Non-destructive testing of red globe grape sugar content and moisture content based on visible/near infrared spectroscopy transmission technology
摘要: 本文研究基于可见/近红外透射光谱技术的红提糖度和含水率的无损检测方法。采集360个红提样本,并分别利用标准正态变量变换(Standard Normal Variable transformation,SNV)、SavitZky-Golay卷积平滑处理法(SavitZky-Golay,S_G)等光谱预处理方法处理后的数据建立PLSR模型,分别采用一次降维(GA、SPA、CARS、UVE)和二次降维组合(CARS-SPA、UVE-SPA、GA-SPA)7种数据降维方法对光谱进行特征变量提取,分别建立红提糖度和含水率的偏最小二乘回归算法(Partial Least Squares Regression,PLSR)和最小二乘支持向量机(Least Squares Support Vector Machine,LSSVM)含量检测模型并对比分析模型的优劣。结果表明:红提糖度和含水率的最优PLSR模型波长提取方法为GA-SPA-PLSR,最优模型的预测集相关系数分别为0.958、0.938;红提糖度和含水率的最优LSSVM模型波长提取方法分别为CARS-SPA-LSSVM、UVE-SPA-LSSVM,最优模型的预测集相关系数分别为0.969、0.942;LSSVM所建模型的效果好于PLSR所建模型,但模型的运算时间较长。研究结果表明:基于可见/近红外技术无损检测红提糖度和含水率的方法可行,两种最优检测模型的预测精度均较高,都能满足检测要求。在不同应用下,可酌情选择不同模型,PLSR所建最优模型的运算时间较短,适合在线快速检测;LSSVM的检测性能最佳,可更加准确地检测红提糖度和含水率。Abstract: In this paper, a non-destructive detection method for the sugar and moisture content of red globe grapes based on visible/near-infrared spectroscopy transmission technology is studied. The PLSR model is established by collecting 360 red globe grape samples by using spectral data processed by spectral preprocessing methods such as Standard Normal Variable transformation (SNV), SavitZky-Golay(S_G) and other spectral preprocessing methods respectively to determine the best spectral preprocessing method. Seven data dimensionality reduction methods of primary dimensionality reduction (GA, SPA, CARS, UVE) and secondary dimensionality reduction combinations (CARS-SPA, UVE-SPA, GA-SPA) are used to identify characteristic variables of spectra. PLSR and LSSVM detection models of sugar content and moisture content of red globe grape are established respectively, and the advantages and disadvantages of each model are compared and analyzed. The results show that the optimal PLSR model wavelength extraction method for red globe grape sugar content and moisture content is GA-SPA-PLSR, and the correlation coefficients of the optimal model are 0.958 and 0.938, respectively. The optimal LSSVM model wavelength extraction methods for red globe grape sugar and moisture content are CARS-SPA-LSSVM and UVE-SPA-LSSVM, respectively. The correlation coefficients of the optimal model are 0.969 and 0.942, respectively. The model built using LSSVM is better than that built using PLSR, but its operation time is longer. The results also show that the non-destructive detection method of red globe grape sugar and moisture content based on visible/near-infrared technology is feasible, and the detection accuracy of both two optimal detection models is high, which can meet detection requirements. Different models can be selected for different applications. The optimal model built by PLSR has shorter computation time and is suitable for online rapid detection. LSSVM has the best detection performance and can accurately detect red globe grape sugar and moisture content.
表 1 原始光谱及采用不同预处理方法后建立的的全波长PLSR检测模型
Table 1. Original spectra and full-wavelength PLSR detection model established by different pretreatment methods
指标 预处理 LVs主因子数 校正集 预测集 Rc RMSEC Rp RMSEP 糖度 原始光谱 15 0.927 0.498 0.933 0.493 SNV 19 0.954 0.412 0.907 0.468 S_G 14 0.793 0.809 0.808 0.759 Nor 20 0.957 0.401 0.878 0.516 含水率 原始光谱 15 0.901 0.549 0.868 0.780 SNV 15 0.892 0.583 0.842 0.731 Nor 15 0.893 0.603 0.832 0.719 表 2 利用KS算法划分样本集的数据统计
Table 2. Data statistics of sample sets partitioned by KS algorithm
样本数量 指标 最小值 最大值 平均值 标准差S.D 变异系数C.V 校正集(270个) 糖度 16.8(°Brix) 24.0(°Brix) 20.2(°Brix) 1.334 6.595% 含水率 76.689% 84.327% 80.746% 1.268 1.570% 预测集(90个) 糖度 17.8(°Brix) 22.7(°Brix) 20.2(°Brix) 1.275 6.293% 含水率 76.635% 83.621% 80.582% 1.450 1.780% 表 3 不同放置模式的全波长PLSR检测模型
Table 3. Full-wavelength PLSR detection models of samples with different placement modes
放置模式 指标 LVs主因子数 校正集 预测集 Rc RMSEC Rp RMSEP 竖放 糖度 16 0.922 0.503 0.907 0.589 含水率 15 0.897 0.567 0.861 0.812 横放 糖度 15 0.908 0.576 0.890 0.614 含水率 15 0.884 0.629 0.811 0.921 平均光谱 糖度 15 0.927 0.498 0.933 0.493 含水率 15 0.901 0.549 0.868 0.780 表 4 基于特征波长建立的红提糖度和含水率PLSR检测模型
Table 4. PLSR detection models of red globe grape′s sugar and moisture content based on wavelength characteristics
指标 特征波长提取方法 波点个数 LVs主因子数 校正集 预测集 RPD Rc RMSEC Rp RMSEP 糖度 原始光谱 1150 15 0.927 0.498 0.933 0.493 2.586 GA 85 13 0.941 0.450 0.929 0.499 2.555 SPA 17 15 0.889 0.610 0.921 0.527 2.419 CARS 27 15 0.915 0.537 0.926 0.502 2.540 糖度 UVE 437 13 0.912 0.547 0.925 0.510 2.500 CARS-SPA 9 5 0.896 0.592 0.919 0.529 2.410 UVE-SPA 15 10 0.898 0.585 0.917 0.531 2.401 GA-SPA 15 10 0.957 0.390 0.958 0.375 3.400 含水率 原始光谱 1150 15 0.901 0.549 0.868 0.780 1.860 GA 78 10 0.900 0.551 0.892 0.728 1.992 SPA 12 11 0.840 0.687 0.838 0.833 1.741 CARS 27 15 0.901 0.549 0.868 0.780 1.859 UVE 615 13 0.891 0.574 0.874 0.758 1.913 CARS-SPA 11 11 0.819 0.726 0.848 0.858 1.690 UVE-SPA 19 14 0.882 0.597 0.867 0.770 1.884 GA-SPA 13 7 0.934 0.454 0.938 0.512 2.832 表 5 红提糖度和含水率PLSR检测模型的最优特征波点列表
Table 5. List of optimal wave point characteristics of the sugar and moister content of PLSR detection model for red globe grapes
指标 建模方法 波长/nm 糖度(15个) GA-SPA-PLSR 722.35、774.15、802.39、813.39、867.92、882.13、904.45、910.44、929.67、943.31、950.11、954.36、968.36、975.57、1002.59 含水率(13个) GA-SPA-PLSR 750.06、799.03、825.98、835.52、859.73、863.61、869.64、878.26、904.02、909.58、913.01、947.56、967.09 表 6 基于特征波长建立的红提糖度和含水率LSSVM检测模型
Table 6. LSSVM detection models of sugar and moisture content for red globe grapes based on wavelength characteristics
指标 特征波长提取方法 波点个数 γ σ2 校正集 预测集 RPD Rc RMSEC Rp RMSEP 糖度 原始光谱 1150 606877.813 27698.587 0.976 0.296 0.937 0.451 2.827 GA 85 486007.978 1715.475 0.964 0.354 0.940 0.441 2.891 SPA 17 255631.106 269.184 0.946 0.436 0.905 0.544 2.344 CARS 27 352524.566 442.091 0.944 0.442 0.941 0.434 2.938 UVE 437 709628.506 8410.785 0.968 0.338 0.942 0.431 2.958 CARS-SPA 9 493958.299 187.240 0.967 0.340 0.969 0.322 3.960 UVE-SPA 15 394145.82 282.089 0.935 0.472 0.925 0.485 2.629 GA-SPA 15 347263.829 384.322 0.935 0.473 0.937 0.449 2.839 含水率 原始光谱 1150 54302.715 46313.338 0.949 0.405 0.888 0.711 2.040 GA 78 351395.906 2351.707 0.931 0.465 0.899 0.683 2.124 含水率 SPA 12 224241.827 258.227 0.873 0.620 0.844 0.806 1.800 CARS 27 454665.452 23000.299 0.962 0.350 0.891 0.686 2.114 UVE 615 647436.819 22685.185 0.947 0.412 0.896 0.684 2.120 CARS-SPA 11 751032.167 865.070 0.883 0.595 0.843 0.820 1.769 UVE-SPA 19 606836.672 365.462 0.945 0.451 0.942 0.475 3.053 GA-SPA 13 3888528.517 496.001 0.908 0.531 0.889 0.728 1.992 表 7 红提糖度和含水率LSSVM检测模型的最优特征波点列表
Table 7. List of optimal wave point characteristics of the sugar and moisture content of LSSVM detection model for red globe grape
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