Abstract:In this paper, the drive control circuit using C8051F120 and CPLD single chip microcomputer is optimized and designed based on the performance test of brushless DC motor. By using the minimum torque ripple control method of PWM_ON, both the speed and position closed-loop control of brushless DC motor are realized. The experimental results show that the designed control system has the characteristics of fast response and high station accuracy. The speed fluctuation is less than 7% at low speed of 1°/s, and the accuracy of large angle position step is less than 1 code. The proposed method has realized wide speed range and high precision control of brushless motor and the effectiveness of the drive and algorithm is verified.
Key words:
- brushless DC motor /
- closed-loop control /
- accuracy
表 1 电机正反转控制时序表
Table 1. Reversing control time-scale of motor
霍尔信号组合(UVW) 正转 反转 绕组 IGBT 绕组 IGBT 101 B→A 3,4 A→B 1,6 100 B→C 3,2 C→B 5,6 110 A→C 1.2 C→A 5,4 010 A→B 1,6 B→A 3,4 011 C→B 5,6 B→C 3,2 001 C→A 5,4 A→C 1,2 -
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