-NPs on the optical properties of silicon. (a) Absorptance versus radius r in blue band; (b) absorptance and resonant wavelength versus radius r; (c) absorption gain versus radius r in blue band
图 4 Ag-NPs几何参数对硅的光学性质的影响。(a)高度H对硅在蓝光波段的吸收影响;(b)光吸收率与共振波长随高度H的变化;(c)高度H对硅在蓝光波段的吸收增益影响
Figure 4. Influence of geometric parameters of Ag-NPs on the optical properties of silicon. (a) Absorptance versus height H in blue band; (b) absorptance and resonant wavelength versus height H; (c) absorption gain versus height H in blue band
图 5 Ag-NPs几何参数对硅的光学性质影响。(a)周期P对硅在蓝光波段的吸收影响;(b)光吸收率与共振波长随周期P的变化;(c)周期P对硅在蓝光波段的吸收增益影响
Figure 5. Influence of geometric parameters of Ag-NPs on the optical properties of silicon. (a) absorptance versus period P in blue band; (b) absorptance and resonant wavelength versus period P; (c) absorption gain versus period P in blue band
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