摘要: 超快激光技术的发展为基础研究和工业生产不断注入新的动力,促发了很多新学科、新技术的诞生。超快激光焊接作为近年来发展起来的一种新型材料连接技术,在航空航天、精密机械、集成光电、生物医疗等领域具有巨大的应用潜力,受到了人们的广泛关注。基于超快激光非线性选区能量沉积的基本特点,超快激光焊接具有广泛的材料适用性和空间选择性,可以在无嵌入层的前提下实现涉及透明材料的高质量选区焊接。本文从超快激光选区焊接的物理机制、主要影响因素、适用领域入手进行了归纳与分析,并对未来该技术发展和将面临的关键挑战进行了论述。Abstract: The development of ultrafast laser technology has continuously injected new impetus into fundamental research and production, promoted the emergence of new disciplines and technologies. As a new materials welding and joining technique developed in recent years, ultrafast laser welding has attracted extensive attention due to the potential application in the fields of aerospace, precision machinery, optoelectronics, biomedical, etc.. Based on the intrinsic characteristic of non-linear space-selective energy deposition, ultrafast laser welding possesses extremely high material applicability and spatial selectivity, and can realize high-quality space-selective welding involving transparent materials with no need inserting an absorption layer. In this paper, we firstly give an overview on the progress of this field. Then, the physical mechanism, key influencing factors, and application scope of ultrafast laser welding are elaborated. At last, the future development and key challenges of ultrafast laser welding are discussed.
Key words:
- ultrafast laser /
- welding /
- transparent materials /
- non-linear absorption
图 1 (a)超快激光选区焊接玻璃样品示意图[13];(b)高重频激光诱导材料内部改性示意图以及超快激光焊线横截面[14];(c)环形激光焊线封装的窗口玻璃[13]
Figure 1. (a) Diagram of ultrafast laser welding of glass[13]; (b) schematic diagram of internal modification induced by ultrafast laser with high pulse repetition rate and cross section of seal[14]; (c) image of two laser welded circular blanks of fused silica[13]
图 7 (a)激光能量为1.63 μJ、扫描速度为20 mm/s时激光诱导D263玻璃热熔区域的横截面;(b)扫描速度为20 mm/s时超快激光作用D263玻璃的无裂纹条件[45]
Figure 7. (a) Cross-sections of D263 glass melting area at scanning speed v = 20 mm/s and laser energy Φ0 = 1.63 μJ; (b) crack-free and cracking conditions at v = 20 mm/s when ultra-fast laser is applied in D263[45]
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