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白晓泉 郭良 马宏财 许博谦 鞠国浩 徐抒岩

白晓泉, 郭良, 马宏财, 许博谦, 鞠国浩, 徐抒岩. 离轴三反望远镜轴向与横向失调量像差耦合特性[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(4): 747-760. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0164
引用本文: 白晓泉, 郭良, 马宏财, 许博谦, 鞠国浩, 徐抒岩. 离轴三反望远镜轴向与横向失调量像差耦合特性[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(4): 747-760. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0164
BAI Xiao-quan, GUO Liang, MA Hong-cai, XU Bo-qian, JU Guo-hao, XU Shu-yan. Aberration coupling characteristics of axial and lateral misalignments of off-axis three-mirror telescopes[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 747-760. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0164
Citation: BAI Xiao-quan, GUO Liang, MA Hong-cai, XU Bo-qian, JU Guo-hao, XU Shu-yan. Aberration coupling characteristics of axial and lateral misalignments of off-axis three-mirror telescopes[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(4): 747-760. doi: 10.37188/CO.2021-0164


基金项目: 自然科学基金资助项目(No. 61905241)


    郭 良(1994-),男,山东济南人,博士研究生,2017年于山东理工大学获得学士学位,主要从事空间大口径望远镜主动光学波前检测方面的研究。E-mail: 1252591259@qq.com.cn




    徐抒岩 (1963—),男,吉林长春人,工学硕士,研究员,博士生导师,荣获中国载人航天工程突出贡献者奖章,曾宪梓载人航天基金突出贡献奖。主要从事空间大口径望远镜总体方面研究。E-mail:xusy@ciomp.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: TH743;TH703

Aberration coupling characteristics of axial and lateral misalignments of off-axis three-mirror telescopes

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)(No. 61905241)
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  500 mm离轴三反光路图。(a)示意图及(b)实验图

    Figure 1.  (a) Schematic diagram and (b) experiment device of the 500 mm off-axis three-mirror system

    图 2  不同状态下的像散场

    Figure 2.  FFDs (full field displays) for astigmatism in different states

    图 3  不同状态下的彗差场

    Figure 3.  FFDs for the coma in different states

    图 5  以彗差场改变量最小为目标进行补偿时像差场分布

    Figure 5.  Aberration field distribution when the minimized coma field change is set as the goal for compensation

    图 4  以像散场改变量最小为目标进行补偿时像差场分布

    Figure 4.  Aberration field distribution when the minimized astigmatism field change is set as the goal for compensation

    图 6  利用轴向自由度补偿横向失调过程中不同状态全视场波前误差RMS分布

    Figure 6.  Full-field distributions of RMS wavefront error for different states in the process of compensating the aberrations induced by lateral misalignments using axial mialignments

    图 7  横向失调补偿轴向失调时不同阶段像差场分布

    Figure 7.  Aberration field distribution in different states when the lateral misalignment compensates for the axial misalignment

    图 8  利用横向位姿自由度补偿轴向失调(ZDE_SM=1mm)前后全视场RMS分布

    Figure 8.  Full-field distributions of RMS wavefront error before and after compensating the aberrations induced by axial misalignments (ZDE_SM=1mm) using lateral mialignments

    图 9  用横向位姿自由度补偿轴向失调(ZDE_SM=−1mm)前后全视场RMS分布

    Figure 9.  Full-field distributions of RMS wavefront error before and after compensating the aberrations induced by axial misalignments (ZDE_SM=−1mm) using lateral misalignments

    图 10  不同状态下干涉仪测量结果(去除部分高频量)

    Figure 10.  Measurement results with interferometer under different conditions (remove some high frequency)

    表  1  波像差系数对主次镜间距的敏感度

    Table  1.   Sensitivity of the wavefront aberration coefficient to the distance between primary and secondary mirrors (632.8 nm/mm)

    $ {K_{040{d_1}}} $0.080
    $ {K_{222{d_1}}} $0.239
    $ {K_{131{d_1}}} $−0.119
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    表  2  波像差系数对次三镜间距的敏感度

    Table  2.   Sensitivity of the wavefront aberration coefficient to the distance between the secondary and tertiary mirrors (632.8 nm/mm)

    $ {K_{040{d_2}}} $−0.006
    $ {K_{222{d_2}}} $−0.016
    $ {K_{131{d_2}}} $0.028
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    表  3  不同方法获得的像散系数差值

    Table  3.   The difference in the astigmatism coefficient obtained by different methods (λ=632.8 nm)

    视场Zernike 像差系数仿真软
    (0.3°,−0.8°)$ \Delta {C_5} $−0.0038−0.0026
    $ \Delta {C_6} $−0.0495−0.0388
    (−0.3°,−0.8°)$ \Delta {C_5} $0.01090.0118
    $ \Delta {C_6} $−0.0659−0.0618
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    表  4  不同方法获得的彗差系数差值

    Table  4.   The difference in the coma coefficient obtained by different methods (λ=632.8 nm)

    视场Zernike 像差系数仿真软件获取值公式
    (0.3°,−0.8°)$ \Delta {C_7} $−0.0107−0.0108
    $ \Delta {C_8} $0.01150.0108
    (−0.3°,−0.8°)$ \Delta {C_7} $−0.0136−0.0134
    $ \Delta {C_8} $0.01130.0110
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    表  5  像差系数对失调量的敏感度

    Table  5.   Sensitivity of the aberration coefficient to misalignment (632.8 nm/mm and 632.8 nm/°)

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