为了降低探测器的噪声与暗电流,使光谱仪的CMOS探测器能获得更准确的光谱曲线,设计了探测器温度控制系统。本系统核心采用基于现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)的增量式比例-积分-微分(PID)控制算法。在传统控制算法的基础上,增加了抗积分饱和控制,并且在PID算法的前端增加了对目标值的过渡过程。该系统在实现探测器温度变化速率可控的同时,也解决了超调过大的问题。多次整机环境实验结果表明:在轨环境温度条件下,40 °C温差范围内该系统可以控制探测器以指定温变速率(4.5±0.05) °C/min达到任意温度;并且可在该温度下稳定工作;温度变化范围为±0.1 °C。相比于传统模拟PID控制方法,其具有灵活度高,稳定性强等优点。当制冷到−10 °C时,探测器的噪声得到了有效抑制。
Abstract:A temperature control system that employs an incremental PID algorithm based on FPGA technology has been developed to decrease detector noise and dark current while ensure the CMOS detector of the spectrometer obtain more accurate spectrum curve. Considering the current temperature and the control parameters, the appropriate control quantity is calculated to ensure the detector realize the target temperature. Controlling the temperature change rate of the detector is realized through front stage control, effectively solving the problem of overshooting. By adding the anti-integral saturation algorithm and the transition link of the target value, the function of the temperature change rate of the detector is controllable, and the problem of overshoot is solved. Multiple environmental tests conducted on the entire machine indicate that the system can control the temperature of the detector to reach any desired temperature within a specified temperature difference range of 40 °C under the ambient temperature condition in orbit. The sensor temperature has a margin of error of ±0.1 °C. Compared to the conventional analog PID control method, the proposed method offers significant advantages of high sensitivity and strong stability. At a temperature of −10 °C, the noise of the detector is substantially reduced.
Key words:
- incremental PID /
- anti-integral saturation /
- input transition process /
- noise
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