Narrow line width and magnetism-free vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers for quantum sensing
为了研制出表面微透镜集成外腔的垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL),实现窄线宽无磁激光输出,满足原子磁强计等量子传感器应用要求,本文设计并生长了适合于表面集成微透镜的VCSEL外延结构,完成了表面微透镜集成外腔VCSEL器件制备,在电极材料方面选取无磁材料以满足应用要求。实验结果表明:研制的VCSEL器件工作温度达到90 °C,激光波长为896.3 nm,功率为1.52 mW,边模抑制比为36.3 dB,激光线宽为38 MHz,封装为模组后的磁场强度低于0.03 nT。结果表明本文研制的窄线宽无磁VCSEL满足量子传感的应用需求。
Abstract:In order to realize single mode, narrow linewidth and low magnetism field intensity operation of lasers, Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSEL) with integrated micro-lens extended cavity was designed and fabricated. First, an epitaxial structure suitable for the micro-lens integration was designed and grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD). The fabrication steps of the micro-lens integrated VCSEL was carried out and the magnetism-free material was used in the electrode deposition. Experimental results indicate that the operating temperature is 90 °C, the laser wavelength is 896.3 nm, the laser power is 1.52 mW, the side mode suppression ratio is as high as 36.3 dB and the operating magnetic field intensity is less than 0.03 nT. A narrow line width and magnetism-free VCSEL suitable for quantum sensing was demonstrated.
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