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张向辉 于化东 许金凯 于占江 李一全 于浩洋

张向辉, 于化东, 许金凯, 于占江, 李一全, 于浩洋. 微细正交切削过程原位观测中位移补偿方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(3): 476-487. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0032
引用本文: 张向辉, 于化东, 许金凯, 于占江, 李一全, 于浩洋. 微细正交切削过程原位观测中位移补偿方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(3): 476-487. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0032
ZHANG Xiang-hui, YU Hua-dong, XU Jin-kai, YU Zhan-jiang, LI Yi-quan, YU hao-yang. Displacement compensation method for in-situ observation of micro orthogonal cutting process[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(3): 476-487. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0032
Citation: ZHANG Xiang-hui, YU Hua-dong, XU Jin-kai, YU Zhan-jiang, LI Yi-quan, YU hao-yang. Displacement compensation method for in-situ observation of micro orthogonal cutting process[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(3): 476-487. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0032


基金项目: 吉林省重点研发项目(No. 20210201112GX);国家重点研发计划项目(No. 2018YFB1107400)



  • 中图分类号: TP394.1;TH691.9

Displacement compensation method for in-situ observation of micro orthogonal cutting process

Funds: Supported by Key Research and Development Project of Jilin province (No. 20210201112GX); National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2018YFB1107400)
More Information
  • 摘要: 原位观测和数字图像相关(DIC)分析法逐步在金属切削加工过程的塑性变形分析中得到广泛应用,其测量分析过程直观准确,已经成为一种主要的材料变形分析手段。为了在金属微细正交切削原位显微成像分析时,既能获得大观测视野又能使位移场分析结果清晰直观,本文提出改进型图像尺寸压缩匹配搜索算法对图像序列间的位移偏差进行检测补偿,将切削工况由工件做进给运动转化为刀具做进给运动。与归一化积相关匹配搜索算法进行对比验证,结果显示,所提出算法在大幅度提高执行效率的同时还具有很高的搜索精度。最后,在图像序列间选取两张图像进行位移偏差补偿以及变形区位移场DIC分析,结果显示本文补偿方法可以对工件进给运动和外界环境中振动引起的位移偏差进行有效补偿,使得变形区位移场分析结果中工件材料间的相对运动趋势更为直观。


  • 图 1  微细正交切削观测系统

    Figure 1.  Micro orthogonal cutting observation system

    图 2  (a) 微细正交切削观测系统相关坐标系;(b)显微观测成像

    Figure 2.  (a) Corresponding coordinate system of micro orthogonal cutting observation system; (b) microscopic observation imaging

    图 3  变形前后图像之间的区域对应

    Figure 3.  Region correspondence between images before and after deformation

    图 4  数字图像归一化积相关模板全局匹配流程图

    Figure 4.  Flow chart of global template matching of digital image normalized cross correlation

    图 5  添加运动约束搜索图像截取流程图

    Figure 5.  Flow chart of search image capturing with motion constraint

    图 6  图像尺寸压缩匹配算法流程图

    Figure 6.  Flow chart of the image size compression matching algorithm

    图 7  变形前后图像间相对位移的补偿及DIC分析图像截取

    Figure 7.  Relative displacement compensation between images before and after deformation and interception of the image used in the DIC analysis

    图 8  (a-Ⅰ) 模板图像和(a-Ⅱ) 匹配搜索图像以及相应实验参数(ap=60 μm, vc=40 mm/min)

    Figure 8.  (a-Ⅰ) Template image and (a-Ⅱ) matching search image and employed experimental parameters

    图 9  NCC模板匹配算法全区域匹配结果及耗时

    Figure 9.  All-region matching results and time consumption obtained with NCC template matching algorithm

    图 10  搜索图像全区域相似系数分布图

    Figure 10.  The distribution map of the similarity coefficient in the whole area of the search image

    图 11  改进匹配搜索算法程序运行消耗时间

    Figure 11.  Time consumption of the improved matching search algorithm

    图 12  改进匹配搜索算法相对执行效率

    Figure 12.  The relative execution efficiency of the improved matching search algorithm

    图 13  改进的匹配搜索算法的匹配结果

    Figure 13.  Matching results obtained with the improved matching search algorithm

    图 14  图像序列间相对位移检测结果

    Figure 14.  Relative displacement detection results between image sequences

    图 15  位移补偿效果验证截取模板图像

    Figure 15.  Intercepted template image in the verification of the displacement detection compensation effect

    图 16  更新图像序列中二次模板匹配结果

    Figure 16.  The secondary template matching results in the updated image sequence

    图 17  更新图像序列中检测区域IVW和IVT上的相对位移量

    Figure 17.  The relative displacements between the detection regions IVW and IVT in the updated image sequence

    图 18  位移补偿前DIC分析变形区位移场分布结果。(a)列方向位移场变形参考图像中显示;(b)列方向位移场二维云图;(c)列方向位移场三维曲面图;(d)行方向位移场变形参考图像中显示;(e)行方向位移场二维云图;(f)行方向位移场三维曲面图

    Figure 18.  Displacement field distribution results of the deformation area without displacement compensation. (a) The column direction displacement field in the deformed reference image; (b) two-dimensional cloud map of the displacement field in the column direction; (c) surface plot of the column direction displacement field; (d) the row direction displacement field in the deformed reference image; (e) two-dimensional cloud map of the displacement field in the row direction; (f) surface plot of the row direction displacement field

    图 19  位移补偿后变形区位移场分布结果。(a)列方向位移场变形参考图像中显示;(b)列方向位移场二维云图;(c)列方向位移场三维曲面图;(d)行方向位移场变形参考图像中显示;(e)行方向位移场二维云图;(f)行方向位移场三维曲面图

    Figure 19.  Displacement field distribution results of the deformation area with displacement compensation. (a) The column direction displacement field in the deformed reference image; (b) two-dimensional cloud map of the displacement field in the column direction; (c) surface plot of column direction displacement field; (d) the row direction displacement field in the deformed reference image; (e) two-dimensional cloud map of displacement field in the row direction; (f) surface plot of row direction displacement field

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