Design and simulation of the dummy thoracic finite element model based on mashine vision
在汽车被动安全领域,对于驾驶员正碰撞击中胸部的研究具有重要的意义。本文基于机器视觉的方法,通过Hybrid Ⅲ 50th汽车碰撞实体假人,构建假人胸部模型。利用遗传算法进行参数优化,优化后标定试验的所有指标均符合法规要求,仿真结果与试验测试结果相符,误差小于5%。随后将含有胸部模型的有限元假人模型放入整车系统进行正碰仿真分析,结果表明:胸部伤害得分值为80%,与试验测试结果相比,仿真结果误差不超过10%。实验结果表明该模型有较好的仿真度,可用于汽车碰撞安全性能的研究。
- 机器视觉 /
- 遗传算法 /
- Hybrid Ⅲ 50th
Abstract:This paper focuses on the field of automobile passive safety in my country. By scanning the Hybrid III 50th automobile crash dummy, a finite element simulation model of the dummy chest is constructed. The genetic algorithm is used to optimize the parameters. After optimization, all the indicators of the calibration test meet the requirements of the regulations. The simulation results are consistent with the experimental test results, and the error is less than 5%. Then we put the finite element dummy model containing the chest model into the vehicle system for frontal collision simulation analysis. The results show that the score of chest injury is 80%, and the error of the simulation results is less than 10% compared with the test results. The model has a good degree of simulation and can be used for the study of vehicle crash safety performance.
Key words:
- machine vision /
- genetic algorithm /
- Hybrid Ⅲ 50th
表 1 胸部模型部分材料参数
Table 1. Partial material parameters of chest model
参数 弹性材料
MAT20弹性模量E/GPa 0.5 205 205 泊松比μ 0.30 0.31 0.31 屈服强度σ/MPa / 0.6 / 切线模量/GPa / 0.5 / 表 2 胸部肋骨材料(弹性材料MAT1)参数
Table 2. Material parameters of thoracic rib (elastic material MAT1)
参数 参数值 体积模量(BULK) 0.33 GPa 短效剪切模量(G0) 0.11 MPa 衰减常数(BETA) 0.15 长效剪切模量(GI) 0.024 MPa 表 3 胸部泡沫材料(MAT57)参数
Table 3. Chest foam material (MAT57) parameters
参数 参数值 杨氏模量(E) 0.005 MPa 拉应力(TC) 0.1 滞后卸载系数(HU) 1.0 粘滞系数(DAMP) 0.1 衰减常数(BETA) 0.1 表 4 胸部标定试验与仿真结果
Table 4. Calibration test and simulation results of chest
类型 位移峰值(mm) 摆锤力峰值(kN) 滞后率(%) 要求 63.5~72.6 5.16~5.89 69~85 试验 65.402 5.788 73.98 仿真 61.117 5.865 70 误差 -6.55 1.33 -5.37 表 5 优化结果对比
Table 5. Comparison of optimization results
x1(MPa) x2(Mpa) x3 x4(Mpa) Dmax(mm) Fmax(kN) 滞后率(%) 原参数 0.11 0.253 0.15 0.5 61.117 5.865 70.00 优化后 0.087 0.234 0.172 0.439 64.401 5.615 71.13 标定要求 / / / / 63.5~72.6 5.16~5.89 69~85 试验 / / / / 65.402 5.788 73.98 误差(%) / / / / −1.5 −2.9 −3.85 表 6 实车试验和仿真假人胸部伤害指标对比
Table 6. Comparison of chest injury index between real vehicle test and dummy
损伤指标 胸部加速度C3ms(g) 胸部压缩量ThPC(mm) 性能限值 38~60 22~50 试验值 38.47 29.21 仿真值 42.13 28.16 误差 9.51% −3.59% 得分率 81.2% 78% -
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