Multi-optical axis parallelism calibration of space photoelectric tracking and aiming system
摘要: 为了解决空间光电跟瞄系统在真空环境下的多光轴标校问题,本文首先根据空间光电跟瞄系统的多光轴一致性检测精度要求,设计了一套多光轴标校系统。接着,对多光轴标校系统各子系统进行了详尽的误差分析,并给出了关键子系统的误差影响抑制方法。然后,对通信技术试验卫星三号的空间光电跟瞄系统进行了实验室环境与真空环境下的技术测试,分析了多光轴标校系统在两种测试环境下的误差来源以及测试精度,并给出了测试结果。最后,对多光轴标校系统进行了精度验证。最终结果表明:本文设计的多光轴标校系统在实验室测试环境下的标校精度为0.998″,收发平行度标定误差为1.165″;在真空测试环境下的标校精度为1.219″,收发平行度标定误差为1.359″,完全满足空间光电跟瞄系统1.5″的多光轴检测精度要求,为相关工程应用提供了技术支持。Abstract: To achieve multi-optical axis calibration of the space photoelectric tracking and aiming system in a vacuum, this paper first designed a set of multi-axis calibration systems according to the accuracy requirements for multi-axis consistency detection of the space photoelectric tracking and aiming system. Then, a detailed error analysis of each subsystem of the multi-axis calibration system was conducted, and the methods to restrain the influence of error in the key subsystem were given. After that, the technical tests of the space photoelectric tracking and aiming system of the Communications Technology Experiment Satellite 3 were implemented in laboratory and vacuum environments, and the error sources and test accuracy of the multi-axis calibration system in the two test environments were analyzed and the test results were given. Finally, the accuracy of the multi-axis calibration system was verified. The final results show that the calibration accuracy of the multi-axis calibration system in this paper is 0.998" in the laboratory test environment, and the calibration error of the parallelism of transmitter and receiver is 1.165"; the calibration accuracy is 1.219" in the vacuum test environment, and the calibration error of parallelism of transmitter and receiver is 1.359". These results fully meet the 1.5" multi-optical axis detection accuracy requirements of the space photoelectric tracking system, and provide support for research in related engineering applications.
表 1 分光衰减系统的测试设备
Table 1. Test equipment of the spectroscopic attenuation system
仪器 指标要求 干涉仪 PV测量精度优于λ/30(@632.8 nm) 标准球面镜 Φ100 mm口径,F#7和F#11标准头 调整机构 可实现平移和倾斜调整 表 2 实验室环境下的测试结果
Table 2. Test results in a laboratory environment (″)
测试环境 测试结果 水平方向 竖直方向 实验室环境 43.68 37.41 表 3 空间光电跟瞄系统的真空环境测试结果
Table 3. Test results of space photoelectric tracking and aiming system in a vacuum environment (″)
测试环境 测试结果 水平方向 竖直方向 真空环境 48.37 36.26 表 4 反置后的跟瞄系统实验室环境与真空环境收发平行度测试数据对比
Table 4. Comparison of parallelism test results of reversed placed tracking and aiming system in the laboratory environment and the vacuum environment (Unit: ″)
测试环境 测试结果 水平方向 竖直方向 实验室环境 −43.12 −36.98 真空环境 −47.96 −36.12 表 5 同类多光轴平行性标校设备的标校精度统计表
Table 5. Calibration accuracy statistics of similar multi-axis parallelism calibration equipment (Unit: ″)
主要设计者 设计年份 标校精度 徐丹慧 2020 5 黄富瑜 2019 27.68 杨雪 2019 8.87 王若帆 2018 6.19 谢国兵 2018 5 纪小辉 2018 10.31 易瑔 2018 2.92 -
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