Development and algorithm research of optical alignment system for a high precision flip chip bonder
针对国内红外焦平面倒装焊机对高精度光学对位系统的迫切需求,对光学对位系统进行了设计及验证,并对该系统用到的平行调整、光学对位及坐标系误差补偿算法进行研究。文章首先对倒装焊接光学对位工艺进行分析;然后对平行性调整及光学对位算法进行介绍,并根据光学对位系统测试流程,提出更加合理的误差补偿算法;最后,以上述算法为理论依据,设计光学对位系统,其包括准直系统、显微成像系统和激光测距三部分。所设计的光学系统可实现平行性粗调,特征点识别及平行性精调功能。试验结果表明,准直系统准直效果较好,显微成像系统分辨率高,成像质量较好,激光测距系统的测距精度为0.084 μm。设计的高精度光学对位系统解决了国内红外焦平面倒装焊机对高精度光学对位系统的迫切需求,已经在国内某型号的倒装焊机中得到应用,对于提高国产高端集成电路的自主研发和生产能力具有非常重要的意义。
Abstract:Aiming at the urgent demand of high-precision optical alignment systems for a domestic infrared focal plane flip chip bonder, an optical alignment system was designed and verified, and the parallel adjustment, optical alignment and coordinate system error compensation algorithms applied to the system were researched. Firstly, this paper analysed the optical alignment process of a flip chip bonder, then introduced the parallelism adjustment and optical alignment algorithm, and proposed a more reasonable error compensation algorithm according to the test process of the optical alignment system. Finally, based on the above calculation algorithm, the optical alignment system was designed including three parts: a collimation system, a microscopic imaging system and a laser ranging system. The functions of parallel coarse adjustment, feature point recognition and parallel fine adjustment were realized. The experimental results show that the collimation system has a good collimation effect, the microscopic imaging system has high resolution and good imaging quality, and the ranging accuracy of the laser ranging system is 0.084 μm. The designed high-precision optical alignment system solves the urgent need of a domestic infrared focal plane flip chip bonder for high-precision optical alignment systems. It has been applied in a certain types of flip chip bonders, and has very important social significance for improving the independent research and development and production capacity of domestic high-end large-scale integrated circuits.
表 1 激光测距结果
Table 1. Results of laser ranging
位置参数(μm) 激光探测器参数 第1次 第2次 第3次 第4次 第5次 第6次 0 1.396 1.433 1.417 1.425 1.415 1.402 2 1.622 1.638 1.643 1.639 1.615 1.645 4 1.813 1.858 1.826 1.844 1.832 1.822 6 2.123 2.206 2.143 2.189 2.168 2.202 8 2.615 2.704 2.687 2.712 2.667 2.711 10 3.247 3.345 3.316 3.335 3.356 3.268 12 3.858 3.941 3.854 3.903 3.884 3.862 14 4.234 4.404 4.302 4.297 4.483 4.333 16 4.654 4.699 4.684 4.725 4.655 4.708 18 4.613 4.621 4.59 4.625 4.592 4.564 20 4.221 4.585 4.339 4.502 4.458 4.48 22 3.778 3.786 3.623 3.682 3.698 3.631 24 2.402 2.516 2.529 2.515 2.564 2.488 26 1.115 1.116 1.252 1.212 1.203 1.415 聚焦点(μm) 15.55 15.56 15.61 15.57 15.58 15.63 -
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