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周朕蕊 张国强 邱宗甲 郭少朋 李群 邵剑 吴鹏 陆云才

周朕蕊, 张国强, 邱宗甲, 郭少朋, 李群, 邵剑, 吴鹏, 陆云才. 光纤法珀传感器的改进型相位生成载波法解调[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(2): 312-323. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0108
引用本文: 周朕蕊, 张国强, 邱宗甲, 郭少朋, 李群, 邵剑, 吴鹏, 陆云才. 光纤法珀传感器的改进型相位生成载波法解调[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(2): 312-323. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0108
ZHOU Zhen-rui, ZHANG Guo-qiang, QIU Zong-jia, GUO Shao-peng, LI Qun, SHAO Jian, WU Peng, LU Yun-cai. An improved phase generated carrier demodulation algorithm of fiber optic fabry-perot sensor[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(2): 312-323. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0108
Citation: ZHOU Zhen-rui, ZHANG Guo-qiang, QIU Zong-jia, GUO Shao-peng, LI Qun, SHAO Jian, WU Peng, LU Yun-cai. An improved phase generated carrier demodulation algorithm of fiber optic fabry-perot sensor[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(2): 312-323. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0108


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(No. 2022YFF0708400)





    李 群(1967—),男,博士,研究员级高工,主要从事电力设备故障光纤检测、分布式光纤测温、配电网等方面研究。E-mail:qun_li@sina.com

    邵 剑(1991—),男,硕士,主要从事电气智能化研究。E-mail:18851790705@163.com

    吴 鹏(1983—),男,博士,正高级工程师,主要从事高电压与绝缘技术、输变电等研究。E-mail:15105168844@163.com


  • 中图分类号: TH741

An improved phase generated carrier demodulation algorithm of fiber optic fabry-perot sensor

Funds: Supported by the National Key Research and Development of China (No. 2022YFF0708400)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    为解决相位生成载波-反正切解调算法(PGC-Atan)的非线性失真问题,搭建了基于改进型PGC-Atan算法的非本征型法珀传感器(EFPI)解调系统。首先,理论分析了载波相位调制深度(C)偏离最优值、伴生调幅、载波相位延迟等非线性因素对经典PGC-Atan算法中参与反正切运算的正弦与余弦两路信号的影响。然后,针对外调制或伴生调幅较小的情况,提出了一种基于系数补偿的改进型PGC-Atan算法(PGC-CC-Atan)。该算法通过构造与C值和载波相位延迟有关的系数,消除反正切运算中的非线性参数。针对内调制情况,提出了一种基于椭圆拟合的改进型PGC-Atan算法(PGC-EF-Atan)。该算法通过基于分块矩阵的最小二乘法拟合椭圆并提取3个椭圆参数,进而将受非线性因素影响的正弦与余弦两路信号校正为正交信号。最后,通过仿真验证了改进型算法的正确性,并采用高调制特性的垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)和常规腔长的EFPI等搭建PGC解调系统,对比经典PGC-Atan算法与两种改进型算法的解调性能,证实了改进型算法非线性失真抑制的有效性。实验结果表明:一定C值范围内,两种改进型算法可在非线性因素影响下有效解调。PGC-EF-Atan算法相较于PGC-CC-Atan算法,解调信纳比提升了11.602 dB,总谐波失真降低了10.951%。两种改进型算法中,PGC-EF-Atan算法对非线性失真的抑制效果更好,且解调线性度良好,准确度高。


  • 图 1  经典PGC-Atan算法原理图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of classical PGC-Atan demodulation

    图 2  PGC-CC-Atan算法原理图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of PGC-CC-Atan demodulation

    图 3  PGC-EF-Atan算法原理图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of PGC-EF-Atan demodulation

    图 4  C值从0.1 rad变化到6.1 rad时3种算法的仿真结果与J1(C)/J2(C)的变化趋势

    Figure 4.  Simulation results of the three algorithms and the variation trend of J1(C)/J2(C) when C deviates from 0.1 rad to 6.1 rad

    图 5  两种非线性因素影响下3种算法的仿真结果

    Figure 5.  Simulation results of the three algorithms under the influence of the two nonlinear factors

    图 6  3种非线性因素影响下PGC-CC-Atan算法仿真结果

    Figure 6.  Simulation results of PGC-CC-Atan algorithm under the influence of the three nonlinear factors

    图 7  3种非线性因素影响下PGC-EF-Atan算法仿真结果

    Figure 7.  Simulation results of PGC-EF-Atan algorithm under the influence of the three nonlinear factors

    图 8  EFPI解调实验平台

    Figure 8.  EFPI demodulation experiment platform

    图 9  不同C值下两种改进型算法解调结果与参考解调仪结果对比

    Figure 9.  Comparison between the demodulation results of the two algorithms under different C and the calibration results of the reference demodulator

    图 10  原始信号(a)波形图与(b)频谱图

    Figure 10.  (a) The waveform and (b) spectrum of the original signal

    图 12  PGC-CC-Atan算法解调结果。(a)波形图;(b)频谱图

    Figure 12.  Demodulation results using PGC-CC-Atan algorithm. (a) Waveform; (b) spectrum

    图 11  经典PGC-Atan算法解调结果。(a)波形图;(b)频谱图

    Figure 11.  Demodulation results using PGC-Atan algorithm. (a) Waveform; (b) spectrum

    图 13  PGC-EF-Atan算法解调结果。(a)波形图;(b)频谱图;(c)P(t)与Q(t)形成的李萨如图

    Figure 13.  Demodulation results of PGC-EF-Atan algorithm. (a) Waveform; (b) spectrum; (c) Lissajous figure of P(t) and Q(t)

    图 14  PGC-EF-Atan算法解调结果与参考解调仪标定结果对比

    Figure 14.  Comparison between the demodulation results of PGC-EF-Atan algorithm and the calibration results of the reference demodulator

    表  1  3种解调算法的性能对比

    Table  1.   Performance comparison of the three demodulation algorithms

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