Photoelectric tracking servo control method based on active disturbance rejection algorithm
摘要: 为提高光电跟踪控制系统的跟踪速度和稳态精度,本文对光电跟踪伺服系统的控制方法进行了研究。首先,为了满足系统功能和性能指标要求,对伺服转台进行了结构设计。然后,设计自抗扰控制算法,得到了跟踪微分器、线性扩张状态观测器及状态误差反馈控制律。接着,在Matlab/Simulink中建立了基于自抗扰算法的跟踪伺服系统模型,位置环和速度环采取了二阶自抗扰控制策略,电流环采取了PI控制策略。仿真分析结果表明,定位跟踪时可实现无超调,并具有最快的响应速度,突加扰动时,动态降落最大值为3%,正弦跟踪误差小于0.02°。仿真结果验证了基于自抗扰控制算法的光电跟踪控制系统,在快速响应、稳态精度和抗扰性能等方面均具有较好的控制效果。Abstract: In order to improve the tracking stability and accuracy of photoelectric tracking control system, the control method of photoelectric tracking servo system is studied in this paper. Firstly, in order to meet the requirements of system function and performance index, the structure of the servo turntable is designed. Then, the linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) algorithm is designed, tracking differentiator and the linear extended state observer and state error feedback control law are obtained. Then, the model of tracking servo system based on ADRC algorithm is established with Matlab/Simulink, in which the position loop and speed loop adopt the second-order ADRC strategy, and the current loop adopts the PI control strategy. The simulation results show that zero overshoots can be realized during positioning tracking, and the fastest response speed can be achieved. When sudden disturbance is added, the maximum value of dynamic landing is 3%, and the sinusoidal tracking error can reach 0.02°, demonstrating that the photoelectric tracking control system based on ADRC algorithm has good results in fast response, steady-state accuracy and anti-interference performance.
表 1 直流电机参数
Table 1. DC motor parameters
俯仰轴 方位轴 电机型号 NH85LYX-M1.4-E27 NH73LYX-M0.45-E48 峰值电压 24 V 48 V 峰值电流 1 A 1.5 A 峰值力矩 0.18 N·m 0.45 N·m 最大空载转速 1200 r/min 1400 r/min -
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