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付景怡 秦天翔 黄蕴涵 刘智颖

付景怡, 秦天翔, 黄蕴涵, 刘智颖. 星模拟器光学系统视场拼接方法的研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2021, 14(6): 1468-1475. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0221
引用本文: 付景怡, 秦天翔, 黄蕴涵, 刘智颖. 星模拟器光学系统视场拼接方法的研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2021, 14(6): 1468-1475. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0221
FU Jing-yi, QIN Tian-xiang, HUANG Yun-han, LIU Zhi-ying. A field-of-view splicing method for the optical system of a star simulator[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(6): 1468-1475. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0221
Citation: FU Jing-yi, QIN Tian-xiang, HUANG Yun-han, LIU Zhi-ying. A field-of-view splicing method for the optical system of a star simulator[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(6): 1468-1475. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0221


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(No. 61805025; No. 61705018);吉林省科学技术发展项目(No. 20200401055GX)



  • 中图分类号: TB133;O439

A field-of-view splicing method for the optical system of a star simulator

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61805025; No. 61705018); Science and Technology Development Programme of Jilin Province (No. 20200401055GX)
More Information
  • 摘要: 大视场星模拟器可以提供更广的星图范围。但是现有星模拟器受显示芯片尺寸的限制,最大视场不超过30°。为了增大星模拟器光学系统视场,本文提出一种将同一规格的星模拟器视场进行拼接从而扩大视场的方法。为了降低成本及系统复杂程度、减少系统整体重量,以最少的拼接数目实现最大的拼接视场,文中针对视场重叠区域进行了详细计算与分析,提出以平面拼接为基础的形式简化拼接模型,得到正三角形、正四边形、正六边形3种典型的拼接方式,并推导了3种拼接方式下视场利用率的计算方法。提出了单一视场坐标计算方法,据此确定每个视场的中心位置,得到准确拼接数目。对比结果显示,正六边形拼接方式具有视场利用率更高、拼接数目更少的突出优势,为大视场星模拟器设计提供依据。


  • 图 1  拼接前后视场角对比图

    Figure 1.  Contrast of the FOV angle before and after splicing

    图 2  圆锥轴间夹角示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of the angle between shafts

    图 3  无缝拼接示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of three types of seamless splicings

    图 4  3种拼接方式拼接效果

    Figure 4.  Splicing effects of three splicing methods

    图 5  3种拼接方式的轴间夹角

    Figure 5.  The angle between the axes of the three splicing methods

    图 6  3种拼接方式下视场投影情况

    Figure 6.  Field of view projection results in three splicing modes

    图 7  正三角形拼接方式夹角计算示意图

    Figure 7.  Schematic diagram of the calculation of the included angle of the regular triangle splicing method

    图 8  坐标系的建立

    Figure 8.  Establishment of the coordinate system

    图 9  中心坐标与交点坐标位置排列

    Figure 9.  Arrangement of the center coordinates and intersection coordinates

    图 10  坐标边界位置计算示意图

    Figure 10.  Schematic diagram of calculation of the coordinate boundary position

    图 11  3种方式的拼接数目趋势图

    Figure 11.  Trends in the number of splices in three ways

    表  1  正三角形拼接方式的圈数与个数关系

    Table  1.   Relationship between the number of circles and the number of regular triangle splicing method

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    表  2  正四边形拼接方式的圈数与个数关系

    Table  2.   Relationship between the number of circles and the number of square splicing method

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    表  3  正六边形拼接方式的圈数与个数关系

    Table  3.   Relationship between the number of circles and the number of regular hexagon splicing method

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    表  4  3种方式的视场利用率对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of FOV utilization of three methods

    拼接方式n$\eta $
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    表  5  3种方式的拼接数目对比

    Table  5.   Comparison of the number of splices for three methods

    正四边形542 91414812037
    正六边形421 67311341554
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