Effect of atmospheric turbulence on imaging quality of high-resolution remote sensing satellites
Abstract:Remote sensing satellites play a crucial role in both national defense and civil exploration. However, the imaging quality of high-resolution remote sensing satellites is significantly affected by atmospheric turbulence. We focus on the impact of camera aperture, satellite orbit altitude and atmospheric turbulence intensity on the imaging quality of space cameras during remote sensing satellite earth detection. Firstly, the turbulence wavefront simulation method based on the spherical wave model and Kolmogorov turbulence theory is analyzed. Subsequently, the disturbed wavefront, impacted by the camera aperture, satellite orbit height and atmospheric turbulence intensity, is analyzed, and a universal formula is derived. In addition, an equation for imaging resolution with camera aperture, satellite orbit height and atmospheric coherence length is developed. Finally, the effect of atmospheric turbulence on the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is studied. The variation of the relative error of MTF with camera aperture, satellite orbit height and atmospheric coherence length is simulated and analyzed, with reference to an MTF value of 0.15. This study provides a theoretical basis for designing, analyzing, and assessing high-resolution remote sensing satellites.
表 1 随机选取的变量
Table 1. Randomly selected variables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D/(m) 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 H/(km) 200 500 150 250 100 350 150 600 r0/(cm) 3 8 4 9 5 7 10 2 -
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