摘要: 为了获得基于孤子自频移效应的1.6 μm波段锁模脉冲,设计了一种非线性偏振旋转的掺铒光纤激光器,并利用双输出结构检测脉冲。在泵浦功率为350 mW时,通过适当调节偏振控制器,同时在两个输出端观察到中心波长为1560 nm的类噪声脉冲,3 dB带宽为17.5 nm,脉冲持续时间为968 fs。进一步将泵浦功率增加至550 mW,输出端1的类噪声脉冲保持不变,输出端2的类噪声脉冲的中心波长红移至1614 nm,3 dB带宽增加至64.4 nm,脉冲持续时间减小至302 fs。谐振腔的最大输出功率为11.4 mW。同时,实验分析了色散位移光纤的长度对孤子自频移的影响,结果表明,在一定范围内,色散位移光纤的长度越长,孤子自频移的频移间距越小。实验研究的1.6 μm波段光纤激光器在光学通信领域具有潜在的应用价值。Abstract: In order to obtain the 1.6 μm-band mode-locked pulse based on the soliton self-frequency shift effect, an erbium-doped fiber laser with nonlinear polarization rotation is designed, whose pulse is detected by a dual-output structure. At a pump power of 350 mW, the noise-like pulses with the central wavelength of 1560 nm are detected at the two outputs at the same time by properly adjusting the polarization controller. The 3 dB bandwidth is 17.5 nm, and the pulse duration is 968 fs. When the pump power is further increased to 550 mW, and the 1-port noise-like pulse remains fixed, the central wavelength of the 2-port noise-like pulse redshifts to 1614 nm, the 3 dB bandwidth increases to 64.4 nm, and the pulse duration decreases to 302 fs. The maximum output power of the resonant cavity is 11.4 mW. The experiment also analyzes the influence of the length of dispersion shifted fiber on soliton self-frequency shift. The results show that within a certain range, as the length of the dispersion shifted fiber increases, the frequency shift distance of the soliton self-frequency shift decreases. This 1.6-μm band fiber laser has potential applications in the field of optical communications.
表 1 不同DSF长度对应的频移间距
Table 1. Frequency shift spacing corresponding to different DSF lengths
DSF长度/m 6 18 30 42 54 66 72 频移间距/nm 56.7 49.4 47.9 50.2 46.5 45.9 41.7 表 2 两种状态下类噪声脉冲性能的对比
Table 2. Comparison of output pulse performance in two states
中心波长/nm 3 dB带宽/nm 尖峰宽度/fs 峰值功率/kW 加入DCF 1614 62.47 302 3.7 未加入DCF 1559.8 12.61 675 1.5 -
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