摘要: 紫外探测技术已广泛应用于人类生产生活的各个方面,宽谱段紫外成像仪系统的研究具有重要意义。本文通过推导色差理论公式,提出了单一透镜材料的宽谱段紫外成像仪光学系统色差校正方案。结合高灵敏度大动态紫外成像探测器的性能指标要求,设计了仅一种透镜材料且所有透镜均为球面的210~400 nm宽谱段紫外成像仪光学系统,并运用光学设计软件CODE V进行系统优化及像质评价。结果表明:在奈奎斯特频率40 lp/mm下,全视场全波段系统的调制传递函数优于0.6,系统点列图RMS<7.8 μm,具有良好的成像质量。该系统不含非球面等光学元件,不仅易于加工装调,而且降低了研制成本,该方法将为宽谱段紫外成像光谱仪的设计奠定技术基础。Abstract: Ultraviolet detection technology is widely used in various fields of production and human life. It is thus greatly significant to study wide-spectrum ultraviolet (UV) imager systems. Through deducing the theoretical formula of chromatic aberration, a scheme for correcting the chromatic aberration of the optical system of the wide-spectrum UV imager with the lenses made of single material was proposed. Combined with the performance index of a high-sensitivity dynamic UV imaging detector, the optical system of the 210~400 nm wide-spectrum UV imager with only one lens material and all lenses being spherical was designed. The optical design software CODE V was used to optimize the system and evaluate the image quality. The results demonstrate that the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) in the entire field of view and waveband of the system is better than 0.6 at the Nyquist frequency of 40 lp/mm and RMS<7.8 μm. Thus, the system has good imaging quality. The system does not contain aspheric optical elements, which makes it not only easy to process and assemble, but also reduces its cost and lays a technical foundation for the development of a wide-spectrum UV imaging spectrometer.
Key words:
- ultraviolet imager /
- wide spectrum /
- optical design /
- chromatic correction
表 1 宽谱段紫外成像仪系统参数
Table 1. Parameters of wide-spectrum UV imaging system
项目 参数 轨道高度/km 760 空间分辨率/m 30 系统入瞳直径/mm 50 系统焦距/mm 330 系统F数 F/6.6 视场角/(°) 2.2 光谱范围/nm 210~400 像素/pixel 1024×1024 像元尺寸/μm 13 -
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