Design of reflector assembly and adhesive layer under airborne wide temperature conditions
在机载宽温且反射镜镀膜温度较高的条件下,针对传统反射镜镶嵌件粘接工艺导致反射镜粘接失效、铟钢镶嵌件和反射镜线胀系数差异导致宽温下反射镜面型急剧下降的问题,提出了一种反射镜加工镀膜后再粘接镶嵌件的方法,并对其胶层参数进行研究。采用硅橡胶作为主粘接剂粘接反射镜与镶嵌件,利用硅橡胶固化后良好的弹性缓解支撑件热变形对反射镜面型的影响。通过多目标优化选取合适的硅橡胶粘接厚度1.1 mm,硅橡胶宽度7.2 mm,环氧胶厚度0.022 mm。仿真结果显示在重力及温度变化为−40 °C时(初始温度为20 °C),反射镜面型精度RMS值为25.91 nm,镜组模态一阶频率为242 Hz。最终面型检测RMS值为15.8 nm,结构谐振频率为213 Hz。试验结果显示,此方案使反射镜组件适用于大温差条件下工作,其结构和粘接层设计能够满足机载宽温和振动条件下的使用要求。
Abstract:Airborne ambient temperature varies widely and airborne vibration can be strong. Because there is a difference in the thermal expansion coefficients of an Invar inlay and mirror material, a mirror’s higher coating temperature means that the traditional bonding process will lead to bonding failure and the surface precision of the mirror cannot meet system requirements. Therefore, this paper proposes a new method of bonding the mirror after processing and coating, and designs some important parameters for the adhesive layer. RTV is used as the main binder for the mirror and the inlay, and the effect of RTV curing on the structure is alleviated by favorable elasticity. The thickness of RTV is 1.1 mm, its width is 7.2 mm and the thickness of the epoxy adhesive is 0.022 mm. The simulation results show that the RMS of the mirror shape is 25.91 nm and the first-order frequency of the mirror group mode is 242 Hz when the gravity is 1 g and temperature change are −40 °C (the initial temperature is 20 °C). The final surface detection RMS is 15.8 nm and the resonance frequency is 213 Hz. The experimental results show that the design, structure and bonding layer can meet the wide temperature range and vibration requirements.
表 1 反射镜组件材料表
Table 1. List of materials for mirror assemblies
Structure Material Density
ρ/(g·cm−3)Young's modulus
α(10−6/K)Thermal conductivity
λ/[W/(m·k)]Specific stiffness
E/ρ(10−6·GNm/g)Thermal distortion ratio
λ/α(106W/m)mirror SiC 3.2 450 2.3 155.00 140 64.58 back plate, side plate,
bushing part, embedded
part, gasket4J32 8.1 150 2.5 145.00 18.5 11 表 2 5种工况下反射镜面型拟合结果
Table 2. Shape fitting results of the mirror under five working conditions
环境温度 20 °C 20 °C 20 °C -40 °C 60 °C 重力方向 X轴 Y轴 Z轴 Z轴 Z轴 PV值/nm 25.91 22.12 55.45 123.87 96.78 RMS值/nm 3.73 3.63 10.25 25.91 17.55 -
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