摘要: 针对固定污染源烟气超低排放以及CO2等温室气体迫切的监测需求,常规的烟气在线监测产品很难满足越来越高的监测标准,以及多因子同时监测的需求。本文介绍了基于非分散红外原理的多组分微量气体分析系统,建立气体滤波相关(GFC)和干涉滤波相关(IFC)技术的理论模型,以建立有效光程、滤光片中心波长和带宽等关键系统参数,以及待测气体浓度与测量和参考信号的关系,确定各气体组分所采用的测量技术。构建多组分微量气体分析系统,GFC和IFC相结合的技术,在时域上实现了参考和检测的双光路设计,采用长光程的多次回返气体室,实现小量程和0.5 mg/m3的检出限,以及不超过±2%F.S.的24 h零点和量程漂移,可同时在线监测SO2、NO、NO2、CO和CO2等气态污染物,满足固定污染源超低排放和碳排放的监测需求,有助于解决固定污染源烟气排放监测数据的真实、准确和全面的问题。Abstract: Ultra-low emission standards of flue gas emitted from stationary sources have been proposed, which creates a new challenge for Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM). Peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality are frequently-mentioned concepts, which means the monitoring of CO2 will eventually be necessary. It is difficult to satisfy the strict limits of ultra-low emission standards with conventional CEM systems. A multi-component trace gas analysis system based on non-dispersive infrared is promoted in this paper to monitor trace gases of continuous emission. A Gas Filter Correlation (GFC) model and Interference Filter Correlation (IFC) model were established, which can describe the relationship of optical length, center wavelength, bandwidth of the filters and gas concentration with measure and reference signals. To confirm the measurement technique of gases, the GFC technique combines with the IFC technique to achieve a double-beam path. With the help of white cells, a small-scale, and the detection limit better than 0.5 mg/m3 can be realized. Zero and span drift are no more than ±2% of the full scale. SO2, NO, NO2, CO and CO2 can be simultenously and continuously monitored to satisfy the requirements of ultra-low and carbon emission monitoring. This technique is helpful for obtaining factual, accurate and comprehensive CEM data.
表 1 分析系统的量程
Table 1. Span of multi-component analysis system
气体名称 量程 SO2/(mg·m−3) 0~50 NO/(mg·m−3) 0~100 NO2/(mg·m−3) 0~50 CO/(mg·m−3) 0~100 CO2/(%) 25 表 2 分析系统的检出限
Table 2. Detection limit of the multi-component analysis system
不同气体 检出限 SO2/(μg·m−3) 50 NO/(μg·m−3) 350 NO2/(μg·m−3) 120 CO/(μg·m−3) 130 CO2/(%) 0.05 表 3 分析系统的零点和量程漂移
Table 3. Zero and span drift of multi-component analysis system
24 h漂移(%F.S.) 零点 量程 NO 1.48 −1.06 NO2 −0.55 0.61 CO2 0 −0.71 CO 0.4 0.49 SO2 1.85 1.27 -
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