摘要: 本文提出一种基于机器学习的抛撒地雷的夜视智能探测方法。首先,根据YOLO系列机器学习算法,设计并优化了抛撒地雷的智能检测网络模型;其次,根据几何光学成像的相似性原理,研究抛撒地雷的测距模型。最后,搭建抛撒地雷的夜视智能探测系统进行实验测试分析。实验结果显示,优化后抛撒地雷智能探测网络模型的准确度达到98.97%、召回率达到99.22%、均值平均精度为99.2%;在给定的实验条件下,利用优化后的抛撒地雷测距模型,对抛撒地雷的距离测算误差为±10 cm,表明利用机器学习可以用于对抛撒地雷进行智能探测。Abstract: Night vision intelligent detection method of scatterable landmines based on machine learning is presented. Firstly, the intelligent detection network model of scatterable landmines is designed and optimized based on the YOLO series algorithm. Then, the model measuring the distance between scatterable landmines and detection equipment is proposed based on the similarity principle of geometric optical imaging. Finally, a night vision intelligent detection system for scatterable landmines is built, tested and analyzed. The experimental results show that the optimized intelligent detection network model can detect scatterable landmines with an accuracy of 98.97%, a recall rate of 99.22%, and a mean average accuracy of 99.2%. Under the given experimental conditions, the optimized scatterable landmine ranging model has an error of ±10 cm in the calculated distance of scatterable landmines. The study shows that machine learning can perform intelligent and long-distance detection of scatterable landmines.
表 1 训练参数
Table 1. Training parameters
参数名称 参数值 网络权重更新的batch数目 64 网络实际训练细分批次数 8 网络训练图片的宽 832 网络训练图片的高 832 动量参数 0.9 权重衰减系数 0.0005 学习率 0.001 迭代次数 100200 表 2 测试集测试时相关指标
Table 2. Relevant indexes during test set testing
Instance number TureMines FalseMines Recall Precision Map Before optimization 387 374 11 96.64% 97.14% 95.286% After optimization 387 384 4 99.22% 98.97% 99.2% 表 3 抛撒地雷测距实验数据
Table 3. Experimental data of distance measurement for scatterable landmines
测量距离/cm误差值/cm 误差 1 461.3 465.9 4.6 0.99% 2 582.0 595.3 13.3 2.28% 3 641.5 662.4 20.9 3.26% 4 782.6 818.0 35.4 4.52% 5 960.5 1014.9 54.4 5.66% 6 1083.8 1155.5 71.7 6.62% 7 1284.8 1387.6 102.8 8.00% 8 1343.4 1470.0 126.6 9.42% 9 1464.5 1618.9 154.4 10.54% 10 1584.1 1775.3 191.2 12.07% 11 1786.5 2033.2 246.7 13.81% 12 1844.4 2119.9 275.5 14.94% 13 1906.7 2199.7 293.0 15.37% 14 2088.4 2466.8 378.4 18.12% 15 2147.9 2657.8 509.9 23.73% 16 2285.4 2791.9 506.5 22.16% 表 4 优化算法后抛撒地雷测距实验数据
Table 4. Experimental data of the distance between the scatterable landmine and the camera after optimizing the algorithm
测量次数 激光测距仪测量距离/cm 优化后算法测量距离/cm 误差值/cm 误差 1 461.3 484.2 22.9 4.96% 2 582.0 584.5 2.5 0.43% 3 641.5 640.0 −1.5 −0.23% 4 782.6 775.5 −7.1 −0.91% 5 960.5 954.5 −6.0 −0.62% 6 1083.8 1082.2 −1.6 −0.15% 7 1284.8 1283.8 −1.0 −0.08% 8 1343.4 1351.5 8.1 0.60% 9 1464.5 1469.0 4.5 0.31% 10 1584.1 1588.2 4.1 0.26% 11 1786.5 1784.8 −1.7 −0.09% 12 1844.4 1851.8 7.4 0.40% 13 1906.7 1912.9 6.2 0.32% 14 2088.4 2097.0 8.5 0.41% 15 2147.9 2153.0 4.9 0.23% 16 2285.4 2285.6 0.2 0.01% -
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