Effect of atmospheric turbulence on the tracking accuracy of high-resolution remote sensing satellites
Abstract:We focuse on the effects of camera aperture, atmospheric turbulence intensity and satellite orbit height on the tracking and positioning accuracy of high-resolution remote sensing satellites. Firstly, we establish a turbulence model and turbulence simulation method based on Kolmogorov turbulence theory for observation of the Earth. Then, the influence of camera aperture, satellite orbit height and atmospheric coherence length on the positioning accuracy of the satellite is simulated and analyzed, and then a universal formula is deduced to calculate the tilt aberration of turbulence wavefront. Finally, based on this universal formula, a theoretical formula for calculating jitter is derived for Earth observation. This work can provide a theoretical basis of the influence of atmospheric turbulence for the design, analysis and evaluation of high-resolution remote sensing satellites.
表 1 随机选取的变量
Table 1. Randomly selected variables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D(m) 2 2 4 4 6 8 10 H(km) 100 400 300 200 700 1200 800 r0(cm) 5.6 8.6 5.6 15 7 3 11.7 -
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