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姜林奇 宁春玉 余海涛

姜林奇, 宁春玉, 余海涛. 基于多尺度特征与通道特征融合的脑肿瘤良恶性分类模型[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(6): 1339-1349. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0067
引用本文: 姜林奇, 宁春玉, 余海涛. 基于多尺度特征与通道特征融合的脑肿瘤良恶性分类模型[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(6): 1339-1349. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0067
JIANG Lin-qi, NING Chun-yu, YU Hai-tao. Classification model based on fusion of multi-scale feature and channel feature for benign and malignant brain tumors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(6): 1339-1349. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0067
Citation: JIANG Lin-qi, NING Chun-yu, YU Hai-tao. Classification model based on fusion of multi-scale feature and channel feature for benign and malignant brain tumors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(6): 1339-1349. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0067


基金项目: 吉林省科技发展计划项目(No. 20200404219YY)



  • 中图分类号: TP391.4

Classification model based on fusion of multi-scale feature and channel feature for benign and malignant brain tumors

Funds: Supported by the Science and Technology Development Project of Jilin Province (No. 20200404219YY)
More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  MDCA-ResNeXt网络结构

    Figure 1.  MDCA-ResNeXt network structure

    图 2  $ C = 32 $的ResNeXt结构[20]

    Figure 2.  ResNeXt structure with $ C = 32 $[20]

    图 3  不同膨胀率的空洞卷积

    Figure 3.  Dilated convolution results with different dilation rates

    图 4  MD模块

    Figure 4.  MD module

    图 5  CA模块

    Figure 5.  CA module

    图 6  4种模态下的HGG图像

    Figure 6.  HGG images in four modalities

    图 7  4种模态下的LGG图像

    Figure 7.  LGG images in four modalities

    图 8  去除噪声前后对比图

    Figure 8.  Comparison before and after preprocessing

    图 9  3种网络的分类结果评价图

    Figure 9.  Evaluation diagram of classification results for three kinds of Nets

    图 10  HGG的原始图像和特征可视化图

    Figure 10.  Original image and feature visualizations of HGG

    图 11  LGG的原始图像和特征可视化图

    Figure 11.  Original image and feature visualization of LGG

    表  1  实验数据集分布

    Table  1.   Distribution of experimental datasets

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    表  2  优化前BraTS2017数据集的分类结果评价表

    Table  2.   Evaluation of classification results on BraTS2017 before optimization

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    表  3  优化前BraTS2019数据集的分类结果评价表

    Table  3.   Evaluation of classification results on BraTS2019 before optimization

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    表  4  优化后BraTS2017数据集的分类结果评价表

    Table  4.   Evaluation of classification results on BraTS2017 after optimization

    Improved ResNet96.87±1.4996.76±0.7196.98±2.9096.84±2.9796.98±0.64
    Improved SENet97.56±1.0496.67±0.8998.40±1.4398.27±1.5296.94±0.83
    Improved ResNeXt97.98±1.3397.43±2.0698.49±1.2898.38±1.3997.63±1.88
    Improved MDCA-ResNeXt98.11±0.4197.43±0.2698.76±0.9198.66±0.9797.63±0.22
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    表  5  优化后BraTS2019数据集的分类结果评价表

    Table  5.   Evaluation of classification results on BraTS2019 after optimization

    Improved ResNet97.03±1.9597.31±2.0296.62±3.0497.20±2.5596.91±2.23
    Improved SENet96.69±0.8894.38±1.8998.74±0.9398.62±1.0194.99±1.57
    Improved ResNeXt97.98±0.5797.69±0.4798.31±0.7398.53±0.6497.36±0.54
    Improved MDCA-ResNeXt98.72±0.3198.62±0.6498.85±0.5199.00±0.4498.41±0.73
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    表  6  先进方法分类结果对比表

    Table  6.   Comparison of classification results of advanced methods

    文献[7]HCS+ Multi-SVNNBraTs201493.00
    文献[15]Inception V3+POSBraTs201796.90
    文献[17]3D CNN+VGG19+FNNBraTs201796.97
    文献[19]3D U-NetBraTs201891.67
    本文方法Improved MDCA-ResNeXtBraTs201798.11
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