氨气是重要的基础工业原材料,实现其非接触探测对于及时发现氨气泄漏,避免重大安全事故发生具有重要意义。针对常规氨气泄漏检测装置需等到氨气扩散到一定范围并与传感器接触时才能响应的不足,提出一种混洗自注意力网络(SSANet)模型实现氨气泄漏红外非接触检测。因红外热像仪获取的氨气泄漏图像含噪高、对比度低,故通过非局部均值去噪、限制对比度的自适应直方图均衡化预处理建立氨气泄漏红外检测数据集。SSANet模型在YOLOv5s基础上通过K-means算法聚类分析出适用于氨气泄漏红外检测的候选框以预置模型参数;采用轻量级ShuffleNetv2网络,将其Shuffle Block中的3×3的深度可分离卷积核替换为5×5,采用含有新卷积模块的SK5 Block对特征提取网络进行重构,使模型大小、计算量和参数量实现轻量化的同时提高检测精度;采用Transformer模块代替原网络瓶颈模块中的C3模块实现泄漏区域多头注意力自底向上融合,实现检测精度的再次提升。实验结果表明,SSANet模型较YOLOv5s基础模型大小和参数量分别减少76.40%、78.30%,降为3.40 M、1.53 M;单张图像平均检测速度提升1.10%,达到3.20 ms;平均检测精度提升3.50%,达到96.30%。本文为开发氨气泄漏非接触探测装置以保障涉氨企业的安全生产和稳定运行提供了一种有效的检测算法。
- 氨气泄漏检测 /
- 红外图像 /
- 聚类分析 /
- 轻量化结构 /
- Transformer模块
Abstract:Ammonia gas is an important basic industrial raw material, and realizing its non-contact detection is of great significance for the timely detection of ammonia gas leaks to avoid major safety incidents. Aiming at the shortcoming of conventional ammonia leak detection devices that can only respond when ammonia diffuses to a certain range and makes contact with a sensor, a Shuffling Self-Attention Network (SSANet) model is proposed to realize the infrared non-contact detection of ammonia leaks. Due to the high noise and low contrast of ammonia leakage images obtained by infrared cameras, an infrared detection dataset of ammonia leakage was established through non-local mean denoising and contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization preprocessing. On the basis of YOLOv5s, the SSANet model uses the K-means algorithm to cluster and analyze the candidate frame suitable for the infrared detection of ammonia gas leakage to preset the model’s parameters. Using the lightweight ShuffleNetv2 network, the depth of 3×3 in the Shuffle Block can be adjusted. The separate convolution kernel is replaced with a 5×5 depth, and the feature extraction network is reconstructed with an SK5 Block containing a new convolution module, which makes the model size, calculation and parameters non-intensive while improving the detection accuracy. The Transformer module is used instead of its original version. The C3 module in the network bottleneck module is replaced by Transformer module to realize the bottom-up fusion of multi-head attention in the leake area, and further improves the detection accuracy. The experimental results show that the size and parameter requirements of the SSANet model are reduced by 76.40% and 78.30%, respectively, to 3.40 M and 1.53 M compared with the basic model of YOLOv5s; the average detection speed of a single image is increased by 1.10% to 3.20 ms; and the average detection accuracy is increased by 3.50% , reaching 96.30%. We provide an effective detection algorithm for the development of a non-contact detection device for ammonia leakage to ensure the safe production and stable operation of ammonia-related enterprises.
Key words:
- ammonia leak detection /
- infrared image /
- cluster analysis /
- lightweight structure /
- transformer module
表 1 聚类前后3个检测层初始候选框尺寸情况
Table 1. Initial candidate frame sizes of the three detection layers before and after clustering
检测层 聚类前 聚类后 检测层1 (10,13)、(16,30)、(33,23) (11,10)、(29,12)、(34,29) 检测层2 (30,61)、(62,45)、(59,119) (52,61)、(62,18)、(64,38) 检测层3 (116,90)、(156,198)、(373,326) (91,38)、(115,22)、(201,45) 表 2 超参数配置
Table 2. Hyperparameter configuration
超参数名称 超参数值 批大小 16 初始学习率 0.01 迭代次数 400 动量 0.937 学习率衰减策略 余弦退火策略 权重衰减 0.0005 表 3 图像预处理的定量评价指标
Table 3. Objective evaluation indicators of image preprocessing algorithms
图像 PSNR/dB AG IE 原图像 23.40 1.90 7.06 预处理图像 2.17 7.53 表 4 图像预处理前后网络性能对比
Table 4. Comparison of network performances before and after image preprocessing
模型 Params/M Model size/M Speed/ms mAP/% YOLOv5s 7.05 14.40 3.60 92.80 Prep-YOLOv5s 7.05 14.40 3.60 93.80 表 5 聚类前后网络性能对比
Table 5. Comparison of network performance before and after clustering
模型 Params/M Model size/M Speed/ms mAP/% YOLOv5s 7.05 14.40 3.60 92.80 Kms-YOLOv5s 7.05 14.40 3.60 93.70 Kms-Prep-YOLOv5s 7.05 14.40 3.60 94.30 表 6 不同特征提取网络评估指标对比
Table 6. Comparison of evaluation indicators for different backbone networks
模型 GFLOPs Model
/%GhostNet-YOLOv5s 10.60 10.50 5.08 3.00 93.90 MobileNetv3-YOLOv5s 6.30 7.40 3.54 2.80 93.50 ShuffleNetv2-YOLOv5s 4.60 3.40 1.53 2.70 93.80 SK5-YOLOv5s 4.80 3.40 1.57 2.70 94.40 表 7 不同BottleNeck结构网络性能对比
Table 7. Comparison of network performance of different BottleNeck structures
模型 Model
/%SK5-YOLOv5s 3.40 1.57 2.70 94.40 SK5-YOLOv5s-CSPBottleNeck 3.40 1.54 2.70 93.70 SK5-YOLOv5s-GhostBottleNeck 3.30 1.50 2.60 94.20 SK5-YOLOv5s-CbamBottleNeck 3.20 1.47 2.50 92.90 SSANet 3.40 1.53 3.20 96.30 表 8 不同模型精度对比
Table 8. Accuracy comparison of different models
Model GFLOPs Params/M Model size/M Speed/ms mAP/% YOLOv3 154.7 61.50 123.40 11.70 92.70 YOLOv3-tiny 12.90 8.70 17.40 3.40 37.40 YOLOv5s 16.30 7.05 14.40 3.60 92.80 YOLOx 26.64 8.94 71.90 8.43 89.78 SSANet 4.60 1.53 3.40 3.20 96.30 -
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