Design of optical field of vision imaging for defect detection of paper and transparent film
为实现包装盒纸质基底层和透明膜层缺陷的同步检测,开展了对纸和膜缺陷的同步成像研究。首先,分别建立了标准球面积分光场、椭球面积分光场和弧面积分光场模型,并利用COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6对3类光场进行射线仿真,对比分析了球面积分光场下射线角度均匀性及辐照均匀性,通过正交仿真优化椭球面积分光场参数;其次,在椭球面积分光场环境、亮场前打光环境、暗场前打光环境下对包装盒成像。与此同时,对包装盒的油污、抵触、开口、泡皱、破损5项常见缺陷依次进行物理检测和机器视觉检测,验证缺陷成像的有效性。试验结果表明,在椭球面积分光场下成像,图像对纸质基底层缺陷特征、透明膜层缺陷特征均有较好的呈现效果,图像上油污、抵触、开口、泡皱、破损的物理检出率分别为96.2%、92.5%、100%、95%、92%,异常检出率分别为98.6%、97.5%、100%、100%、98.4%,缺陷类别检出率分别为97.6%、96%、100%、97%、96%。研究结果表明,椭球面积分光场光路角度和辐照强度均匀,覆透明膜包装盒的缺陷特征呈现清晰,满足工业生产的检测要求。
Abstract:To achieve synchronous detection of defects in the paper and transparent film layers of packaging boxes, we studied the synchronous imaging of the paper and film defect. Firstly, we established models for a standard sphere integral light field, an ellipsoidal integral light field, and an arc integral light field. We then simulated three different light fields using COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6 and compared their ray angle uniformity and irradiation uniformity. The parameters of ellipsoidal area integral light field are optimized by orthogonal simulation. Secondly, the packaging box was imaged using the ellipsoidal integral light field, the bright and dark field forward lighting. Physical detection and machine vision were used to detect five common defects in the packaging box, including oil stains, pressure marks, openings, bubble wrinkles, and breakages, to verify the effectiveness of defect imaging. The results show that the images can clearly present defect characteristics in the paper base and transparent film layers under ellipsoidal integral light field. The physical detection rates for oil stains, pressure marks, openings, bubble wrinkles, and breakages were 96.2%, 92.5%, 100%, 95%, and 92%, respectively. Anomaly detection rates were 98.6%, 97.5%, 100%, 100%, 98.4%, respectively. Detection rates of defects were 97.6%, 96%, 100%, 97%, and 96%, respectively. This study indicates that the consistent optical path angle and irradiation intensity result in a uniform ellipsoidal integral light field. Consequently, transparent film imaging of the packaging box shows clear defect characteristics that satisfy the standards for industrial detection application.
表 1 3种光场主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of the three types of integrated light fields
光场类型 光罩尺寸A
×B×H/mm半径R或R1×R2×R3/mm 投射口距
距离C/mm标准球面积分光场 180×180×130 85 35 20 椭球面积
分光场1180×180×110 85×65×65 35 20 椭球面积
分光场2180×180×110 65×85×65 35 20 弧面积
分光场180×130×130 85 35 20 表 2 因素水平表
Table 2. Coding table of experimental factors and levels
水平 因素 半径比(R1/R2) 投射口距离S/(mm) 辐照面距离C/( mm) 1 1.1 30 5 0 1.3 35 17.5 -1 1.5 40 30 表 3 试验方案与结果
Table 3. Experimental scheme and results
序号 因素 辐照比Q/% R1/R2 S/(mm) C/( mm) 1 1.3 40 30 80 2 1.1 35 5 76 3 1.5 35 5 74 4 1.3 35 17.5 92 5 1.1 30 17.5 76 6 1.3 30 30 82 7 1.5 35 30 70 8 1.3 35 17.5 90 9 1.3 35 17.5 90 10 1.5 40 17.5 70 11 1.3 30 5 86 12 1.3 40 5 84 13 1.3 35 17.5 92 14 1.3 35 17.5 92 15 1.1 40 17.5 74 16 1.1 35 30 72 17 1.5 30 17.5 72 表 4 方差分析
Table 4. Variance analysis
变异来源 平方和 自由度 均方 F P 模型 1104.73 9 122.75 126.36 < 0.0001*** R1:R2 18.00 1 18.00 18.53 0.0035*** S 8.00 1 8.00 8.24 0.0240** C 32.00 1 32.00 32.94 0.0007*** 残差 6.80 7 0.9714 失拟 2.00 3 0.6667 0.5556 0.6716 误差 4.80 4 1.20 总和 1111.53 16 注:**表示影响显著(P<0.05),***表示影响极显著(P<0.01) 表 5 缺陷检出数量统计
Table 5. Statistics on detected defects
缺陷类别 缺陷数量 椭球面积分光场环境 亮场前打光环境 暗场前打光环境 缺陷检出数量 缺陷检出率/% 缺陷检出数量 缺陷检出率/% 缺陷检出数量 缺陷检出率/% 油污 213 205 96.2 206 96.7 138 64.8 抵触 80 74 92.5 76 95 54 67.5 开口 50 50 100 50 100 38 76 泡皱 98 93 95 64 65 93 95 破损 125 115 92 74 59 116 92.8 表 6 图像缺陷的机器视觉检测结果
Table 6. Machine Vision detection results of image defects
数量椭球面积分光场环境 亮场前打光环境 暗场前打光环境 异常检
检出率/%油污 213 210 98.6 208 97.6 210 98.6 210 98.6 140 65.7 140 65.7 抵触 80 78 97.5 75 96 79 98.7 78 97.5 60 75 62 77.5 开口 50 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 38 76 40 80 泡皱 98 98 100 95 97 70 71.4 67 68 95 97 95 97 破损 125 123 98.4 120 96 82 65.5 80 64 120 96 122 97.6 -
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