摘要: 本文设计了一种用于婴幼儿视网膜筛查的广域眼底相机。文中对该系统所包含的照明系统、成像系统的设计方法进行了探讨。首先,根据James Polans宽视场人眼模型和婴儿眼解剖学数据,建立了婴儿眼模型。接着,提出新的锥形光纤方案用于大视场照明。最后,重点介绍了广域眼底相机的成像系统(包括接触镜、中继物镜)的设计方法。设计实例表明:广域眼底相机的视场可以达到130°,对眼底的物方分辨率可以达到10 μm。设计结果符合眼底成像设备国家标准YY0634-2008,满足婴幼儿视网膜筛查的要求。Abstract: A wide-area fundus camera used for screening the retinae of infants was designed. In this paper, the design methods of the device’s illuminating and imaging systems were investigated. Based on James Polans’ wide-field human eye model and a set of ophthalmic anatomy data, an infant eye model was established. Then, a tapered fiber scheme was proposed for wide area illumination. Finally, the design method of a wide-area fundus camera imaging system, including the contact lens and relay lens, is introduced. The design example shows that the Field Of View (FOV) of the wide-area fundus camera can reach 130°, and the object resolution of the fundus can reach 10 μm. The design results meet the national standards YY0634-2008 for fundus imaging equipment and meet the requirements for infant retina screening.
Key words:
- optical design /
- wide-area retinal imaging /
- medical optics
表 1 婴儿眼结构参数
Table 1. Parameters of an infant eye
解剖学数据 眼模型参数 曲率半径/mm 厚度/mm 材料 曲率半径/mm 厚度/mm 材料 角膜前表面 < 7.62 < 0.4 Nd ≈ 1.38 4.428 0.32 参考James Polans模型 角膜后表面 < 6.2 − − 3.519 − − 房水 − < 2.9 Nd ≈ 1.34 − 2.10 参考James Polans模型 晶状体前表面 未知 2.9 ~ 4 Nd ≈ 1.38~1.44 6.633 2.90 参考James Polans模型 晶状体后表面 未知 − − −3.738 − − 玻璃体 − 12 ~ 13 Nd ≈ 1.34 − 12.90 参考James Polans模型 视网膜 < 8.5 − − −7.533 − − 视轴总长 17.2 ~ 19.8 18.22 表 2 成像系统结构参数
Table 2. Parameters of imaging system
Surf Radius (mm) Thickness (mm) Glass nd vd 1 −4.428 3.456 1.67 55 2 −2.767 1.728 3 −37.936 3.456 1.85 40 4 125.526 1.441 5 9.230 5.186 1.67 55 6 49.036 23.042 7 40.087 5.733 1.76 27 8 −35.656 10.325 9 −5.948 3.853 1.73 2 10 −9.848 3.075 11 −11.061 4.542 1.85 24 12 −44.707 1.097 13 −96.658 3.469 1.57 56 14 −13.075 2.880 15 23.308 2.951 1.59 61 16 −45.371 1.395 17 9.583 4.928 1.83 37 18 6.156 2.452 19 14.406 2.386 1.59 61 20 −5.937 1.726 1.92 21 21 −18.279 0.319 22 3.961 2.304 1.59 61 23 9.911 3.517 IMG -
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