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李云辉. 压缩光谱成像系统中物理实现架构研究综述[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(5): 929-945. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0104
引用本文: 李云辉. 压缩光谱成像系统中物理实现架构研究综述[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2022, 15(5): 929-945. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0104
LI Yun-hui. Review of physical implementation architecture in compressive spectral imaging system[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(5): 929-945. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0104
Citation: LI Yun-hui. Review of physical implementation architecture in compressive spectral imaging system[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(5): 929-945. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0104


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(No. 62005266);中国科学院青年创新促进会(No. 2022219)


  • 中图分类号: O439;TB133

Review of physical implementation architecture in compressive spectral imaging system

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.62005266); Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS (No.2022219)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  光学器件对信息的调制效应

    Figure 1.  Modulation effects of optical devices on information

    图 2  单像素光谱成像系统架构及相应的空间-光谱数据立方体调制过程:(a) 基于光谱仪的单像素光谱成像仪;(b) 空间-光谱调制单像素光谱成像仪;(c) 光谱分离单像素光谱成像仪;(d) 空间-光谱调制光谱成像仪

    Figure 2.  Single pixel spectral imaging system architecture and its corresponding spatial-spectral data cube modulation diagram. (a) Spectrometer-based single pixel spectral imager; (b) spatial-spectral modulation single-pixel spectral imager; (c) spectral unmixing single pixel spectral imager; (d) spatial-spectral modulation spectral imager

    图 3  CASSI系统基本型式:(a) 单色散CASSI;(b) 双色散CASSI

    Figure 3.  Basic types of CASSI system. (a) SD-CASSI; (b) DD-CASSI

    图 4  CASSI系统彩色编码孔径型式:(a) 彩色CASSI;(b) 压缩光谱图案式快照成像仪;(c) 基于变形镜的CSPSI

    Figure 4.  Colored coded aperture types of CASSI system. (a) C-CASSI; (b) CSPSI; (c) DM-based CSPSI

    图 5  CASSI系统光谱分割型式

    Figure 5.  Spectral unmixing type of CASSI system

    图 6  CASSI系统编码可调整型式

    Figure 6.  Coding adjustable type of CASSI system

    图 7  CASSI系统多帧互补采集型式:(a) 双相机CASSI;(b) 零级与一级衍射CASSI

    Figure 7.  Multi-frame complementary acquisition type of CASSI system. (a) Dual-camera CASSI; (b) 0th and 1st order diffraction CASSI

    图 8  CASSI系统多帧阵列采集型式:(a) 图像倍增CASSI;(b) 透镜阵列CASSI

    Figure 8.  Multi-frame array acquisition type of CASSI system. (a) Image multiplier CASSI; (b) lenslet array CASSI

    图 9  DCSI系统架构:(a) 双重编码孔径光谱成像仪;(b) 空间-光谱编码压缩成像仪

    Figure 9.  Architecture of DCSI System. (a) DCSI; (b) SSCSI

    图 10  微阵列型光谱成像架构:(a) 左上为紧凑型超光谱成像仪,左中为陷波滤波器阵列光谱成像仪,左下为基于FPRA阵列的光谱成像仪;(b) 像素级FPRA阵列光谱成像仪

    Figure 10.  Architecture of microarray spectral imaging. (a) Top left is the MUSI,middle left is the notch filter array spectral imager, bottom left is FPRA-based spectral imager;(b) pixel-level FPRA-based spectral imager

    图 11  散射介质光谱成像架构

    Figure 11.  Architecture of spectral imaging through scattering media

    表  1  各系统型式特征总结

    Table  1.   Summary of the characteristics of each system type

    编码孔径光谱成像(基本型式)SD-CASSI [16-18]空间调制,光谱剪切光刻掩模板+色散棱镜图3(a)
    DD-CASSI [19]光谱剪切,空间调制,光谱逆剪切色散棱镜+光刻掩模板+色散棱镜图3(b)
    编码孔径光谱成像(CCA型式)C-CASSI [23-30]空间-光谱调制,光谱剪切光谱滤波阵列+色散棱镜图4(a)
    CSPSI [31-34]光谱剪切,空间-光谱调制色散棱镜+光谱滤波阵列图4(b)
    DM-based CSPSI [36]空间复用,空间-光谱调制DM+光谱滤波阵列图4(c)
    LeSTI [39]LED+DMD图5左下
    编码孔径光谱成像(编码可调整型式)CAASI [40-44]空间调制(时变),光谱剪切DMD(时变)/压电陶瓷,色散棱镜/
    CSPSI [45]光谱剪切(时变),空间-光谱调制色散棱镜(旋转),光谱滤波阵列图6
    编码孔径光谱成像(多帧互补采集型式)Dual-camera CASSI [46,47]通道1:空间调制,光谱剪切

    0th and 1st order diffraction CASSI [48-50]通道1(1st衍射光):空间调制,光谱剪切;
    通道2 (0th 衍射光):无调制
    编码孔径光谱成像(多帧阵列采集型式)图像倍增CASSI [52]空间复制,空间调制,光谱剪切图像倍增器,光刻掩模板,
    透镜阵列CASSI [53]空间复制,光谱剪切,空间调制,
    空间-光谱双重编码光谱成像DCSI [55-57]空间调制+光谱调制DMD+衍射光栅+LCoS图9(a)
    SSCSI [58-61]空间光谱混合调制衍射光栅+光刻掩模板图9(b)
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