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王丰璞 李新南 徐晨 黄亚

王丰璞, 李新南, 徐晨, 黄亚. 大型光学红外望远镜拼接非球面子镜反衍补偿检测光路设计[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2021, 14(5): 1184-1193. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0218
引用本文: 王丰璞, 李新南, 徐晨, 黄亚. 大型光学红外望远镜拼接非球面子镜反衍补偿检测光路设计[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2021, 14(5): 1184-1193. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0218
WANG Feng-pu, LI Xin-nan, XU Chen, HUANG Ya. Optical testing path design for LOT aspheric segmented mirrors with reflective-diffractive compensation[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1184-1193. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0218
Citation: WANG Feng-pu, LI Xin-nan, XU Chen, HUANG Ya. Optical testing path design for LOT aspheric segmented mirrors with reflective-diffractive compensation[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1184-1193. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0218


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No. 11627804)



  • 中图分类号: O439

Optical testing path design for LOT aspheric segmented mirrors with reflective-diffractive compensation

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11627804)
More Information
  • 摘要: 为了实现大口径、长焦距、批量化离轴镜面的高精度面形检验,本文提出了一种零位反衍补偿检测方案,采用计算全息和球面反射镜共同对离轴镜面法向像差进行补偿,检测光路波像差残差接近于零。检测方案为非轴对称离轴结构,设计了相应的全息对准光路,以保证检测光路装调切实可行。不同离轴量子镜检测光路参数完全一致,仅需更换相应位置计算全息片、调整待测镜空间姿态,即可实现不同类型镜面的快速批量化检验。误差分析结果表明,由补偿元件制造误差、光路失调、干涉仪面形测量重复性以及干涉仪标准球面波偏差引起的待测镜面形误差小于λ/40 (RMS值,λ=632.8 nm)。


  • 图 1  LOT拼接主镜

    Figure 1.  Splicing primary mirror of LOT

    图 2  编号14离轴子镜非球面偏离量分布

    Figure 2.  Aspheric deviation of No.14 off-axis segment

    图 3  计算全息和球面反射镜零位检测离轴非球面原理

    Figure 3.  Principle of off-axis aspheric surface detection by combining the CGH and a spherical mirror

    图 4  离轴子镜检测光路的像质评价结果。(a) 点列图;(b) 波像差

    Figure 4.  Image quality of off-axis mirror testing system. (a) Spot diagram; (b) wavefront map

    图 5  编号14离轴子镜检测光路焦点平面杂散光分布

    Figure 5.  Stray light distribution in focal plane of No.14 off-axis segment testing optical path

    图 6  CGH相位分布

    Figure 6.  CGH phase distribution

    图 7  不同离轴镜面主全息条纹图样。离轴量分别为:(a) 1247 mm; (b) 3741 mm; (c) 5715 mm

    Figure 7.  CGH fringe patterns of different off-axis segments (200 waves/fringe). Off-axis distance: (a) 1247 mm; (b) 3741 mm; (c) 5715 mm

    图 8  对准区域条纹图样

    Figure 8.  Fringe patterns of alignment CGHs

    图 9  对准光路示意图

    Figure 9.  Schematic diagram of optical path alignment

    表  1  主镜光学参数

    Table  1.   Optical parameters of the primary mirror

    ParametersROC/mDiameter/mConicSegment numbersSegment categories
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    表  2  六边形子镜技术参数

    Table  2.   Technical parameters of hexagonal sub-mirror

    NumberOff-axis distance/mmOff-axis angle φ/(°)Vertex sag/mmBest fit sphere ROC/mmMaximum deviation/μm
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    表  3  不同离轴子镜检测光路CGH空间频率、空间周期

    Table  3.   CGH spatial frequency and spatial period of different off-axis segment testing systems

    NumberElliptical etched area/mmSpatial frequency/mm−1Spatial period/μm
    x radiusy radiusMaxMinMaxMin
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    表  4  补偿元件加工误差及其波像差变化

    Table  4.   Fabrication errors of compensation elements and corresponding wavefront aberration variations

    Error typeError nameInternational processing statusFirst order RMS wavefront /nm
    CGH substrate errorTransmitted wavefront0.02λ5.784
    Thickness1 μm0.130
    Refraction index5×10−60.008
    CGH pattern fabrication errorEncoding0.05 μm1.492
    Pattern distortion0.1 μm2.985
    Etching depth1 %1.107
    Duty cycle0.5 %0
    Amplitude0.1 %0.026
    Spherical mirror fabrication errorSurface figure0.01λ6.328
    ROC0.01 %4.632
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    表  5  检测光路元件装调公差及波像差变化

    Table  5.   Element adjustment tolerance of the testing system and the wavefront aberration variation

    ElementTolerance (μm, arcsec)Wavefront error/nmTotal wavefront RMS/nm
    Zernike fringe coefficients
    tilt x50.020−0.141−0.0020.002−0.7720.283
    tilt y50.0010.0030.001−0.0040.0010.027
    tilt z5−0.003−0.0020.001−0.0020.0020.009
    spherical mirrordx100−0.0010.0000.0000.0000.0010.009
    tilt x300.457−2.7840.000−0.004−15.3835.577
    tilt y30−0.002−0.021−0.0080.022−0.0890.126
    tilt z300.0000.0030.0000.0000.0010.008
    LOT segmentdx100−0.003−0.0020.0000.0000.0020.008
    Coefficients RSS/nm0.5713.4600.0090.03119.105N/A
    Wavefront RMS/nm0.3291.4120.0040.0116.7546.944
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