$ {u}'{v}' $ 色度坐标,明度转化为亮度,使优化计算更加精确。该系统采用线性调光的方式,既能有效避免混合光源闪烁带来的健康安全问题,配合优化算法又有效解决了线性调光色度漂移大的问题。实验结果表明,在2000 K~8000 K的色温范围内,混合照明系统混合光的色度稳定性保持在1阶CIE$ {u}'{v}' $ 圆内,在对应色温下的整个光强度调节范围内无可察觉的色差。采用线性调光方式在保持光色度稳定上比脉冲宽度调光方式效果更佳。理论探究和实验结果表明该混光照明系统简易可行,具有较高的实用价值。Abstract:To provide high-quality, intelligent, and healthy lighting sources, a linear dimming mixed lighting system is constructed using three-primary-color LED light sources. An optimization method for dimming and color mixing is proposed. The light chromaticity and light intensity of the mixed light source are set by color temperature and brightness level, which makes the mixed lighting effect more in line with the demand of "human-centric lighting". In the intelligent optimization of the system, the color temperature is converted into CIE
$ {u}'{v}' $ chromaticity coordinates, and the brightness is converted into luminance to make the optimization calculations more accurate. The system adopts the linear dimming method, effectively avoiding the health and safety hazards caused by light source flicker, and effectively solves the problem of large linear dimming chromaticity drift with an optimization algorithm. Experiment results demonstate that the chromatic stability of the mixed light in the mixed lighting system is maintained within the first step of the CIE${u}'{v}' $ chromaticity diagram in the color temperature range of 2000 K−8000 K. Moreover, the system exhibits imperceptible color deviation over the entire range of light intensity adjustments at the corresponding color temperature. This finding also indicates that linear dimming is better than the pulse-width dimming method in keeping the optical chromaticity stable. Theoretical exploration and experimental results demonstrate that the mixed lighting system is simple and feasible, with significant practical value. -
表 1 三基色LED光源数据
Table 1. Data of three-primary-color LED light sources
光源类型 x y 亮度值
/cd·m−2电流值/mA Red LED 0.6636 0.3112 34.33 157.9 Green LED 0.1837 0.7164 74.26 183.5 Blue LED 0.1464 0.0450 12.55 185.3 表 2 三基色LED线性调光混合照明的色度稳定性
Table 2. Chroma stability of mixed lighting based on linear dimming of three-primary-color LEDs
色温差/K$ {u}'{v}' $
色差阶数 2700 2692~2711 19 0.0010 1 3000 2992~3006 14 0.0005 1 3500 3486~3513 27 0.0008 1 4000 3989~4006 17 0.0004 1 5000 4994~5012 18 0.0003 1 6500 6483~6517 34 0.0002 1 表 3 三基色LED光源在
$ {T}_{{\mathrm{C}}} $ =6500 K时不同明度下的电流及$ {u}'{v}' $ 坐标值Table 3. The currents and
$ {u}'{v}' $ coordinate values of three-primary-color LED light sources under different brightnesses at$ {T}_{{\mathrm{C}}} $ =6500 K明度
电流值/mA$ {u}' $ $ {v}' $ 10 62.10 75.30 37.19 0.2004 0.4657 20 78.40 93.90 47.33 0.2003 0.4656 30 93.80 111.9 56.65 0.2004 0.4656 40 106.5 129.6 65.35 0.2004 0.4656 50 115.6 144.2 69.85 0.2004 0.4656 60 124.3 149.2 76.26 0.2006 0.4654 70 132.0 159.3 80.94 0.2004 0.4656 80 144.3 169.5 85.20 0.2003 0.4657 90 150.0 181.7 91.29 0.2004 0.4655 100 153.4 179.7 89.71 0.2005 0.4656 表 4 三基色LED的PWM调光混合照明的色度稳定性
Table 4. Chroma stability of mixed lighting based on PWM dimming of three-primary-color LEDs
色温差/K$ {u}'{v}' $
色差阶数 2700 2653~2752 99 0.0034 3 3000 2940~3058 118 0.0036 3 3500 3432~3554 122 0.0033 3 4000 3964~4198 234 0.0037 3 5000 4933~5079 146 0.0038 3 6500 6403~6590 187 0.0037 3 -
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