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张旭 李世杰 刘丙才 田爱玲 梁海锋 蔡长龙

张旭, 李世杰, 刘丙才, 田爱玲, 梁海锋, 蔡长龙. 凹非球面的非零位干涉检测技术[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(1): 140-149. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0042
引用本文: 张旭, 李世杰, 刘丙才, 田爱玲, 梁海锋, 蔡长龙. 凹非球面的非零位干涉检测技术[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(1): 140-149. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0042
ZHANG Xu, LI Shi-jie, LIU Bing-cai, TIAN Ai-ling, LIANG Hai-feng, CAI Chang-long. A non-null interferometry for concave aspheric surface[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(1): 140-149. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0042
Citation: ZHANG Xu, LI Shi-jie, LIU Bing-cai, TIAN Ai-ling, LIANG Hai-feng, CAI Chang-long. A non-null interferometry for concave aspheric surface[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(1): 140-149. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0042


基金项目: 陕西省科技厅资助项目(No. 2022GY-222,No. 2022GY-262);基础科研(No. JCKY2020426B009);“一带一路”外国专家创新人才交流项目(No. DL2022040006L)



  • 中图分类号: TN74

A non-null interferometry for concave aspheric surface

Funds: Supported by Department of Science and Technology Project of Shaanxi Province (No. 2022GY-222, No. 2022GY-262); Basic Scientific Research (No. JCKY2020426B009);"The Belt and Road" Foreign Experts Innovative Talent Exchange Project (No. DL2022040006L)
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  • 图 1  非零位干涉法直接检测非球面原理示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of aspheric surface directly tested by non-null interferometry

    图 2  非零位检测光线追迹模型

    Figure 2.  Ray-tracing model of non-null test

    图 3  调整误差引入的像差。(a)距离引起的离焦;(b)光轴倾斜引起的倾斜误差;(c)偏心引起的彗差

    Figure 3.  Aberration caused by adjustment errors. (a) Distance induced defocusing; (b) tilt error caused by optical axis tilt; (c) coma caused by optical axis offset error

    图 4  非零位检测凹非球面时(a)实验装置及非零位直接检测(b)凹抛物面和(c)凹椭球面的数据

    Figure 4.  (a) The experiment setup of non-null test for concave aspheric; data of (b) concave paraboloid surface and (c) concave ellipsoid surface obtained by non-null direct interferometry

    图 5  非零位检测去除调整误差与回程误差。(a)凹抛物面处理后的面形结果;(b)凹椭球面处理后的面形结果;

    Figure 5.  Non-null test results after removing adjustment error and retrace error. (a)Test results of concave parabolic surface; (b) test results of concave ellipsoid surface

    图 6  凹非球面的对比实验。(a)平面自准直法检测光路图;(b) 自准直法检测凹抛物面的数据;(c) LUPHOScan 轮廓仪测量凹椭球面的数据

    Figure 6.  Comparative experiment on concave aspheric. (a) The optical path diagram of plane autocollimation; (b) testing of concave paraboloid surface by autocollimation; (c) testing of concave ellipsoid surface using LUPHOScan

    表  1  Zernike多项式的项数与像差的对应关系

    Table  1.   Correspondence between the terms of Zernike polynomials and aberrations

    Term Polynomial Meaning
    $ {Z_4} $ $ - 1{\text{ + }}2\left( {{x^2} + {y^2}} \right) $ Power
    $ {Z_7} $ $ \left( { - 2 + 3{x^2} + 3{y^2}} \right)x $ Coma X
    $ {Z_8} $ $ \left( { - 2 + 3{x^2} + 3{y^2}} \right)y $ Coma Y
    $ {Z_9} $ $ 1 - 6\left( {{x^2} + {y^2}} \right) + 6{\left( {{x^2} + {y^2}} \right)^2} $ Primary Spherical
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    表  2  凹抛物面参数

    Table  2.   Parameters of concave paraboloid surface

    Parameter Value Parameter Value
    Aspheric type Concave paraboloid Maximum sag/mm 1.67
    Diameter/mm 90 Maximum slope/(°) 4.25
    Radius curvature of the vertex/mm 606 Maximum asphericity/μm 0.575
    Conic coefficient K −1 Best radius of the reference sphere/mm 606.835
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    表  3  凹椭球面参数

    Table  3.   Parameters of concave ellipsoid surface

    Parameter Value Parameter Value
    Aspheric type Concave ellipsoid Maximum sag/mm 2.91
    Diameter/mm 90 Maximum slope/(°) 7.39
    Radius curvature of the vertex/mm 348 Maximum asphericity/μm 2.0154
    Conic coefficient K −0.66 Best radius of the reference sphere/mm 348.9615
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    表  4  凹抛物面回程误差的仿真计算结果

    Table  4.   Simulation calculation results of retrace error of concave paraboloid surface

    OA/mm $ O P D $ Power item $ Z_{{\mathrm{OPD}}(4)} $ Primary spherical $Z_{\Delta{{\mathrm{OPD}}(9)}}$ Retrace error
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    表  5  凹椭球面回程误差的仿真计算结果

    Table  5.   Simulation calculation results of retrace error of concave ellipsoid surface

    OA/mm $ O P D $ Power item $ Z_{{\mathrm{OPD}}(4)} $ Primary spherical $ Z_{\Delta{{\mathrm{OPD}}(9)}}$ Retrace error
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    表  6  实验中距离误差引入的离焦误差与去除

    Table  6.   Defocusing error introduced by distance errors in experiments and its removal (nm)

    Detection result Power is adjusted to a minimum Adjust the distance L1 Adjust the distance L2 Adjust the distance L3
    Fringe pattern
    Surface error before removing Power



    Surface error after removing Power
    PV= 627.1048

    PV= 654.3152


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    表  7  实验中光轴倾斜/偏心误差引入的彗差与去除

    Table  7.   Comet error introduced by optical axis tilt/offset error in experiment and its removal (nm)

    Detection result Coma is adjusted to a minimum Adjust the eccentric θ1 Adjust the eccentric θ2 Adjust the eccentric θ3
    Fringe pattern
    Surface error before removing Coma



    Surface error after removing Coma
    PV= 510.6696

    PV= 489.7872

    PV= 491.0528

    PV= 488.5216
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