Abstract:Due to the advantages of high resolution, multi-scale, multi-dimension, low radiation and easy to integrate, optical imaging technology plays an important role in biomedical field. In the field of endoscopy, how to obtain, process and visualize the endoscopic image information is the core of the problem what optical imaging technology need to solve. The obtaining of trans-scale endoscopic image of patients in the medical clinical is more advantageous to the surgeon for the diagnosis of patients and can improve in accuracy of the operation. The review starts with the application of trans-scale optical imaging technology in the field of endoscopy, focusing on the different optical systems to obtain trans-scale images in clinical endoscopy, including trans-scale optical zoom system, multi-channel imaging system, fiber-scanning imaging system, and expounds its progress and future trends.
Key words:
- endoscopic imaging /
- trans-scale imaging /
- optical zoom /
- scanning imaging /
- multichannel imaging
图 7 正常食管OCT。(a)240 μm组织深度的en face OCT图像;(b)沿回拉方向的横切面图像;(c)旋转方向横切面图像[45]
Figure 7. OCT of the normal esophagus.(a) En face OCT image at 240 μm depth. The inset shows an endoscopic view of the esophagus obtained prior to endoscopic OCT imaging; (b) cross-sectional image along the pullback direction; (c) cross-sectional image along the rotary direction[45]
图 8 系线胶囊示意图和照片[47]
Figure 8. Schematic of the tethered capsule and photo of the capsule
图 9 食管OCT图像。(a)猪食道代表性横切面图(剪去内壁);(b)沿4.5 cm拉回距离进行3D重建;(c)(b)中虚线框的放大区域。比例尺为1 mm[47]
Figure 9. OCT imageof esophagus. (a) Representative cross-sectional image of swine esophagus (inner wall of the tube is cropped out); (b) 3D reconstruction along a 4.5 cm pull-back distance; (c) zoomed-in area of the dotted box in (b). Scale bar is 1 mm[47]
图 10 自身免疫性胆管炎。(a)胆管造影显示胆道狭窄(粉红色箭头);(b)POCS下的pCLE执行;(c)胆管镜显示微红色乳头状颗粒状表面;(d)pCLE显示Paris分类增厚网状结构[48]
Figure 10. Autoimmune cholangitis. (a) Cholangiography shows the biliary stricture (pink arrow); (b) pCLE under the direct view of POCS was performed; (c) cholangioscopy shows a reddish papillogranular surface; (d) pCLE shows a thickened reticular structure in the Paris classification[48]
图 11 内窥镜系统。(a)手术过程照:1. 商用内窥镜;2. 具有用于光纤束的套管针的微操作器;3. 吹气管。(b)在活体成像过程中,通过商业内窥镜进行内窥镜观察:1. 用于光纤束和蓝色照明光纤的套管针;2. 肠套;3. 胰腺;4. 肝脏[49]
Figure 11. Endoscope system. (a) Photograph of the surgical procedure: 1. commercial endoscope; 2. micromanipulator with the trocar for the fiber bundle; 3. insufflation-pipe. (b) Endoscopic view through the commercial endoscope during the imaging procedure in vivo: 1. trocar for the fiber-optic with fiber bundle and blue illumination; 2. intestinal loop; 3. pancreas; 4. liver[49]
图 13 左上叶肺组织的pCLE图像。肺泡内纤维厚度(黄线),弹性结构密度增加(白箭头),直至肺泡结构消失(黄箭头),肺泡内分泌物大滴(*)[50]
Figure 13. pCLE images of lung tissue of the left upper lobe. Intra alveolar fiber thickness (yellow line), increased density of elastic structures (white arrow), up to disappearance of alveolar structures (yellow arrow), and large drops of intra alveolar secretions (*)[50]
图 17 活体猪食管代表性图像的OCT-FL数据显示。在同一横截面扫描的极坐标表示(a)和笛卡尔表示(b),分别描述2D灰度OCT和1D假色FL数据。(c)沿食管轴向延伸的横截面的OCT图的3D表示(反转灰度:从低到高对应从黑到白)。(d)沿食道轴向延伸的FL表面图的3D表示。比例尺:1 mm。[55]
Figure 17. OCT-FL data display of representative images from swine esophagus, in vivo. (a) Polar and (b) cartesian representation of the same crosssectional scan, depicting 2D grayscale OCT and 1D false color FL data. (c) 3D representation of the cross-sectional OCT map along the axial extension of the esophagus (inverted grayscale: low-to-high as black-to-white). (d) 3D representation of the FL surface map along the axial extension of the esophagus. Scale bars: 1 mm.[55]
图 19 跨尺度融合案例。(a)宏观立体重建;(b)将拼接后的图像叠加在立体图像上,与微观尺度图像建立联系;(c)自主光学活检探针扫描和多尺度融合的实现步骤[57]
Figure 19. An example of trans-scale fusion. (a) A macroscale stereo reconstruction; (b) to link with the microscale, by adding the mosaic image to the stereo reconstruction; (c) implementation steps involved for autonomous optical biopsy probe scanning and multiscale fusion[57]
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