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李佳慧 侯溪 张云 王佳 钟显云

李佳慧, 侯溪, 张云, 王佳, 钟显云. 弹性发射光学制造技术研究进展[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2021, 14(5): 1089-1103. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0022
引用本文: 李佳慧, 侯溪, 张云, 王佳, 钟显云. 弹性发射光学制造技术研究进展[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2021, 14(5): 1089-1103. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0022
LI Jia-hui, HOU Xi, ZHANG Yun, WANG Jia, ZHONG Xian-yun. Research progress of elastic emission machining in optical manufacturing[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1089-1103. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0022
Citation: LI Jia-hui, HOU Xi, ZHANG Yun, WANG Jia, ZHONG Xian-yun. Research progress of elastic emission machining in optical manufacturing[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(5): 1089-1103. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0022


基金项目: 中国科学院“西部青年学者”


    侯 溪(1980—),男,四川阆中人,博士,研究员,博士生导师,2002 年于电子科技大学获得学士学位,2007 年于中国科学院研究生院获得博士学位,主要从事超精密光学制造及高精度光学检测技术研究。Email:hxxh6776@163.com

    张 云(1987—),男,四川古蔺人,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,2010年、2016年于北京理工大学分别获得学士、博士学位,主要从事超精密光学元件制造技术及工艺研究。Email:yun5337@163.com

    王 佳(1987—),男,四川彭州人,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,2010年于西北工业大学获得学士学位,2015年于中国科学院研究生院获得博士学位,主要从事超高精度非球面确定性加工工艺、装备研发及全频段误差加工分配、表征研究。Email:Wangj062778@qq.com


  • 中图分类号: TG356.28

Research progress of elastic emission machining in optical manufacturing

Funds: Supported by the “Young Scholars of Western China” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
More Information
  • 摘要: 深紫外光刻、极紫外光刻和先进光源等现代光学工程需求牵引先进光学制造技术持续发展,要求超光滑光学元件表面粗糙度达到原子级水平以及表面全频段面形误差达到RMS(Root Mean Square)亚纳米量级甚至几十皮米,推动超光滑光学元件制造要求不断逼近物理极限。目前,对于如何实现上述超高精度要求的超光滑加工技术及装备仍然存在技术挑战。尤其对如何实现柱面,椭球面,超环面等复杂曲面的原子量级超光滑加工仍是国内外前沿研究方向。弹性发射加工技术是一种去除函数稳定,超低亚表面缺陷,面向原子级的超光滑加工方法,可以作为加工上述精度要求光学元件的手段。本文总结了弹性发射加工技术的国内外研究现状及最新进展,归纳了弹性发射加工技术的原理,包含流体特性、抛光颗粒运动特性和化学特性,弹性发射加工装备,影响弹性发射加工技术表面粗糙度提升和材料去除效率的因素,分析了弹性发射加工技术面临的问题,展望了未来的发展方向,期望为弹性发射加工技术进一步发展和应用提供一定的参考。


  • 图 1  EEM基本原理

    Figure 1.  The basic principle of EEM

    图 2  抛光颗粒受力分析图

    Figure 2.  Force analysis diagram of polishing particles

    图 3  抛光颗粒作用数目、动能、动能密度分布图[26]

    Figure 3.  The number, kinetic energy, kinetic energy density distributions of polishing particles[26]

    图 4  材料去除量[27]

    Figure 4.  Material removal depth[27]

    图 5  纳米抛光颗粒与光学元件的相互作用示意图[30]

    Figure 5.  Interactions between surfaces of nano polishing particles and workpiece[30]

    图 6  分子动力学模拟结构的原子区域[32]

    Figure 6.  Region of atoms which is structurally optimized by molecular dynamics[32]

    图 7  弹性发射加工装置的发展历程[11, 31, 36-42]

    Figure 7.  The development of apparatus in EEM[11, 31, 36-42]

    图 8  影响加工表面粗糙度提升的因素[11, 26, 28, 44-47]

    Figure 8.  Factors affecting the improvement of surface roughness in EEM[11, 26, 28, 44-47]

    图 9  光学元件旋转式EEM[28]

    Figure 9.  Workpiece rotating type EEM[28]

    图 10  双转轮式EEM加工装置[44]

    Figure 10.  Illustration of dual-rotor type EEM[44]

    图 11  弹性发射加工装备

    Figure 11.  EEM system equipment

    表  1  弹性发射加工技术流体驱动方式[9, 19, 26, 43, 44]

    Table  1.   Fluid-driven methods of elastic emission machining[9, 19, 26, 43, 44]

    CategoryPolishing tool formAdvantage ■ and Disadvantage ●
    Polishing ball type EEMSpherical■ It can polish curved optical components.
    ● It has a low material removal rate and has
    side leakage.
    Ellipsoid■ Enlarge the interaction area and material
    removal rate.
    ■ The curvature of the tool will change, and
    the curved surface can be processed, which is
    more suitable for concave components.
    Polishing wheel type EEMCylindrical■ Expand the processing area, improve the
    material removal rate and there is no side
    ■ The removal function is linear, and only
    planes and cylinders with a single curvature
    can be processed.
    Spherical crown■ It can polish curved optical components.
    Nozzle type EEM■ It is easy to control and can accurately
    polish optical components.
    ■ It is not constrained by the shape of optical
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    表  2  用不同形状的抛光颗粒加工光学表面前后的表面质量和材料去除效率[51]

    Table  2.   Surface quality and material removal rate of preprocessed and EEM processed surfaces for polishing particles with different shapes[51]

    Preprocessed surfaceProcessed using spherical particlesProcessed using
    Material removal rate/(nm·h−1)1.000120.00
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    表  3  影响剪切力的因素

    Table  3.   Factors affecting shear stress in EEM

    Parameter typesFactors
    Processing parametersLiquid film thickness. Applied load
    Polishing fluid parametersThe size, surface morphology, lattice orientation
    and incident angle of polishing particles.
    Ultrapure water temperature.
    The viscosity and concentration of polishing fluid
    Polishing tool parametersThe shape, curvature, speed, surface roughness,
    material elastic modulus of polishing tool
    Optical component parametersThe material, lattice orientation,
    surface roughness, ripple, geometric
    parameters of optical components
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    表  4  参数与剪切力在不同状态下的关系

    Table  4.   The relationship of parameters with shear stress in different conditions

    Polishing tool rotationNegativePositivePositive
    Polishing fluid viscosityNegativePositivePositive
    Pressure-viscosity coefficientNegative
    Elastic modulusPositivePositive
    Polishing tool radiusPositivePositivePositive
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    表  5  弹性发射加工技术在表面粗糙度和材料去除效率方面的研究现状[10, 12, 14, 24, 45, 51, 55]

    Table  5.   Research status of surface roughness and material removal rates in EEM[10, 12, 14, 24, 45, 51, 55]

    MaterialSurface roughness(RMS)Material removal rate
    Si0.080 nm120 nm/h
    Zerodur0.085 nm1.25×10−3 mm3/h
    4H-SiC0.089 nm
    SiC0.640 nm
    Fused silica0.085 nm
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